Bora Vio

title: Bora Vio

Located within the Lido system was the planet known as Bora Vio. This planet possessed a cloudy atmosphere. At one point, a Kaminoan facility existed on Bora Vio, but it was abandoned by the time the Galactic Empire rose to power. The Kaminoans chose this facility on Bora Vio as the designated meeting place where the bounty hunter Cad Bane was to deliver the clone named Omega to Taun We. However, the bounty hunter Fennec Shand, dispatched by the Kaminoan Nala Se, arrived to foil Bane's plan and prevent Omega's transfer to Taun We. After Omega successfully escaped, Shand engaged Bane in combat, transmitting a signal from the facility before fleeing on a flight pod. This signal was received by her squad, the clone commando unit known as the Bad Batch, who promptly arrived in their starship, the Marauder, to rescue her from Bora Vio.

Following their extraction of the former Imperial Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart from the Imperial labor camp found on the planet Erebus, the Bad Batch made their way to Bora Vio to link up with Echo, a former member of their squad. Echo arrived in a stolen Rho-class transport shuttle, which they then used to travel to Imperial Station 003 orbiting Coruscant.

   content="Star Wars: The Bad Batch — Bounty Lost (First appearance)"

   content="The Bad Batch: Hunted!"

   content="Star Wars: The Bad Batch — Into the Breach"