HCVw A9 turbo tank

The HCVw A9 turbo tank, often referred to as a Juggernaut, represented a significant model of large, ten-wheeled tank utilized by the forces of the Galactic Empire. Originating from the armored, wheeled combat vehicle production line of Kuat Drive Yards, it served as the advanced replacement for the Grand Army of the Republic's HAVw A6 Juggernaut. This turbo tank saw extensive use by the Empire throughout the Imperial Era, functioning as a troop carrier and general transport vehicle.


An HCVw A9 turbo tank as illustrated in The Rebel Files.

The HCVw A9 turbo tank was a product of Kuat Drive Yards' series of wheeled armored tanks, and it was designed as a successor to the HAVw A6 Juggernaut used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Its primary function was as an infantry fighting vehicle, designed to transport soldiers to combat zones and provide protection after deployment.

The HCVw A9 featured lighter weapons and armor compared to other turbo tanks. To compensate, it had enhanced speed and a hull designed to deflect energy weapon fire. Despite this, Juggernauts could still easily break through fortifications and withstand direct hits from light vehicle-mounted projectiles. Its structure consisted of two sections: a large cargo area, configurable for either troops or [prisoners](/article/prisoner], connected to the command deck via a flexible, reinforced joint.

Its armament included two turret-mounted heavy repeating blasters for engaging infantry, as well as dorsal rapid-fire rotary laser cannon turrets for anti-aerial and anti-missile defense. It also had four forward-mounted rapid-fire blasters and two retractable multi-tube guided missile launchers. HCVw A9s typically operated in support roles within larger armored formations, alongside Juggernauts, walkers, and other fast assault vehicles.


An HCVw in the Imperial Army.

The HCVw saw action during the era of the Clone Wars.

During 19 BBY, an HCVw tank was used to move Hera Syndulla, Gobi Glie, and Serin to the Imperial Refinery located on Ryloth after their arrest for smuggling weapons onto the planet. This particular tank also carried Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, Senator Orn Free Taa, and Captain Howzer, who was tasked with guarding the prisoners. Four BARC speeders provided escort. Cham Syndulla, Eleni Syndulla, and members of the Free Ryloth Movement launched an attack on the convoy with the goal of rescuing the prisoners, which prompted Rampart to request reinforcements. However, Lenk had disabled their communications, preventing the message from getting through. The rescue attempt resulted in Hera's escape with her droid, C1-10P "Chopper," on a speeder, but her rescuers were captured by stormtroopers transported by Low Altitude Assault Transports. Rampart then ordered Howzer and his troops to secure the area, confident that Hera would not get far.

An A9 turbo tank firing its missiles in Erebus

HCVws were also deployed at the Imperial labor camp on the planet Erebus as transports for prisoners going to and from the mines. In 18 BBY, Clone Force 99 attacked one of these tanks and seized it to extract Edmon Rampart, who was now a prisoner himself. Another transport and LAATs were sent by the prison warden to attack the hijacked turbo tank, but Clone Force 99 successfully repelled them. However, their turbo tank became disabled, forcing them to flee Erebus aboard Phee Genoa's ship, the Providence.

An HCVw A9 was the vehicle used to transport Jyn Erso and Oolin Musters, who were Imperial prisoners from the Wobani Labor Camp, to an unknown location. During the journey, the A9 was ambushed and Rebel troopers from Extraction Team Bravo breached the tank's lower entrance, freeing Erso from her imprisonment.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the HCVw A9 turbo tank occurred in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the 2016 anthology film directed by Gareth Edwards. Its identification was provided in the film's visual guide which was released on the same day. It later featured in several episodes of the animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch.

Following the release of "Juggernaut", an episode of The Bad Batch on April 10, 2024, the Databank entry for the HCVw A9.2 juggernaut transport was updated; the image was changed to a picture of the HCVw A9 turbo tank from the episode, but the rest of the information in the entry remained the same.

