Oolin Musters

Oolin Musters, though known as Kennel during her incarceration by the Galactic Empire, and despite asserting to others that her name was Nail, was a Blutopian female who belonged to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. By the time 0 BBY arrived, Musters had been seized by the Empire and was being held in a labor camp situated on the planet of Wobani, where she shared a prison cell with the offender Jyn Erso. Musters threatened to kill Erso, but never got the opportunity because Rebel soldiers, acting on behalf of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, rescued her cellmate.


Oolin Musters shared a cell with Jyn Erso on Wobani.

As a Blutopian female member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Oolin Musters found herself captured by the Galactic Empire and subsequently confined within an Imperial labor camp located on the planet Wobani. While imprisoned there, she told other inmates that she was called Nail, but instead was called Kennel, due to the various parasites that lived in a filthy cloth jacket she wore that barely covered her chest.

The human criminal Jyn Erso, using the alias "Liana Hallik," became Musters' cellmate, and one late night in 0 BBY, when Erso's movement in her bunk sleep woke Musters, the alien threatened to kill the human during their next work assignment. The following day, the guards randomly selected the pair to be removed from their cell and chained into a turbo-tank, a prisoner transport used by the camp. Musters avoided eye contact with the other three prisoners, which Erso interpreted as a sign that Musters would have no allies in her planned attack.

The turbo-tank carrying Musters and Erso was attacked by the Rebel Alliance.

However, Musters never got the opportunity to try and kill Erso. Before the tank reached its intended destination, it came under attack from a squad of Alliance Special forces troopers searching for Erso. The rebels swiftly blasted the door off the vehicle, surprising Musters, and eliminated the three stormtroopers guarding the prisoners. They then freed their target, who struck Rebel Sergeant Ruescott Melshi with a spade and attempted to escape from her rescuers, running past Musters as the alien stood up. Erso exited the tank but was stopped by the reprogrammed KX-series security droid K-2SO. Erso was then taken back to the Alliance's base on the moon Yavin 4.

Musters then managed to escape from Imperial custody and traveled to Jedha City on the moon Jedha. While in one of the city's streets, she and other civilians were forced to step aside to allow an Imperial patrol, including an "Occupier" combat assault tank, to pass. As the patrol passed Musters, members of Saw Gerrera's partisans attacked it, causing most civilians in the street to flee. Shortly after this attack, Jedha city was destroyed by the Empire's Death Star superweapon.

Personality and traits

Musters had leathery gray and brown skin.

Oolin Musters possessed leathery gray and brown skin, along with tentacles extending from her pinched, worm-like faces. Her sleep was characterized by moans and wheezes, and her speaking voice resembled the sound of claws scraping on slate.

When Erso woke late at night, causing Musters to awaken as well, the alien instructed her cellmate to return to sleep and then inquired if she desired a warning before being killed. Despite Erso's denial, Musters proceeded to inform her of her murderous intentions, explaining that she preferred a quiet cell when Erso suggested that she would miss her company. When Erso questioned why, Musters asserted that she had always been this way while imprisoned, even during her childhood.

Behind the scenes

Shah walking around in Musters' costume on the set of Jedha

Oolin Musters initially appeared briefly in the second trailer for the film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which was unveiled on October 13, 2016, preceding the film's release in North America on December 16 of the same year. Actor Kiran Shah, who had previously played roles in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens and Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, portrayed the character. The character's name was also revealed before the film's release as part of an article titled "Star Wars: Meet the Creatures and Droids in Rogue One," featured in a special issue of Entertainment Weekly published on December 9. In the article, creature-effects supervisor Neal Scanlan disclosed that Musters' design drew inspiration from real-world sea creatures like squid, and referred to the character as a "he." Musters was initially conceived as a pedestrian in the streets of Jedha City and was known as "Blue Top" during production.

