Scrapper Guild

The Scrapper Guild functioned as an organization on the Mid Rim planet of Bracca. Their period of activity spanned the reign of the Galactic Empire and extended into the First Order-Resistance War. This group specialized in the dismantling of capital ships, along with other materials, left over from the Clone Wars.


Prior to the Clone Wars, engineering operations were present on the world of Bracca for a number of years. However, the Scrapper Guild itself was formally established during the Clone Wars. At this time, Bracca's facilities were specifically modified to efficiently break down and salvage capital ships. This process, referred to as "scrapping," quickly became Bracca's most lucrative industry. The Guild grew substantially, adapting its extensive scrapyards to manage the disposal of various starships and vehicles. They also recycled and repurposed related technology and infrastructure.

The Scrapper Guild dismantled the vast amount of ships on Bracca

During the Clone Wars, some Guild members who sympathized with the Confederacy of Independent Systems assisted in an attempt to seize the system from the control of the Galactic Republic. Even though the Republic secured the planet at the end of the war, this action led the newly formed Galactic Empire to reduce wages and weaken safety regulations within Bracca's scrapyards. Despite these reductions, the Guild initiated a costly campaign to gain favor with the Empire. This campaign focused on eliminating any vehicles, equipment, and technology linked to the Galactic Republic. Prauf and Cal Kestis, a former Jedi Padawan, both worked for the Guild during the early years of the Empire's rule.

Rex and Clone Force 99 avoided the Scrapper Guild on Bracca.

Shortly after the Empire's creation, the Bad Batch, a renegade group of clone commandos, traveled to Bracca alongside Rex, a former Clone Captain. Their purpose was to remove their inhibitor chips within the medical bay of a wrecked Venator-class Star Destroyer. To avoid encountering Scrapper Guild patrols, they chose to land their ship in a hangar located at a distance from the Star Destroyer, opting to walk the remaining distance. When Wrecker inquired about the landing location, the group was forced to take cover from a Guild patrol aboard a hover barge, at which point Rex explained that the Guild controlled the planet. Later that night, after the surgeries were completed and Rex had departed from the Batch, two Guild members on patrol spotted Hunter, the squad leader, outside the wreckage. One of them ordered that the Empire be informed about the intruders. The Batch stayed on Bracca for a little longer, as Hunter hoped to find something valuable in the wreckage that could repay the squad's debt to Cid, an information broker. Echo, Wrecker, and Omega encountered three scrappers who were spying on them, leading to a confrontation before they were able to stun and capture the scrappers. Following this incident, Echo urged them to leave immediately, referencing Rex's warning. However, Hunter decided they would search the wreckage first, believing they would be gone before the scrappers regained consciousness. Instead, Imperial forces arrived, resulting in a skirmish.

The Guild remained active up to the time of the First Order-Resistance War. Puwanini, along with other workers, formed a Bracca resistance and assisted the Resistance during the mission to Bracca.


The Guild's scrappers were divided into specializations: Cutters, Hazmats, and Riggers. Foreman droids supervised them from hover barges. Being a scrapper was a difficult and often dangerous occupation. Hazmat scrappers, who worked in hazardous environments and relied on outdated safety equipment, held a low position in the hierarchy.

Guild members typically came from low-income communities found throughout the galaxy.

The Guild managed an extensive network of high-speed cargo trains that transported salvaged parts and technology for off-world shipment. The average shipment passed through 25 security checkpoints before being sent to the Core Worlds for resale. The Guild also routinely conducted security patrols on hover barges, monitoring Bracca's starship graveyards for intruders, whom they would report to the authorities.

Various Aurebesh inscriptions from the Guild

The guild also maintained a Guild store where they sold hardhelmets to scrappers for 250 credits.

Despite the "Safety first" messages promoted via Aurebesh signs, the Guild sometimes required its riggers to salvage live munitions. Furthermore, the guild occasionally used the ship cutter to cut the wings off starships while Guild riggers were still on the wing, endangering their lives.

The Guild was known to control almost all services on Bracca. Because of their established system, credits earned during a workday were often quickly reclaimed by the Guild, due to their specific "market prices" for necessities such as food and lodging.

