Shipyards of Exegol

The Exegol shipyards were clandestine, underground shipyard manufacturing plants and forges situated within the Forbidden District of the Unknown Regions planet Exegol. These facilities were responsible for the creation of Xyston-class Star Destroyers. These aged shipyard forges originated during the time of the ancient Sith Wars, which were fought for dominion over the galaxy. Following Darth Sidious's ascension to power, he modernized these installations as a component of his extensive Contingency strategy. The goal was to maintain a stronghold of power unknown to his Imperial subordinates. Utilizing covert deliveries of resources from Sidious's corporate collaborators, these facilities were upgraded to manufacture Xyston-class Star Destroyers and TIE/dg starfighters. Once brought online, the shipyards were capable of operating relentlessly, concealed from the view of the New Republic.

