Hutt clone trooper

Hutt clone troopers represented a specialized group of soldiers derived from Hutt genetic material via cloning processes. Their creation was overseen by the Tarkin Initiative under the authority of the Galactic Empire. Despite not being approved for widespread deployment, these troopers were cryogenically preserved within an archive located on Hivebase-1, a clandestine facility managed by the Tarkin Initiative. During an infiltration event at the base, conducted by a team of mercenaries, the frozen, rejected projects were revived as a defensive measure against the intruders. Two Hutt clone troopers subsequently accompanied Imperial Commander Yewl and his guard of elite death troopers in an attempt to neutralize the mercenary threat. Ultimately, the group failed to prevent the mercenaries from absconding with Hivebase-1's datacore, after which the facility was destroyed.


The Hutt clone [troopers](/article/trooper] were soldiers cloned from Hutts, distinguished by their black armor plating covering their arms, along with a cybernetic headset. They were equipped with supercharged carbines as their primary weapons. They also wore the armor.


The Tarkin Initiative, a component of the Galactic Empire's Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research, was responsible for the development of Hutt clone troopers during the reign of the Empire. The project's high costs led to its cancellation for mass production, but the troopers were deemed too valuable to simply discard. Consequently, they were stored in cryogenic stasis within the archives of Hivebase-1, a top-secret Tarkin Initiative installation. Around 3 ABY, a group of mercenaries affiliated with the Son-tuul Pride syndicate infiltrated Hivebase-1. They brought General Hera Syndulla of the Rebel Alliance, who was being held captive, as part of their plan to board the facility. During their intrusion, the mercenaries discovered the archives containing the Hutt clone troopers, along with other experimental projects that had been shelved.

The Hutt clone troopers fire on the infiltrators in Hivebase-1.

Upon discovering the intrusion, Hivebase-1's central control activated the frozen projects, leading to an attack on the mercenaries. Some of the mercenaries, accompanied by Syndulla, managed to reach the datacore. Chelli Aphra, the leader of the mercenary team, tried to access the databanks to find what she needed. Commander [Yewl](/article/yewl], the commanding officer of Hivebase-1, confronted the intruders, accompanied by two Hutt clone troopers and a guard composed of death troopers. Yewl gave the order to capture Syndulla and kill the mercenaries, which resulted in a firefight between his forces and the mercenary crew.

While two of her fellow mercenaries provided cover, Aphra utilized the datacore terminal, along with an AJ^3 cyborg construct, to initiate the theft of the entire datacore. This was accomplished using the tractor beam of a rebel starship that had arrived to rescue Syndulla. Yewl, his guard, and the Hutt clone troopers were sealed off from the datacore during this process, prompting the commander to order his troops back to base control. Shortly thereafter, Hivebase-1 was destroyed when Aphra's modified explosive Tookas, which had been released inside the base, were detonated, leading to the facility's destruction.

Behind the scenes

The debut of Hutt clone troopers occurred in the comic book Doctor Aphra (2016) 18, authored by Simon Spurrier, with illustrations by Emilio Laiso. The comic was released on March 28, 2018.

