During the Imperial Era's initial stages, a clone trooper functioned within the Galactic Empire both as a stormtrooper and a technician.
In the year 19 BBY, this clone stormtrooper found himself stationed on a Venator-class Star Destroyer. This vessel was part of an Imperial fleet dispatched to Kamino with the mission of obliterating the planet's cloning operations. The Venator, carrying this clone, was one of three ships tasked with the bombardment and destruction of Tipoca City, which served as both the Kaminoan capital and their primary cloning center. Following the city's devastation, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart requested a status update from the clone. The trooper then verified that all of Kamino's facilities had collapsed into the ocean. With this confirmation, Rampart gave the order for his ships to rejoin the main fleet.
Being a clone derived from Jango Fett's genetic material, the trooper was a human male of 1.83 meters in height. He possessed black hair, brown eyes, and a tan complexion. Following the events of the Great Jedi Purge, this clone, in common with the vast majority of his brethren, continued his service to the Galactic Empire as a stormtrooper.
The trooper exhibited a profound sense of duty. However, a noticeable tone of dejection was present when he communicated the destruction of Kamino's cloning facilities to Rampart, suggesting a possible feeling of sorrow over the loss of the place of his birth.
During the early years of the Galactic Empire's rule, and as a stormtrooper, this clone was equipped with standard-issue Phase 2 clone trooper armor. This armor lacked any distinctive markings or coloration.