Chirrut Îmwe

Chirrut Îmwe

A human male who was born blind on [Jedha](/article/jedha], a moon, was named Chirrut Îmwe. His birth year was 53 BBY. He was a master of Zama-shiwo martial arts, and he also wielded a uneti-wood staff and a self-made lightbow. As one of the Guardians of the Whills, a spiritual order of warrior-monks, he was active during the days of the Galactic Empire, working as a traveling preacher in Jedha City. He journeyed to Eadu with Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, K-2SO, Bodhi Rook, and his close companion and protector, Baze Malbus. Îmwe joined a volunteer group of Rebels with the mission of stealing the plans for the original Death Star. He died in 1 BBY during the Battle of Scarif, assisting Erso and Andor in their infiltration of the Imperial archives. Chirrut's courageous sacrifice, along with the rest of Rogue One, was instrumental in the mission's success, leading to the eventual destruction of the Death Star.


Early life

Chirrut Îmwe's life began in 53 BBY on the moon of Jedha, where he born. He became a member of the Guardians of the Whills alongside his longtime friend Baze Malbus. Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, a galactic-spanning conflict between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, Îmwe was approached by Steya, who requested that he teach her zama-shiwo. This was a fighting style in which Îmwe was a master. They practiced outside the Temple of the Kyber for years. The Clone Wars ended, however, with the rise of the Galactic Empire, which supplanted the Republic and began to exert its control over the galaxy.

Age of the Empire

Chirrut Îmwe fought Hondo Ohnaka on Jedha

Around 14 BBY, Îmwe sensed a disturbance in a tunnel connected to the Temple of the Kyber. He encountered Dok-Ondar and Hondo Ohnaka after the latter's protege had been killed and they stole a kyber crystal statue. Îmwe told the pair that their hurried escape did not resemble the footsteps of the devout and could sense they were carrying the stolen item. He introduced himself and told them that he could not permit theft in such a sacred location. Ohnaka said he would be easy to defeat due to his blindness, Îmwe countered that there were alternative ways to see without eyes and defended himself.

The pair continued to duel until Dok-Ondar interrupted, telling Îmwe of his respect for the Guardians and that he was tuned in to the Force enough to know the Ithorian's motivations were not nefarious. He told Îmwe that the statue was one of exactly 2,304 that lined the Temple's tunnels and that the artefact was priceless to him as it could aid in solving the mystery of his parent's murder. He pleaded with Îmwe to let him take the statue out of the dark and back into the light and, after a brief pause, Îmwe relented and allowed the pair to leave the tunnel with the statue. In 1 BBY, Padawan Ezra Bridger entered the World Between Worlds, a place that existed between time and space, and heard Îmwe's voice within.

A Devoted Guardian

Unrest in the streets

In 1 BBY, Îmwe, along with former Guardian Baze Malbus, encountered Silvanie Phest, an Anomid, in Jedha City's streets. He would give her charity so she could get food and water. Îmwe smiled at hearing her soft, modulated voice as it reminded him of the days when her harmonic voice would sing prayers at the Temple of the Kyber, something Îmwe missed greatly. Having spent years at the Temple previously, he was aware that only a small number of Disciples of the Whills, Malbus and himself were all that remained to guard the city and their home. She told Îmwe that a man was stationed along the Old Shadows near the Temple who was frightening the devoted and claiming to be a Jedi. She feared he was there to bring danger and violence which would alert the Empire and lead to the end of the Disciples and Guardians of the Whills.

Chirrut Îmwe protected the Temple of the Kyber as a Guardian of the Whills

Îmwe was intrigued, but Malbus did not believe Phest's claim - something Îmwe did not find surprising. He once believed Jedha held a balance, though knew when the Empire arrived, they had ruptured it in the name of order. It made him sad, and all the more determined to keep his faith in the Force and to find a way to ease the suffering of those around him. Îmwe agreed to help, and despite Malbus' grumblings, the pair followed Phest. In the streets and marketplaces, Îmwe smelt fear in the air. Occasionally, he himself felt fear but he never caught the scent from Malbus. Reaching their destination, Îmwe heard the man claiming to be a Jedi. He softly told himself he was one with the Force and stretched out with his feelings - though he was not a Jedi or Force-sensitive, he could feel the Force around him. Sometimes it was effortless, and other times it was difficult, but he felt the Force moving around him, binding him and the galaxy together. He felt the warmth of the light and the chill of the dark, and the further he stretched out, he felt like he could almost see. When the feeling slipped away, it did not leave him entirely, instead feeling like a lingering memory. His connection to the Force around him only increased his feeling of pain at Malbus' lack of faith.

Reaching out again through the Force, he felt the man was no Jedi. The man, Wernad, implored Îmwe to stand with him against the Imperials. Îmwe took the man's hand and asked for his name, then held out his palm and felt Wernad's face before telling the man that his desire to fight the Empire went against what he claimed to be. As Wernad began to argue, Îmwe silenced him by asking how long he had worked in the kyber mines, a question the man had not expected. Wernad confirmed to Îmwe that his clutchmates had passed away during their time working and that he desired to make the Empire pay. Imwe told him he could not involve innocents in his plan and instructed everyone to sit. When Wernad stated he had to do something, Îmwe told him that by keeping the faith, they were doing just that.

Returning to the room they shared near the Old Market, Îmwe sat in his usual space in the room and smiled to himself as he meditated. After serving them both tarine tea, Malbus told Îmwe that he believed Wernad was not wrong with his words. Îmwe suggested that maybe Wernad was the wrong man to lead the fight, to which Malbus retorted that it was not his friend's place to decide that. Îmwe simply replied that it was no more his place than it was Malbus' to watch over him. When Malbus described the destruction the Empire had brought to Jedha, Îmwe agreed that he understood the reason for Wernad’s rage.

Stealing from the Empire

Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus fought stormtroopers and stole supplies on Jedha

Later that night, Îmwe and Malbus hid in the darkness of midnight near the LZ-Cresh landing bay, where they eventually intended to steal weapons, medicine, food, and tea from a landspeeder that would be approaching a specific Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle. When the hauler arrived, Îmwe identified it immediately and became frustrated at Malbus who wanted to wait for confirmation. When Malbus said he was being particularly annoying that night, Îmwe remarked that there was plenty of night left to go. Eventually, Îmwe made his way into position to attract the attention of the stormtroopers in the speeder. The four stormtroopers in the speeder did not believe that Îmwe was an innocent civilian and threatened to run him down. Before they could, Malbus shot three of them before Îmwe eliminated the final trooper with his staff. The pair leapt into the speeder and Îmwe joked that he should drive as they headed to meet Denic, a local insurgent, and provide her with the stolen weapons and ammo.

The Orphanage

The pair headed to the Gimm sisters' orphanage where they delivered the food and medicine to Killi Gimm and her sister Kaya, who looked after the city's orphans. A grateful Killi served the two men tarine tea, which Îmwe gladly accepted. He rested on a stool and heard the sounds of children's laughter coming from the common room. Îmwe smiled at hearing this as it was a sound he had not heard in a long time. His smile vanished at the harsh sound of Killi coughing, which she blamed on the dust. When she told the pair her cough was only bad on some days but better on others, Îmwe asked what day it was then. She told him not to make her laugh as her cough would return. Îmwe took her hand, telling her the Force was with him and he was one with the Force. In reply, she told him she feared nothing, for all is as the Force wills. He then felt Malbus' sorrow for Killi through the Force. Îmwe informed her that there was enough Respitic for her to take, but she refused, saying the children's needs were more important. She joked that Îmwe had adopted her stubbornness over time.

Chirrut Îmwe was a close acquaintance of Killi Gimm (pictured)

Îmwe thought about how the city had not needed an orphanage until the Empire arrived and knew the Imperials had everything the orphanage needed in terms of supplies. The necessity of procuring the cargo weighed on Îmwe, but he did not feel guilt or regret for his behavior, instead, he felt sadness. He knew their actions were undertaken with the best intentions but he knew that the stormtrooper he had killed would not be the last life he took. He was at peace with the necessity of his actions though he took no pleasure from them, and took no small comfort in knowing Malbus felt the same way.

Îmwe continued to listen for the sound of the children's joy and laughter to lift his spirit. When Kaya and Killi returned to the room, he asked how long the supplies would last. Kaya replied positively but was worried about how the Imperials would respond. Îmwe told her the Imperials saw their actions as theft and not charity, therefore they would target the thieves, but heard the resignation in her voice when she said the Empire would realise what was happening eventually. Malbus asked the pair if they wished for them to stop their supply runs, and Killi stated she was worried about what would happen in the long run. When she said they would be trapped in the cycle they were in as long as the Empire was around, Îmwe declared they find a way to break the cycle. Killi agreed, saying they must do so before the cycle broke them.

Tea with strangers

Leaving the orphanage, Îmwe and Malbus argued over the latter's damaged weapon. When the pair agreed that they knew of no one who would put up with the other, the argument ended in good spirits. Malbus quickly informed Îmwe that they were being followed, a suggestion that amused Îmwe who told his friend to quiz the strangers on why they were following the pair.

Chirrut Îmwe, defender of Jedha

As they entered Hopper Town, Îmwe sensed a large stormtrooper presence in the area and halted Malbus in his stride. He told his friend that violence was coming and that they should move. When they reached the town's narrow alleyways, the pair bickered over who would go first after Îmwe realized Malbus would not fit. Their discussion was cut short when Malbus was spotted by the troopers, who advanced upon him. Malbus pushed Îmwe into the alleyway and told him he would catch up before running in the opposite direction.

Îmwe made his way back home where a Twi'lek named Beezer Fortuna and a Sabat named Leevan Tenza met him. The pair had been the ones following Îmwe and Malbus earlier in the day. He served them tarine tea, thinking it was the polite thing to do. When Malbus returned after nightfall with a new MWC-35c "Staccato Lightning" repeating cannon, Îmwe calmly told him to resist the urge to use it upon their visitors. Îmwe remained silent as his friend confronted the strangers as to their motives, and when they were offered an invite to meet with someone keen to meet them.

Meeting Saw Gerrera

Îmwe and Malbus were taken by speeder to a base an hour outside of the Holy City. He could sense that Fortuna, Tenza, and the driver were warriors who had taken lives, and would be willing to do so again, and reckoned they were no different to him and Malbus in that particular sense. When they arrived at their destination, Îmwe centered himself and could feel that they were far into the frigid desert. He felt they were in an aged place and could sense memories and stories buried around him, and realized he had not been there before. He asked Malbus what he could see, and his friend replied that the Three Faces were surrounding them as they ventured further to meet with the mysterious person who had summoned them. As they entered a canyon, Îmwe sensed a presence waiting for them and stepped in front of Malbus, who had raised his new weapon at the man in front of them.

Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus met Saw Gerrera on Jedha

Îmwe informed the man that they had come at his instruction, and, if they were in an executioner's field, the gesture was too much effort to spend on the likes of him and Malbus. The man said he lived with caution and those who fight the Empire would understand. The stranger's raspy breathing made Îmwe think of Killi as he reached out to sense the man through the Force but found only emptiness, sadness, grief, pain, and rage with only a small ember of light. He eventually introduced himself as Saw Gerrera, and Îmwe told him they were not familiar with him. Gerrera invited the pair to fight alongside him and his Partisans to end the Imperial presence on Jedha, though Îmwe questioned why Gerrera needed their help specifically. Gerrera told them he chose them as they knew Jedha intimately and that the planet was the perfect site to hurt the Empire. Îmwe could sense Malbus responding to Gerrera’s words and knew the passion answered to passion. It nearly proved enough for him to ignore his instinct that Gerrera's motives were not as altruistic as he declared them to be. The pair left the canyon with Gerrera asking them to consider his offer.

When they were transported back to their home in the Holy City, Fortuna gave Îmwe a small communication device to contact him. Entering their home, Îmwe challenged Malbus on his belief that fighting the Empire alongside the Partisans was better than not fighting at all. His friend believed the time to fight had come and Îmwe agreed that the Empire would not allow Gerrera's Partisans any foothold on the planet. Îmwe questioned whether Gerrera was all he said he was, and believed he had lied to the pair by omission rather than declaration. When Malbus admitted he did not trust Gerrera but believed his words, Îmwe sighed and told his friend he felt the same.

Distress at the orphanage

The pair later headed to the orphanage to find it had been raided and emptied by the Imperials. When Malbus informed him the orphanage was not in a good state, Îmwe called inside for the Gimm sisters but met no reply. They made their way inside the empty building, and Îmwe surmised that no one was there and that no blasters had been used as the air did not smell like blasterfire. Accepting that everyone had been evicted, the pair left the orphanage and were met by five stormtroopers outside. Îmwe smiled and enquired whose company they were in to emit an air of innocence. After Malbus informed him that they were stormtroopers, he raised his staff in the air and declared his support for Emperor Palpatine. After feigning ignorance of his surroundings, Îmwe enquired where the residents of the orphanage were taken. After the stormtrooper sergeant stated she did not know, Îmwe enquired whether the street was empty before splitting the sergeant's helmet in two with his staff as Malbus dealt with the remaining troopers using his new cannon.

They later located Killi, Kaya, and the orphans at an abandoned house Malbus had found years prior. Inside, the sisters and the children were gripped with fear and sadness. The sisters did not blame the pair for the Empire's actions in evicting them, and Îmwe asked whether anyone was hurt. When Kaya confirmed B'asia, a young Togruta, was struck by a stormtrooper, Îmwe could feel Malbus' strong glare on him as he told her he worried about the cold night ahead and the lack of supplies. He asked to be alone with Malbus, though the pair sat in silence for a short while after the sisters left. Îmwe began to repeat the Guardian's Mantra to himself before passing Fortuna's communication device to Malbus. He instructed his friend to request food, water, medicine, and beds for the orphans in exchange for their help with Gerrera's cause, a request that Malbus completed.

Joining the Partisans

After allying with the Partisans, Îmwe participated in smaller missions in the initial months but believed Gerrera thought his blindness was a liability. He also thought he made the Partisan leader uncomfortable.

Two months into their partnership, as part of his latest mission, Îmwe was positioned a kilometer away from the intersection between Blessing Way and the Square of Stars in Jedha City. There he waited as an All Terrain Scout Transport headed towards an area where the Partisans would ambush it on Îmwe’s signal. While waiting for the transport to reach its position, Îmwe thought of Gerrera and the secrets he was hiding, though he could not blame the Partisan leader for being paranoid as he knew the Empire wanted him dead at any cost. He reflected on the effects that his and Malbus' actions had had - stealing supplies from the Empire had led to the loss of the orphanage and how for every insurgent who struck at a stormtrooper, another trooper had arrived to strike back. Îmwe was unsure whether Gerrera’s war against the Empire had changed that or simply accelerated the escalation, but he knew the Imperials would continue to mine the planet’s kyber if they could get away with it. He thought of how the Empire had no respect for the lives of the citizens, and Gerrera's war had not changed that, believing that when a bully turned angry, only innocents suffered.

Chirrut Îmwe allied with Benthic (pictured) and the Partisans

A male human, who was blind, was known as Chirrut Îmwe. He was born on the moon Jedha in 53 BBY. He was a master of Zama-shiwo martial arts, and he made use of a uneti-wood staff and a handmade lightbow. Being a member of the Guardians of the Whills, a spiritual order of warrior-monks, he was active during the days of the Galactic Empire, and he worked as an itinerant preacher in Jedha City. He accompanied Cassian Andor, K-2SO, Jyn Erso, Bodhi Rook, and his close friend, partner, and protector, Baze Malbus to Eadu. Îmwe became a member of a volunteer group of Rebels whose goal was to steal the plans for the first Death Star. Îmwe died in 1 BBY during the Battle of Scarif, where he aided Erso and Andor in infiltrating the Imperial archives. Chirrut's brave sacrifice, along with the rest of Rogue One, ensured the mission's success and the eventual destruction of the Death Star.


Early life

Chirrut Îmwe was born on the moon of Jedha in 53 BBY, and became a member of the Guardians of the Whills with his longtime friend Baze Malbus. As the Clone Wars neared their end, which was a galactic conflict between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic between 22 BBY and 19 BBY, Îmwe was sought out by Steya, who wanted him to teach her the ways of zama-shiwo, a fighting style in which Îmwe was a master. For a number of years, they would meet outside the Temple of the Kyber to practice. However, the Clone Wars concluded with the rise of the Galactic Empire, which replaced the Republic and began to impose its will upon the galaxy.

Age of the Empire

Chirrut Îmwe fought Hondo Ohnaka on Jedha

Around the year 14 BBY, Îmwe responded to a disturbance in a tunnel that led to the Temple of the Kyber. He confronted Dok-Ondar and Hondo Ohnaka after the latter's protege had been killed and they stole a kyber crystal statue. Îmwe noted to the pair that their rushed departure did not sound like the footsteps of the pious, and he could sense that they were carrying the stolen item. He introduced himself and said that he could not allow theft to occur in such a holy place. When Ohnaka stated that he would be easy to defeat because he was blind, Îmwe retorted that there were other ways to see without eyes as he leapt to defend himself.

The pair continued to duel until Dok-Ondar interrupted, telling Îmwe of his respect for the Guardians and that he was tuned in to the Force enough to know the Ithorian's motivations were not nefarious. He told Îmwe that the statue was one of exactly 2,304 that lined the Temple's tunnels and that the artefact was priceless to him as it could aid in solving the mystery of his parent's murder. He pleaded with Îmwe to let him take the statue out of the dark and back into the light and, after a brief pause, Îmwe relented and allowed the pair to leave the tunnel with the statue. In 1 BBY, Padawan Ezra Bridger entered the World Between Worlds, a place that existed between time and space, and heard Îmwe's voice within.

A Devoted Guardian

Unrest in the streets

In 1 BBY, Îmwe, along with former Guardian Baze Malbus, encountered Silvanie Phest, an Anomid, to whom he would give charity in the streets of Jedha City so she could obtain food and water. Îmwe smiled at hearing her soft, modulated voice because it reminded him of the days when her harmonic voice would sing prayers at the Temple of the Kyber, which Îmwe missed greatly. He had spent years at the Temple previously, and he knew that only a handful of Disciples of the Whills, Malbus and himself were all that remained to guard the city and their home. She informed Îmwe that a man was stationed along the Old Shadows near the Temple who was frightening the devoted and claiming to be a Jedi. She feared he was there to bring danger and violence which would alert the Empire and lead to the end of the Disciples and Guardians of the Whills.

Chirrut Îmwe protected the Temple of the Kyber as a Guardian of the Whills

Îmwe was intrigued, but Malbus did not believe Phest's claim - something Îmwe did not find surprising. He once believed Jedha held a balance, though knew when the Empire arrived, they had ruptured it in the name of order. It made him sad, and all the more determined to keep his faith in the Force and to find a way to ease the suffering of those around him. Îmwe agreed to help, and despite Malbus' grumblings, the pair followed Phest. In the streets and marketplaces, Îmwe smelt fear in the air. Occasionally, he himself felt fear but he never caught the scent from Malbus. Reaching their destination, Îmwe heard the man claiming to be a Jedi. He softly told himself he was one with the Force and stretched out with his feelings - though he was not a Jedi or Force-sensitive, he could feel the Force around him. Sometimes it was effortless, and other times it was difficult, but he felt the Force moving around him, binding him and the galaxy together. He felt the warmth of the light and the chill of the dark, and the further he stretched out, he felt like he could almost see. When the feeling slipped away, it did not leave him entirely, instead feeling like a lingering memory. His connection to the Force around him only increased his feeling of pain at Malbus' lack of faith.

Reaching out again through the Force, he felt the man was no Jedi. The man, Wernad, implored Îmwe to stand with him against the Imperials. Îmwe took the man's hand and asked for his name, then held out his palm and felt Wernad's face before telling the man that his desire to fight the Empire went against what he claimed to be. As Wernad began to argue, Îmwe silenced him by asking how long he had worked in the kyber mines, a question the man had not expected. Wernad confirmed to Îmwe that his clutchmates had passed away during their time working and that he desired to make the Empire pay. Imwe told him he could not involve innocents in his plan and instructed everyone to sit. When Wernad stated he had to do something, Îmwe told him that by keeping the faith, they were doing just that.

Returning to the room they shared near the Old Market, Îmwe sat in his usual space in the room and smiled to himself as he meditated. After serving them both tarine tea, Malbus told Îmwe that he believed Wernad was not wrong with his words. Îmwe suggested that maybe Wernad was the wrong man to lead the fight, to which Malbus retorted that it was not his friend's place to decide that. Îmwe simply replied that it was no more his place than it was Malbus' to watch over him. When Malbus described the destruction the Empire had brought to Jedha, Îmwe agreed that he understood the reason for Wernad’s rage.

Stealing from the Empire

Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus fought stormtroopers and stole supplies on Jedha

Later that night, Îmwe and Malbus hid in the darkness of midnight near the LZ-Cresh landing bay, where they eventually intended to steal weapons, medicine, food, and tea from a landspe

layout: article title: Chirrut Îmwe

Upon sensing that the transport had arrived at the designated location, Îmwe signaled Benthic, a Tognath warrior held in high regard by Gerrera. The vibrations of the walker's destruction resonated through him during the ambush, confirming the Partisans' ruthless nature. He was acutely aware of his role in orchestrating the mission, understanding that neither side would offer quarter.

Later, Îmwe and Malbus encountered Fortuna and Kullbee Sperado, a male Meftian, at a Tapcafe situated near the Old Shadows. After being acquainted with Sperado and perceiving the chilling aura he exuded, Îmwe remarked on the burden of his past, prompting the Meftian to reflect on his words. Sperado then grasped Îmwe's hand, requesting a prayer, which Îmwe declined, instead offering to teach him how to pray for himself. At that moment, Îmwe detected a resurgence of warmth within the Meftian. Together, they devised a strategy to thwart the Empire's plunder of the planet's kyber, with Îmwe prioritizing the safety of the miners. Their plan involved ambushing a speeder convoy transporting the crystals from the mines to the city. Fortuna questioned Îmwe's participation in the mission due to his blindness, leading him to playfully chide Malbus for withholding this information. Following the meeting's conclusion, Îmwe escorted Sperado to the Old Shadows. He assured the Meftian that everyone possesses an inherent purpose, irremovable and intrinsic, and that rediscovering it was the task if it were ever misplaced. He then introduced Sperado to Angber Trel, a member of the Disciples of the Whills, before departing. The next day, he wished the Meftian well in his continued search for his place.

As the mission commenced, Fortuna remained skeptical of Îmwe's capabilities. He and Malbus positioned themselves on one side of a cliff overlooking the city, while a Talpini and a human male, recruited by Fortuna, occupied the opposite side. Îmwe wielded his lightbow for the mission, and even after years of disuse, it still felt familiar in his grip. The pair exchanged jokes about Malbus' cannon malfunctioning before Fortuna issued the call to action. Îmwe sensed the explosions in the ravine below and heard the echoing gunfire from the other side. Detecting a stormtrooper in the speeder preparing to fire on the Partisans, he swiftly neutralized him with a shot from his lightbow, prompting an apology from Fortuna for his initial doubts.

Fractured alliances

In the two months that followed, Îmwe participated in countless operations that inflicted damage and incited the Empire, leading him to question the impact of their actions and Gerrera's underlying motives. He engaged in a debate with Malbus, arguing that despite the high number of stormtrooper casualties and recovered kyber crystals, the Partisans' message had not achieved the desired effect on the Empire. When Malbus challenged him to propose a better approach, Îmwe admitted his inability to do so but emphasized that their actions were disproportionately harming innocent people. He revealed that the orphanage's population had doubled due to the escalating conflict, recognizing that Gerrera's presence on Jedha had exacerbated the situation. He acknowledged that others, besides himself and Malbus, had been recruited to Gerrera's cause, and that each attack against the Empire was becoming more significant and coordinated. After a moment of reflection, Malbus informed his friend of his intention to directly address Gerrera in search of a solution.

The day after Malbus left to meet with Gerrera, Îmwe's fears were realized as the Empire significantly increased its presence on the planet with more personnel and weaponry. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Îmwe discovered Althin, the son of Steya and Tok, amidst the devastation. The young Rodian had suffered a broken arm, and Îmwe carried him to safety while reciting the Guardians' mantra. Having known Althin since birth and being close to his parents, Îmwe was overcome with profound anger upon learning of Steya and Tok's deaths in the skirmish, a feeling he had not experienced in years. He felt resentment towards the Force's will, Gerrera, the Empire, and Malbus, but also towards himself. His self-directed anger stemmed from his arrogance in believing he could alleviate Jedha's suffering when he struggled to ensure the safety of a grieving child. He continued towards the orphanage, unable to elicit any response from Althin. Upon reaching the orphanage, Îmwe reassured the Rodian that he would remain close. He met Malbus there, and they shared chav tea. Îmwe expressed his concern for his friend's well-being, noting that he had missed his usual nagging. When Kaya informed Îmwe that Althin was receiving medical attention, he emphasized the boy's need for love, peace, quiet, and time. Both he and Malbus shared concern over the orphanage's dwindling space, prompting Malbus to suggest evacuating the children from the planet. Îmwe was skeptical due to the numerous potential obstacles, but Malbus revealed that Gerrera had agreed to provide them with a ship. They presented the plan to Killi and Kaya, with Killi choosing to stay due to her terminal illness, a condition Îmwe had foreseen.

That night, the pair journeyed to Denic's garage where they outlined the plan, hoping to enlist her as the pilot of the ship provided by Gerrera. She deemed the plan impossible given the strong Imperial presence on and above the planet, but Îmwe countered that they would find a way to succeed within the narrow margin between 'next to impossible' and 'impossible'. Her attempts to persuade them to recruit Woan Barso were unsuccessful, as Îmwe believed it would be unwise to entrust the children to a pilot lacking self-confidence. Ultimately, Denic yielded and agreed to participate in the plan.

Aiding the orphans and leaving the partisans

A week later, Îmwe, accompanied by Killi, Kaya, and Denic, led a group of thirty-four children to the Jedha City spaceport where Malbus was scheduled to meet them. The spectacle attracted considerable attention from both locals and Imperials, who were unsure how to react. Upon arriving at the spaceport, over five hundred locals joined them, driven by solidarity and curiosity. The plan had originated with Gerrera, who believed that even the Empire would hesitate to fire upon a group of children, although Îmwe considered it a test of faith. He held Althin's hand as they entered the spaceport but sensed a chilling presence emanating from Malbus, who informed him that Gerrera instead intended to use the Sentinel-class landing craft he had commandeered to destroy the Dauntless in orbit above the city.

Chirrut Îmwe and Killi Gimm led a procession of orphans through the streets of Jedha

Îmwe focused his mind and walked toward the ship, telling Sperado, who was aware of Gerrera's plan, that the children had journeyed across the city with the promise of a place on the shuttle. The Meftiak tried to dissuade Îmwe, and Fortuna argued that the people of Jedha needed Gerrera as a symbol of hope. Îmwe questioned the magnitude of the explosive required to destroy a Star Destroyer and asked if Gerrera would sacrifice the children's futures for a minor victory against the Empire. He asserted that Fortuna, Gerrera, and everyone present knew that attacking the Star Destroyer would not liberate Jedha. He challenged Wernad and Sperado regarding their actions before lifting Althin and walking up the shuttle's ramp, prompting the Partisans to reluctantly leave the ship, thus ending the pair's association with Gerrera.

As the shuttle began to power up, Îmwe and Althin embraced as the young Rodian recited the Guardian's mantra to Îmwe, which greatly pleased him. He then debated with Malbus over who would remain with the orphans, with Îmwe insisting that his friend must leave Jedha as his anger would only intensify. Eventually, Killi intervened, urging them both to stay on Jedha, knowing that neither would abandon the other. He believed the Empire would never discover their involvement, assuming they would blame the Partisans, and Gerrera would claim it as a victory against the Empire.

Îmwe and Malbus blended into the crowd of onlookers and returned home. Îmwe offered to make his friend tarine tea upon their arrival, an offer Malbus reluctantly accepted.

The Rebellion

Meeting Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor

Months later, on the streets of Jedha City, Îmwe encountered Jyn Erso and Rebel spy Cassian Jeron Andor]] after sensing her kyber crystal necklace. While chanting to the bustling crowds, he offered Jyn a glimpse into her future in exchange for the necklace, demanding payment for the knowledge of how he knew she was wearing it. He inquired about her knowledge of kyber crystals and nodded approvingly when she mentioned that her father would say they powered Jedi lightsabers. Before their conversation could continue, Andor pulled her away. As he did, Îmwe called out to her, "The strongest stars have hearts of kyber".

Chirrut Îmwe defeated a squad of stormtroopers to save Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor

Following a skirmish between Gerrera's Partisans and Imperial forces in Tythoni Square, Îmwe and Malbus came to the rescue of Jyn and Andor after they were confronted by stormtroopers. Îmwe ordered the troopers to allow Jyn and Andor to pass peacefully, declaring, "The Force is with me, and I am with the Force. And I fear nothing, all is as the Force wills it". He positioned himself amidst the troopers and, utilizing his heightened senses, staff, and mastery of Zama-shiwo martial arts, he skillfully eliminated the squad of stormtroopers. However, he was saved by Malbus, who neutralized a second wave of approaching troopers, although he was annoyed that his friend nearly shot him in the process. He assured Andor that the Force protected him after Malbus denied that they were Jedi. The group was then captured by Benthic and the Partisans. Îmwe argued that they were not allies of the Empire, but Benthic countered that Andor had killed his men. The group was taken to Gerrera, and Îmwe was astonished to be blindfolded during the journey.

Jedha’s destruction

Chirrut Îmwe in Saw's hideout.

Îmwe and his companions were imprisoned in the Catacombs of Cadera while Jyn was taken directly to Gerrera. He recited the Guardian's mantra in their cell, and Malbus mocked him for praying for the cell door to open. Îmwe told Andor that Malbus was bothered because he knew it was possible, adding that his friend was once the most devoted Guardian of them all. He then advised Andor to relax, stating that there is more than one type of prison and believing that the spy carried his own wherever he went.

After almost an hour, Îmwe inquired about the occupant of the adjacent cell. Andor determined that it was Bodhi Rook, an Imperial defector who had delivered a message describing the Death Star to Gerrera from Galen Walton Erso, Jyn's father and an Imperial scientist. While they were in the cell, the Death Star arrived above the planet and fired a single reactor beam on the Holy City, initiating a chain reaction that obliterated the city and a significant portion of the planet. After Andor managed to open the prison door, he instructed the pair to retrieve the pilot and meet him on the surface.

Chirrut Îmwe in the aftermath of Jedha City's destruction.

Upon reaching the surface, Îmwe asked his friend what he saw, but Malbus was unable to articulate the scene. Instead, Malbus directed him to run towards Andor's approaching U-wing. After arriving at the ship, Andor's reprogrammed KX-series security droid K-2SO piloted them to safety, away from Îmwe's destroyed home for the final time.

While the ship was in hyperspace, Îmwe asked his friend if the entire city was gone, and Malbus somberly confirmed it. Later, as Andor pressed Jyn about whether she had retrieved Galen's message detailing how to destroy the superweapon, Îmwe expressed his belief in Jyn's assertion that her father had set a trap, despite her not possessing the hologram.

Mission to Eadu

Îmwe and his new companions set a course for Eadu. Andor had been tasked with extracting Galen so he could testify before the Galactic Senate, although he was secretly ordered to assassinate the scientist by General Davits Draven. As the U-wing entered Eadu's atmosphere en route to the Eadu Energy Conversion Laboratory, it battled the planet's stormy weather, and Îmwe prayed silently before the ship crashed into the mountainous terrain below.

Chirrut Îmwe fires upon incoming TIE fighters during the Mission to Eadu.

After Andor and Rook disembarked from the ship, Îmwe asked the group if Andor appeared to be a killer. Although Malbus replied in the negative, Îmwe told Jyn that the Force moved ominously around a creature about to kill. This prompted Jyn to leave the ship in search of her father, leaving Îmwe, Malbus, and K-2SO behind. Shortly after, Îmwe exited the ship and informed Malbus that he was going to follow Jyn as her path was clear. When Malbus wished him good luck, Îmwe responded that he did not need luck as he had his friend with him. Îmwe led Malbus up a treacherous ridge overlooking the facility's landing pad. After Malbus surveyed the activity on the pad, Îmwe sensed anger in his friend and reminded him that they were not there to seek revenge on Imperials. Malbus questioned their participation in the mission, and Îmwe explained that he followed Jyn because she shone. Placing his hand on his friend's broad shoulder, the pair shared a moment of tranquility in the rain before the approaching Alliance starfighters above them shattered the silence. As the X-wings attacked the Imperial facility, Îmwe successfully destroyed a TIE/LN starfighter using his lightbow.

The assault concluded after a rebel starfighter dropped a proton torpedo, killing Galen Erso and forcing the Imperials, including Director Orson Callan Krennic, to retreat. During the skirmish, Rook had commandeered a stolen Zeta-class cargo shuttle, SW-0608, and Îmwe rejoined the rest of the crew onboard as they escaped the planet. With newfound respect, Andor commended Îmwe for destroying a TIE Fighter with his lightbow.

With the ship in hyperspace en route to the Rebel base on Yavin 4, Îmwe sat silently and listened as Andor and Jyn argued over the spy's intention to assassinate her father.

Yavin 4

Chirrut Îmwe in the hangar bay of Base One.

Upon landing at Base One, Îmwe reminded Malbus to be courteous to the waiting rebels as they were guests in their home. Îmwe was taken for questioning by Alliance Intelligence Officers, but was released afterward.(R1 novel) He reunited with Malbus in the base's hangar and, shortly after, met Jyn and Rook following their unsuccessful attempt to rally Alliance support to retrieve the Death Star plans from the Imperial Center of Military Research on Scarif. Îmwe sensed Jyn's desire to fight despite the Alliance High Command's decision and recognized the strength of the Force in their intentions. After Andor, along with a small group of rebel soldiers, pledged his support for the mission, Îmwe joined the band of rebels aboard SW-0608 as they prepared for the journey to Scarif.

The Battle of Scarif


Chirrut Îmwe reacts to Jyn Erso saying "May the Force be with us"

Aboard the ship, Îmwe tapped his stick enthusiastically after Jyn told the troops, "May the Force be with us." As the stolen ship embarked on the unsanctioned mission, the diverse crew adopted an impromptu callsign from Rook - Rogue One.

Îmwe remained in the lower cabin during the journey, and allowed himself to laugh at Jyn's incredulity at being made a sergeant by Taidu Sefla. Following a speech from Jyn to inspire the soldiers, Andor assigned Îmwe with Malbus, Ruescott Melshi and the Drabatan Pao with the instruction to take the main squad and move them clear of the ship towards the Citadel Tower. Once they found an ideal location, they were to begin the assault and draw the fighters away from Andor and Jyn, who would be infiltrating the vault with K-2SO. Before they departed to begin their task, Îmwe felt Jyn's warm smile towards him as she wished him a silent farewell.

The battle begins

Îmwe and the main squad advanced through the jungle, and one of the rebel soldiers questioned Malbus as to whether Îmwe could maintain their pace. Malbus reprimanded the soldier, and Îmwe retorted that he could hear him too. As he concealed his presence, Îmwe began to chant, "May the Force of others be with you". Eventually, they arrived near a barracks, and while the rebel soldiers began placing detonators around the site, Îmwe and Malbus silently hunted and eliminated any stormtroopers in the area - Îmwe utilizing his stick to down his enemies. After Andor gave the instruction, the rebels began detonating the explosives, and the battle commenced.

Chirrut Îmwe firing at Imperials during the Battle of Scarif.

Using his lightbow, Îmwe successfully neutralized numerous stormtroopers as Rogue One stood firm in the initial stages of the battle. However, the stormtroopers' reinforcements began to overwhelm the small band of rebels. During the intense fighting, Îmwe sensed the presence of incoming All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport walkers and immediately urged Malbus to run. The pair, along with the surviving soldiers, retreated to the shoreline and took cover in trenches along the oceanfront. Îmwe watched as a rocket launched by Malbus failed to halt the walkers' advance, but the squad was saved from certain death by Alliance X-wing fighters, who were part of the larger rebel fleet that had gathered over the planet to support Rogue One.


Îmwe later made his way to a bunker near the Citadel Tower after Melshi received instruction from Rook that they needed to locate and activate a master switch to enable him to contact the Rebel fleet. He dodged blaster bolts as he approached the bunker, where he found himself breathless from the exertion of battle. He was joined by Malbus, Sefla, and Melshi - who had been struck by a blaster bolt and was rapidly dying - and began firing his lightbow at the stormtroopers who had positioned themselves around the bunker. Before succumbing to his wound, Melshi informed the trio that the master switch was located on a console ten meters away, although Sefla was immediately killed when he attempted to reach it.

Guided by the Force, Chirrut Îmwe walked through the line of fire during the Battle of Scarif

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Îmwe rose and stepped out of the bunker. He felt the warmth of an alien star on his skin and the sea breeze caressing his robes. Around him, he smelled jungle flowers and the pungent odor of dirt beetles amidst the chaos and death, and heard the chittering of an unknown creature above the sounds of blaster fire. He added his own voice to the din and began repeating his mantra, "I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me". He was aware that without the temple he could not truly be a Guardian of the Whills, without joy and frivolity he could not be a source of humour to his peers, and without the Holy City he could not be a protector of how beloved world but he truly knew that he was not a warrior at heart and the events of the battle had eroded his spirit. Îmwe had fought and killed because it was necessary, but he felt in that moment the necessity was no more. As he continued walking towards the console and repeating his mantra, he ignored Malbus's anguished cries for him to return. He felt blaster bolts whizzing past him as he approached the console, using his staff to listen for telltale echoes to determine its location.

He had questioned his own wisdom before leaving the bunker - how might he separate the will of the Force from his own will and ego, but as he approached the console, he felt no doubt or fear in his heart. He had felt the Force express itself and it had simply asked him to walk. As he reached the console, he found the master switch and activated it, and began to smile as he thought of Rook in that moment. Following this, his path became obscured, and he was aware of Malbus crying out for him again. He turned and began to make his way back to the bunker, but the rhythm of his breathing was off, and the sensations around him failed to coalesce.

Chirrut Îmwe died a hero in the arms of his lifelong friend, Baze Malbus.

Before he could proceed any further, a death trooper triggered an explosion, sending Îmwe flying with immense force. A wave of pain surged through his bones, and every old wound he had ever sustained flared up simultaneously. Upon impacting the ground, he found himself unable to feel either his staff or his hand, only a pulsating ache and a sensation of heavy numbness at the extremity of his arm. Remembering the pain management techniques taught by zama-shiwo, Îmwe allowed his blood to seep into Scarif's sands without succumbing to suffering. He reasoned that the violence done to him troubled him less than the violence he had inflicted on others, and he accepted that his life was ending. As he detected Malbus drawing near, he chose to conceal his post-explosion blindness from his friend, knowing that Malbus had always been more in need of reassurance than humor. He briefly pondered how Malbus had managed to traverse the battlefield to reach him, but he understood deep down that the Force had brought them together once more before his demise. Malbus held Îmwe close, begging him to stay alive, but Îmwe used his final breaths to gently assure his friend that everything would be alright, and that by seeking the Force, he would always find him. As Îmwe passed away, he heard Malbus repeating his mantra, and the words resonated within his heart one last time.


With his parting words, Îmwe succeeded in reminding Malbus of his connection to the Force and in reigniting his dedication to his teachings as a Guardian of the Whills. Although the entire Rogue One team perished on Scarif, their mission ultimately achieved its objective when the stolen plans were transmitted to the Rebel fleet. Using this vital information, the Rebel Alliance, aided by Luke Skywalker, who expressed admiration for the sacrifices made by the members of Rogue One upon learning of their actions, were able to destroy the Death Star. The starfighter group known as Rogue Squadron was subsequently named to honor Îmwe and the fallen squad. The destruction of the battle station led to increased support for the Rebel Alliance, which eventually secured a decisive victory over the Empire at the Battle of Jakku in 5 ABY, marking the beginning of the New Republic era.

In 32 ABY, fragments of Îmwe's staff made their way to Merokia, specifically to the home of Karr Nuq Sin, a Force-sensitive teenager and collector of Jedi artifacts. The staff's bottom section was shattered, fragmented, and completely blackened and charred, yet Nuq Sin sensed that something had prevented its total disintegration. While explaining his psychometry abilities to his friend Maize Raynshi, Nuq Sin clarified that he could experience visions through the Force upon touching certain objects. Upon making contact with the staff, he stated that its owner did not wear the traditional Jedi attire, nor did he wield a lightsaber. Instead, he gripped the staff tightly and murmured about the Force amidst a massive battle.

Personality and traits

Îmwe was a devout believer in the Force.

Chirrut Îmwe was a human male who was blind, possessing pale [blue](/article/color] eyes, black [hair](/article/hair], and tan skin. Despite his lack of Force abilities, Îmwe held a strong faith in it and the Jedi principles, carrying a simple staff and a traditional lightbow bowcaster, which contrasted sharply with his partner's more practical nature. His spiritual devotion enabled him to overcome his blindness and become a highly skilled warrior. Îmwe's proficiency in the martial art of Zama-shiwo was rumored to grant him extraordinary abilities that could alter his heart rate and oxygen intake. The reason for Îmwe's blindness remained a closely guarded secret throughout his life.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Chirrut Îmwe (left) alongside Baze Malbus

The character of Chirrut Îmwe is played by Donnie Yen in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a stand-alone Star Wars film. Gareth Edwards, the director, gave Yen the freedom to develop the character according to his own vision. One of the characteristics that Yen introduced to the character was Îmwe's blindness. The inspiration for the character's blindness in Rogue One also came from Zatoichi, a fictional Japanese character who is a blind masseur and samurai.

