
B'asia was a youthful Togruta female. This young individual lived at the orphanage run by Killi Gimm within Jedha City. While Jedha was occupied by the Galactic Empire, Imperial stormtroopers conducted a raid on Gimm's orphanage, seeking illicit goods. As stormtroopers forced Gimm to the ground, B'asia, filled with fear, sought refuge beneath her bed. A stormtrooper attempted to extract B'asia from her concealed location, seizing her by her montrals; when B'asia fought back, the stormtrooper assaulted her. Once the raid finished, Gimm, B'asia, along with the remaining orphans, were moved to a dwelling situated close to the Second Spire. Subsequently, she, along with thirty-three other orphans, managed to flee Jedha aboard a purloined Imperial shuttle.

