Chav tea

Chav tea was a variety of tea. During one particular incident, while Chewbacca, Han Solo, and Hondo Ohnaka were faking a brawl on the moon of Dhandu 3, Ohnaka pushed Solo with excessive force against a table, causing a plate of glowblue noodles and chav to go flying into a group of Pakiphantos. This tea was available at Gesh's Tapcafe, situated in Jedha City on the moon. During the year 0 BBY, the Decraniated staff at the tapcafe provided freshly made chav tea, along with other drinks, to lively off-duty Imperials who were stationed in the city, as a form of entertainment.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars canon saw its first appearance of Chav tea as a prop in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a movie that came out in North America on December 16, 2016. Though the film didn't name the tea, it was given a name in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a reference book by Pablo Hidalgo that was published simultaneously with the film.

