Gesh's Tapcafe, a tapcafe situated in Jedha City on the moon of Jedha, was the property of Gesh. Gesh was a descendant of Belloq, whose name the old cafe previously bore, known as both Bar Belloq and Cafe Belloq. The sign still displayed Bar Belloq. In 1 BBY, insurgents bombed it, targeting Imperial personnel, leading to over a dozen fatalities and numerous injuries. Shortly thereafter, the Galactic Empire destroyed Jedha City entirely with the Death Star superweapon, obliterating the tapcafe.
The creation of Gesh's Tapcafe was specifically for the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which debuted on December 15, 2016. A teaser trailer for the film, released on April 7, 2016, offered an initial glimpse of the tapcafe. The trailer featured a shot of the bar's sign in aurebesh, identifying it as Bar Belloq; however, this particular shot was omitted from the final version of the film, and the establishment was not named in the film itself. Pablo Hidalgo officially revealed the tapcafe's name in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a companion book released alongside the film. Hidalgo named it after the Decraniated present inside, who were initially referred to as "Headless Gesihas" during the production phase. Later, on September 23, 2023, Hidalgo took to Twitter to confirm that Gesh's Tapcafe was the establishment depicted in the film, further clarifying the history of its names, including Cafe Belloq.