LZ-Cresh was one of the four landing zones established by the Imperial forces within Jedha City. This walled city was situated on the desert moon of Jedha. The Empire established these zones after seizing control of the city. The Imperials, finding the existing local spaceport insufficient, moved quickly to designate and prepare four distinct areas inside the city for use as landing zones and operational hubs. Jedha City's location atop a mesa restricted spaceport expansion; consequently, the Empire demolished existing structures to create these landing zones, displacing residents and businesses without concern.
Among the four landing zones, LZ-Aurek was the most substantial and busiest. The other three, LZ-Besh, LZ-Cresh, and LZ-Dorn, served as smaller, more temporary facilities. Their primary purpose was to resupply stormtroopers operating in the city and to facilitate the loading and unloading of cargo ships involved in their kyber crystal operations. In 0 BBY, Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe, both Guardians of the Whills, attacked a Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle as it landed at LZ-Cresh, subsequently giving the stolen goods to the Gimm sisters' orphanage.