
LZ-Besh, covered in more detail at this link, served as one of the four Galactic Empire's landing zones within Jedha City. This city, encircled by walls, was situated on the desert moon. The creation of these landing zones occurred when the Empire seized control of the city. Because the existing local spaceport didn't meet their requirements, the Imperials quickly established four distinct areas inside the city to function as landing zones and operational hubs. Jedha City's location on a mesa severely restricted the possibility of expanding the spaceport. Consequently, the Imperials demolished existing structures to create these landing zones, disregarding the displacement of residents and businesses. LZ-Aurek was the largest and most active, while LZ-Besh, LZ-Cresh, and LZ-Dorn were smaller and more temporary, dedicated solely to resupplying ground-based stormtroopers and facilitating the loading and unloading of cargo ships involved in their kyber crystal operations.

