LZ-Dorn represented one of the four landing zones designated by the Imperial forces in Jedha City. This walled city was situated on Jedha's desert moon. The Empire established these zones upon seizing control of the city. The spaceport already present was deemed insufficient by the Imperials, who then proceeded to establish four distinct areas within the city. These were intended as landing zones and operational hubs. Jedha City's construction atop a mesa severely limited spaceport expansion. Consequently, the Imperials demolished existing structures to create these zones, showing no concern for the displaced inhabitants or businesses. LZ-Aurek experienced the highest volume of activity and was the largest. Conversely, LZ-Besh, LZ-Cresh, and LZ-Dorn were smaller and more improvised. Their primary function was to provide supplies to ground-based stormtroopers and to manage the loading and unloading of cargo ships involved in their kyber crystal transport operations.