Woan Barso

A male human named Woan Barso operated as a smuggler during the Galactic Empire's reign, rescuing refugees from Jedha City located on the moon of Jedha. He utilized a dilapidated container tug to ferry these refugees to freighters stationed in orbit around the moon. His lack of confidence in his starship's life support system led him to constantly wear an orange vac-suit. Consequently, Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe, who were Guardians of the Whills, were hesitant to entrust him with the evacuation of an orphanage.

In 1 BBY, Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor, agents of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, encountered Barso in the city shortly before the Empire's Death Star [superweapon](/article/superweapon] destroyed the entire settlement.

Years afterward, Barso rose to prominence as a powerful pirate leader, eventually attending the summit organized by Zeva Bliss.

Behind the scenes

Woan Barso's initial appearance was in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The film debuted in North America on December 15, 2016. Although the character was not explicitly named within the film, he was identified in the reference publication Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide.

