The Alliance Civil Government served as the governing body for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, working in conjunction with the Alliance Military. Mon Mothma, who held the title of Chancellor within the Rebel Alliance, was its leader. A component of the Civil Government was the Alliance Cabinet, which consisted of six individuals each responsible for specific areas. The primary objective of the Alliance Civil Government was to restore both the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Senate, mirroring the structure of the Civil Government itself.
Functioning as the political arm of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Alliance Civil Government collaborated with the Alliance Military, the Rebellion's paramilitary force. Rooted in democratic principles, the Civil Government aimed to reinstate the Galactic Republic, which had been replaced by the Galactic Empire, and establish a genuinely democratic Galactic Senate. Tensions sometimes arose between the governmental and military factions within the Alliance. One instance of this was when a rebel naval crewmember dismissed Minister Amilyn Holdo as someone who only occasionally delivered anti-Imperial speeches.
Chancellor Mon Mothma held the position of Chief of State, leading the Civil Government. Reporting to her was the Alliance Cabinet, which included both military and civilian representatives. Comprising six members, the cabinet represented a range of perspectives to foster democratic debate and disagreement. This could sometimes result in governmental deadlock, requiring Mothma to exert firm leadership to ensure decisions were made, despite her concerns about replicating the executive power wielded by the Galactic Empire, which the Alliance opposed.
Each member of the Alliance Cabinet was assigned distinct responsibilities within the Alliance. Senator Nower Jebel from Uyter held the position of Alliance Minister of Finance. Vasp Vaspar, a senator representing the Taldot sector, served as the Minister of Industry. Senator Tynnra Pamlo of Taris was the Minister of Education. Bail Organa, a former senator of Alderaan, also served in the cabinet and was among the first to initiate the rebellion and organize direct resistance against the Empire. As a minister in the Rebel Alliance, Amilyn Holdo delivered anti-Imperial speeches and traveled on rebel starships, such as the arms smuggling CR90 corvette Candor. While governmental figures like Holdo were generally expected to avoid combat, Holdo demonstrated her military capabilities by taking command of the Candor despite initial reservations from the crew.

Formed sometime before the Battle of Scarif, the Alliance Civil Government acted as the political counterpart to the Rebel Alliance's command structure. The Civil Government, along with the Alliance, ultimately sought the restoration of the Republic and its Senate. However, prior to the Battle of Scarif, which marked the beginning of open warfare, some members of the Alliance believed that negotiations with the Empire were necessary, hoping to persuade Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine to relinquish his power. In 1 BBY, the Civil Government debated how to address the threat posed by the Death Star. Ultimately, the Alliance Fleet was dispatched to Scarif to assist in the theft of the Death Star plans.
Amilyn Holdo, formerly an Apprentice Legislator, joined the Alliance and became a minister, delivering anti-Imperial speeches and traveling between locations on rebel ships. However, a Quarren crewmember aboard the CR90 Candor, a vessel Holdo traveled on between approximately 2 BBY and 4 ABY, held a negative view of the civil government member, believing she prioritized her appearance over contributing to the Alliance. Holdo disproved these doubts when the Candor was attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer. Upon reaching the bridge and finding Captain Jardar dead, Holdo assumed command as the highest-ranking Alliance member present. Her quick thinking enabled the Candor to escape the Star Destroyer and even disable it, surprising a senior rebel leader. Having previously heard positive reports about Holdo from her friend Leia Organa and realizing their truth, the senior rebel granted Holdo a military command as the Candor's new captain.
The Rebellion's objectives were realized near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, as the Rebel Alliance established the New Republic and a new Galactic Senate.