Twazzi was a female Frenk pursuit hunter operating during the Clone Wars. Years prior to this, her impressive acrobatic talents garnered accolades from Finis Valorum, who held the position of Supreme Chancellor within the Galactic Republic at the time. During the Clone Wars conflict, Count Dooku, a Sith Lord and the political head of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, enlisted Twazzi and other bounty hunters as potential assassins of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Following a series of trials within the Box, Twazzi was chosen to participate in the assassination attempt. Her designated role was to infiltrate the Festival of Light disguised as a Senate Commando using a holographic disguise matrix. However, Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker apprehended her, and the assassination plot ultimately failed.
Before the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Twazzi developed into a proficient bounty hunter. At one point, her acrobatic abilities earned her praise from Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum. Eventually, her success as a bounty hunter drew the attention of Count Dooku, who desired her participation in a competition against other bounty hunters within the Box. This deadly contraption, conceived by Moralo Eval on Serenno, was designed to select the individual who would have the "honor" of abducting Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. She observed Cad Bane commit murder against another bounty hunter, Bulduga, to steal his hat. Soon after, Dooku briefed everyone on the challenge the bounty hunters had to face, including details about the Box. Their weapons were confiscated, and they proceeded to enter The Box.
The initial challenge involved escaping a chamber rapidly filling with dioxis gas. Platforms began to emerge from the floor, prompting all the bounty hunters, including Twazzi, to climb upwards. However, she nearly met her end when the ceiling descended, forcing her to cling precariously between two platforms. Another bounty hunter, Rako Hardeen (actually Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise), discovered a concealed tunnel beneath the ground. The hunters followed him out of the room and into the second challenge, therefore surviving the first.
During the second phase, ledges extended from the walls while a sword resembling a lightsaber swung back and forth. Bulduga's brother, Onca, quickly fell victim to the blades. As before, Hardeen spotted a hidden tunnel in the ceiling. Utilizing the ledges, he and Bane leaped to the top, followed by the other bounty hunters. Bounty hunters Kiera Swan and Sinrich were also killed, but Twazzi, along with the remaining bounty hunters, managed to escape the challenge.
The third challenge involved the entire room being ray shielded as the walls closed in. The switch to deactivate the shields was positioned within a shaft in the wall, protected by a smaller ray shield. Eval provided a special serum that, when injected, would grant temporary immunity to the ray shields. As platforms rose from the center of the floor, Jakoli was immediately electrocuted when the floor beneath him became ray shielded. One hunter, Derrown, successfully injected the serum due to his Parwan anatomy granting him immunity to such serums. While Derrown slowly penetrated the ray shield to reach the control panel, Mantu lost his footing and plummeted to his death. Derrown eventually managed to press the button, allowing the surviving hunters to advance to the next and final round.

In the ultimate challenge, the survivors found themselves on a platform suspended above a floor engulfed in flames. This final test involved sharpshooting skills. A small yellow target darted across the wall. Adjacent to them, a sniper rifle materialized from a small machine. Sixtat seized the rifle and aimed at the target. He executed the first two shots flawlessly but missed the third. Consequently, the platform beneath him vanished into the ground, causing Sixtat to fall into the flames and perish. Hardeen retrieved another rifle that appeared in the machine's empty slot. He effortlessly hit all three targets, but Eval presented him with five additional targets to shoot. Hardeen successfully hit the first four, but the sniper rifle ran out of ammunition. Eval scoffed at Hardeen and, by pressing buttons on his wrist, caused the platform beneath Hardeen to collapse. However, Bane intervened, saving him and challenging Eval to fight Hardeen like a man, to which Dooku agreed. Eval descended to the floor, and Twazzi and the other hunters witnessed the ensuing brawl, which Hardeen won. Dooku then congratulated the survivors and declared Bane as the leader of the group tasked with kidnapping Palpatine.
During the Festival of Light, the bounty hunters initiated their kidnapping plot. Twazzi and Embo were chosen to disguise themselves as Senate Guards in order to escort Palpatine. Bane distributed a special mapping device to guide them to the rendezvous point, along with a specialized suit known as the holographic disguise matrix, which gave Embo and Twazzi the appearance of Senate Commandos. After Derrown disabled the shield generator protecting the chancellor at the festival, the resulting explosion rendered Palpatine unconscious. At that moment, the real Palpatine was concealed beneath the guise of a Senate Commando with the aid of the disguise matrix, while Twazzi transformed into Palpatine. However, Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu successfully prevented their escape, and Embo reverted to his true form. Windu inquired about the chancellor's well-being, and Twazzi launched a series of punches at Skywalker. During her third punch, Twazzi's disguise deactivated, and Skywalker severed the bounty hunter's right arm with his lightsaber. Skywalker held out his lightsaber to Twazzi and demanded information about the real chancellor's location. She and Embo were subsequently apprehended, while Bane and Eval absconded with the real Palpatine.
Twazzi was a female Frenk standing tall at 2.11 meters (6 feet, 11 inches). Her distinguishing features included blue eyes and green skin. Twazzi possessed exceptional flexibility and agility, which proved invaluable in her chosen profession. Twazzi effectively utilized her flexibility and balance, outmaneuvering opponents and securing sniping positions that would be unattainable for most humanoids.
Twazzi wielded a Weequay blaster lance equipped with a bayonet at the end. She employed the holographic disguise matrix during the Festival of Light, impersonating Palpatine.
Twazzi was conceived for the TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and made her debut in the episode "The Box," with Catherine Taber providing her voice. Twazzi is a re-imagining of the Frenk bounty hunter Rumi Paramita.