Republic Correctional Authority

The Republic Correctional Authority, or RCA, was a component of the Galactic Republic responsible for the confinement of criminals considered excessively risky for regional law enforcement agencies. This organization also detained those who transgressed Republic laws and was operated by specialized officers from the Republic Security Force.

Nevertheless, subsequent to the commencement of the Clone Wars against the Separatist Alliance, the Republic Correctional Authority substituted its officers with clone shock troopers belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic and initiated the imprisonment of war captives. Moreover, this organization oversaw and managed a number of penal institutions across the galaxy, including penal stations situated in deep space as well as transportable penal vessels. Certain critics also pointed out the lavish nature of some of their low-security facilities, suggesting leniency towards corporate offenders.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to the Republic Correctional Authority within the updated Star Wars canon occurred in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 addition to Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Roleplaying series. The Republic Correctional Authority was originally present in the Star Wars Legends timeline in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, a 2002 game created and released by LucasArts.


  • Rise of the Separatists (First mentioned)

Notes and references
