Riot clone trooper

Clone riot troopers, also referred to as riot clone troopers, were a specialized division of the Coruscant Guard, specifically clone shock troopers, trained for the purpose of maintaining order during civil unrest. Stationed on the planet of Coruscant, their duties included patrolling the streets alongside members of the civilian police force and helping to manage large gatherings and demonstrations.


Clone riot troopers searching for Duchess Satine Kryze

When Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Mandalore, was wrongly accused of the murder of her close associate Davu Golec, clone riot troopers engaged in a pursuit through the streets of Coruscant to apprehend her. With the assistance of local police droids and police probes, they sought to arrest her for offenses that were eventually proven to be false. The troopers and police droids questioned Coruscant residents to determine if anyone had seen the duchess. During this operation, two riot troopers attempted to question an Ithorian, however, they could only understand Galactic Basic Standard and were unable to communicate with the Ithorian.

Toward the end of the Clone Wars, following the bombing of the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, and with a Jedi suspected of being responsible, riot clone troopers were deployed to control the crowds of citizens who were angrily demanding answers from the Jedi Order.


Clone riot trooper in phase II clone trooper armor

Riot clone troopers utilized shock batons and riot shields as their primary equipment. Initially, they were outfitted with Phase I clone trooper armor that included a dark-colored visor. The red markings present on this armor had slight stylistic differences compared to those worn by other members of the Coruscant Guard. Later in the conflict, they transitioned to Phase II clone trooper armor; however, this iteration of the armor was uniform with the rest of the Coruscant Guard and did not feature a visor.

