
Rys was the moniker of a male clone shock trooper from the diplomatic service who fought for the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars. As a member of the Coruscant Guard, he went with Jedi Grand Master Yoda, his squadmate Jek, and Lieutenant Thire on a mission to meet with the Toydarian King Katuunko on the moon of Rugosa in 22 BBY. Upon their arrival on Rugosa, the Republic cruiser that was transporting Yoda and the clones was attacked by the Separatists, who forced it to flee after the four individuals had been deployed to the moon's surface in an escape pod.

Asajj Ventress, a Separatist operative, challenged Yoda to navigate around her droid forces on Rugosa, declaring that Katuunko would ally with the Confederacy if the Grand Master failed. Yoda and the clone troopers were eventually compelled to engage the droids in battle, but they retreated to a cave to recuperate after Thire sustained an injury. Rys and his clone comrades then emerged alongside the Jedi to overcome the Confederate forces and successfully reach Katuunko. After rescuing the king from Ventress, Yoda secured the allegiance of the Toydarian people, and Rys and his fellow soldiers were retrieved by Republic forces.


Arrival on Rugosa

Rys was the chosen name of a male clone trooper from the diplomatic service within the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, a war against the Confederacy of Independent Systems and their Droid Army. Like all clone [troopers](/article/trooper], he was created on the planet Kamino as a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, and underwent training there before being deployed into service. Rys was assigned to the Coruscant Guard as a clone shock trooper, which was a clone division stationed on Coruscant, the Republic's capital.

Rys traveled to Rugosa with Yoda, Thire, and Jek on a mission for the Republic.

In the year 22 BBY, Rys was selected from the Guard, along with fellow clones Jek and Lieutenant Thire, to form a small squad that would accompany Jedi Grand Master Yoda on a mission to Rugosa, a moon located near the planet Toydaria. Yoda was scheduled to secretly meet with King Katuunko, the leader of the Toydarian people and the Toydaria system, atop a Rugosan King coral on the moon. The Republic hoped to establish a supply base there. The four individuals were transported to the moon aboard a Republic cruiser. However, upon reaching Rugosa, the cruiser discovered that its communications were being jammed and then came under attack from two Separatist frigates. As the cruiser was taking heavy fire, Yoda gave the order for himself and the clone troopers to be launched to the moon's surface in an escape pod so that the ship could retreat.

Upon landing on the moon's surface, Thire, being the highest-ranking clone present, contacted Katuunko via hologram on behalf of Yoda. They discovered that Asajj Ventress, a Separatist agent, had already arrived to offer an alliance from Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy. Upon hearing this, Rys and Jek exchanged a glance. An agreement was made between the three parties: if Yoda and the clone troopers could avoid capture by Ventress' forces and reach Katuunko on the coral, Toydaria would join the Republic. Otherwise, the Separatists would gain their allegiance. Once the discussion concluded, Rys noticed a landing craft delivering the Separatist troops they were about to face, and Yoda instructed the clones to carry only what they needed to avoid being slowed down. He then guided them along an indirect path toward the meeting place, intending to avoid encountering the battle droids situated between them and their objective.

Journey to meet Katuunko

Rys and his comrades had to fight through Separatist forces to reach King Katuunko.

As they advanced, Rys and his comrades were detected by the Separatist forces, who began firing with Armored Assault Tanks. Since the clone troopers were out of range, Yoda instructed them to wait. Soon, the tanks were forced to halt, as they were unable to navigate through the coral growths that covered Rugosa's surface. The droids' commander, 224, then ordered his ground troops to advance on foot. The clones repositioned to flank the incoming droids from the south, concealing themselves behind corals until the Separatists approached, at which point they opened fire.

Rys and Jek managed to eliminate a squad of B1-series battle droids together before reuniting with Thire and learning that he had lost Yoda. The trio were then forced to retreat by a group of B2-series super battle droids. As they fled, Thire was knocked to the ground by a missile fired by a heavy weapons super battle droid's. While Rys ran back to assist the lieutenant under covering fire from Jek, Yoda appeared and defeated the droids using the Force. The respite from combat was brief, as three droidekas quickly replaced their fallen droid comrades in attacking Rys and his allies, forcing the four to retreat. Yoda jumped onto Rys's back so the clone could carry him as the Jedi deflected incoming fire.

Re-invigoration and victory

With Thire injured, Yoda's team settled to rest in a cave. After Rys lit a portable lamp, they assessed their low ammunition supply. After Rys declared the battle lost, Yoda offered reassuring words to the clones, advising Rys to pay closer attention to and draw inspiration from his teammates rather than focusing solely on the enemy. The four then heard the sounds of Separatist tanks outside and moved to the top of the canyon where the cave was located to observe the enemy. Yoda leaped down and engaged the droids and tanks alone, swiftly destroying them all.

Rys confronted Asajj Ventress with Yoda and the other clones.

Rys and his comrades then spotted more droidekas advancing toward the Jedi. As the droids opened fire on Yoda, Thire fired the clones' last rocket into a rocky overhang, which promptly collapsed and crushed the droids. Victorious, the group made its way to the meeting point atop the coral and discovered Ventress attempting to kill Katuunko on Dooku's orders, as the king had chosen to ally with the Republic. Yoda swiftly saved Katuunko, forcing Ventress to flee while she distracted the Republic troops by remotely detonating Katuunko's yacht, the Thief's Eye, causing fragments of ship and coral to fall toward them. Yoda used the Force to prevent the debris from reaching them, after which Katuunko offered the service and allegiance of the Toydarian people to the Republic, marking the mission as a success for Rys and his group.

A Venator-class Star Destroyer then appeared in the skies above Rugosa, and a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry was dispatched to pick up Katuunko, Yoda, and the three clone troopers and return them to Coruscant. Once onboard, Yoda experienced a Force vision during the journey home, witnessing moments from the futures of the three clones. In the Jedi's vision, Rys was dead. The clone's face showed faint surprise, with his eyes open, but unseeing. Brilliant spangles and flakes of colored scrap speckled Rys's visage, having settled on his cheeks and forehead. These visions troubled Yoda, and he felt slightly apprehensive about seeing the clones again, but he chose not to try and act on them, trusting that the Force would act according to its will.

Personality and traits

The eager soldier

Rys was eager to finally see combat.

Having been stationed far from the front lines on Coruscant, Rys was extremely eager to see action and prove himself upon arriving on Rugosa. He felt unease and doubt when Yoda decided to head in the opposite direction of the rendezvous point and the enemy, but he followed obediently nonetheless. Upon hearing the blaster fire of the droids in the distance, he and the other clones were ready for combat but were disappointed to discover that the droids were out of range.

Shortly after sighting the enemy, the clones were relieved and excited when Yoda finally ordered them to engage the approaching droid foot patrols. After being forced to flee from the droidekas, Rys was bothered by the idea of retreating, but he was quick to declare the Rugosa mission lost while the clone troopers rested in the cave.

Interactions with a Jedi

Yoda described Rys as always focused on the enemy rather than his fellow soldiers.

During missions, Rys tended to focus on the enemy rather than his fellow soldiers, a trait that Yoda noticed during their time together. When Yoda reached out with the Force, he found Rys and the other clones' minds open and their emotions strong, reminding the Jedi of children. The trio craved Yoda's approval and wanted to please him, and the Jedi found their level of obedience somewhat disturbing. While in the cave, the clones were worried that they would be unable to complete their mission, which would lead to shame as they would be proved unworthy of their commander and each other.

Rys struggled to understand Yoda's odd phrases and wise sayings, but he believed that such difficulty was to be expected from conversations with a Jedi Master. His anxiety ebbed away after hearing Yoda's words of encouragement and was replaced with peace and purpose. Consequently, he was not discouraged when he saw the enemy's tanks and felt satisfaction after the enemy was defeated through teamwork. Rys was then dissappointed at the thought of having to return to Coruscant at the end of the mission. As a clone of Jango Fett, Rys stood 1.83 meters (6 foot) tall, weighed eighty kilograms, with black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. He had a black tattoo running up his neck and onto the back of his jaw on each side of his face.

Skills and abilities

Rys was skilled in armed and unarmed combat, military tactics, and security.


At birth, like the other clone troopers, Rys was implanted by the Kaminoan scientists with a behavioral modification biochip to ensure that the trooper would not resist certain orders. Rys wore Phase I clone trooper armor painted with the red coloring of the Coruscant Guard. On Rugosa, he carried a backpack and a DC-15A blaster carbine.

Behind the scenes

Rys made his debut in "Ambush," the opening episode of the first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which was broadcast on October 3, 2008. Like all clones in the series, he was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. Author Jason Fry has stated that his intention was for Rys to be dead during Yoda's Force vision in "Sharing the Same Face," a 2020 adaptation of "Ambush."

