Scape Loewig

Scape Loewig, a Force-sensitive youngling originating from Cathar, had their name recorded within a memory crystal following the execution of Order 66. After Darth Vader captured Jedi Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu, subsequent to her infiltration of the Jedi Temple, Imperial shock troopers serving the Galactic Empire conducted a search of Nu, uncovering the memory crystal. Following Vader's analysis of the crystal, he discovered it contained a register of Force-sensitive children, individuals previously targeted by the Jedi Order, Loewig among them.

Nu possessed knowledge that Galactic Emperor Palpatine, secretly the Sith Master Darth Sidious to Vader, sought the list, even during his tenure as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic amidst the Clone Wars. Nu suspected Palpatine's aim was to create additional Sith warriors. After Nu revealed Vader's former identity as the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Vader eliminated all the shock troopers, then proceeded to kill Nu, informing his master that she had attempted an escape, leading to her demise. When Palpatine inquired whether Vader had obtained any information from Nu, Vader claimed to have learned nothing.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Scape Loewig occurred in the canon 2018 comic Darth Vader (2017) 10, specifically through their name written in Aurebesh. This comic was authored by Charles Soule with pencils by Giuseppe Camuncoli.

