Loden Greatstorm

Loden Greatstorm, a male Twi'lek, achieved the rank of Jedi Master within the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. He was widely regarded as one of the Order's most exceptional instructors. Greatstorm approached every situation as an opportunity for growth, constantly striving to improve himself and those around him, with a particular focus on his Padawans. Known for his strength, wisdom, and keen sense of humor, he was a formidable Jedi. His weapon of choice was a lightsaber that emitted a yellow blade.


The Mine Incident

Loden Greatstorm cuts down the droid insurgent Ajax Sigma.

The Jedi Loden Greatstorm is known for defeating the rebellious droid named Ajax Sigma. Sometime before the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Jedi Master Greatstorm and his Padawan, Bell Zettifar, were stationed at the Elphrona Outpost. They received an urgent message about a cave-in at the local aurodium mine. Arriving at the scene in a Vanguard ground transport, Greatstorm learned from an Er'Kit Miner that Freeno, their partner, was trapped inside. Venturing into the mine, Greatstorm and his Padawan employed the Force to lift the fallen rocks, freeing Freeno. However, upon being rescued, Freeno was overcome by greed and began mining for a valuable crystal, hoping to become wealthy. As he did so, the two Jedi struggled to support the unstable roof of the cavern.

Bell voiced his concern, suggesting that they abandon the greedy Er'kit. Hearing his Padawan's words, Loden used the Force to push him out of the mine. After Zettifar was safely outside, the cave seemed to collapse entirely, apparently trapping Loden and Freeno within. However, when the dust settled, Greatstorm emerged unharmed, bringing the foolish Er'kit with him. After reprimanding Freeno, Greatstorm used the incident as a lesson for his Padawan, explaining that while the Jedi are responsible for protecting life, they cannot prevent others from making reckless choices.

The Catastrophe

During the Great Disaster, Loden Greatstorm and his Padawan participated in the rescue efforts in the Hetzal system after debris from the Legacy Run emerged from hyperspace. Arriving on the Third Horizon, Loden and Bell traveled to Hetzal Prime in their Jedi Vector, which Bell had secretly named the "Nova". Adhering to his teaching style of allowing his student to handle any task within their capabilities, Greatstorm assigned Bell the task of identifying a location where they could assist the people of Hetzal. Using the Force, Zettifar sensed an area of intense emotional distress and directed their flight toward it. They discovered a private estate with a large starship, where a crowd of panicked Hetzalians was attempting to force their way in to escape the planet. Compound guards stood watch. Loden set their Vector to hover and jumped to the ground, instructing his Padawan to follow. Greatstorm used the Force to slow his descent, landing gracefully, but Zettifar had not yet mastered this technique outside of training. Loden had to catch his apprentice with the Force to prevent injury. Loden promised to practice the skill with Bell later, even suggesting that he throw his Padawan off towers on Coruscant to give Bell more time to gather his focus and catch himself.

Greatstorm and Zettifar deflect the guard's blasterfire on Hetzal Prime

Greatstorm then approached the crowd, who explained that the wealthy family who owned the compound was refusing to let others board their ship, despite its capacity to hold many more. Loden confronted the armed guards, who eventually yielded to his pressure and agreed to allow the crowd to board. However, a group of marauders arrived, intending to seize the ship by force. They opened fire with cannons mounted on speeders. The two Jedi deflected the barrage with their lightsabers, redirecting the marauders' fire to destroy the cannons. As the marauders scattered into the crowd, the Jedi leapt toward their speeders, and the compound guards seized the opportunity to fire on the distracted Jedi. To quickly end the conflict, Greatstorm asked Bell to defend him while he used the Force to locate the marauders. Loden telekinetically lifted the marauders high into the air and dropped them, incapacitating them without causing fatalities. He then turned his attention to the guards, who had stopped firing, astonished by the Jedi Master's display of power. Brandishing his saber at the guards, Loden used the Force to knock open the compound gates. The guards finally lowered their weapons and allowed the crowd to enter.

Elphrona Outpost

Following the Great Disaster, Greatstorm and his Padawan traveled to Elphrona, where they were stationed at a Jedi outpost alongside Indeera Stokes and Porter Engle. When the Jedi on Elphrona learned of the Blythe family's kidnapping, they pursued the Nihil raiders responsible. Greatstorm and Zettifar successfully rescued the mother, with Loden shielding her when the Nihil ship opened fire. When Stokes arrived with two Vectors, they began chasing the enemy. Greatstorm employed a mind trick to force the Nihil pilot to slow down and open the airlock, allowing them to board the ship and rescue the family. Stokes managed to save the son, but Loden's Vector was destroyed by Nihil ships, preventing him from rescuing the father.

After being captured by the Nihil, Loden was imprisoned in a cell on the Gaze Electric, where Marchion Ro had set up special cells specifically for Greatstorm.

During his imprisonment, Greatstorm was repeatedly drugged, and at one point, Ro used Loden's own lightsaber to amputate his lekku.

Death and legacy

Loden Greatstorm's body on Grizal

Following the Nihil attack on the Valo Republic Fair, the Jedi launched a counterattack on the Nihil's main base located on the planetoid Grizal. Greatstorm fell from the Gaze Electric but was saved by Zettifar's telekinesis. They fought together for a while, but Greatstorm soon became exhausted. As they attempted to stop Lourna Dee from escaping, Ro unleashed the Great Leveler, a creature that could sever a being's connection to the Force. Zettifar and Elzar Mann were overwhelmed by visions, but Greatstorm was killed. His body appeared petrified, his features frozen in a scream. When Stellan Gios touched his cheek, the body crumbled into dust.

Before his death, Reath Silas had met Greatstorm and recognized the value of his rare ability to influence emotions with the Force when used responsibly. After the Master's death, Silas remembered Greatstorm's example when the empathic Imri Cantaros soothed his upset feelings. He was prepared to cite Greatstorm in defense of Cantaros against Vernestra Rwoh's concerns about manipulating emotions.

Personality and traits

Loden Greatstorm was a wise and skilled Jedi Master.

Loden Greatstorm was a Jedi Master of great talent. When instructing his Padawan, Bell Zettifar, Greatstorm favored a hands-on approach, allowing Zettifar to take the lead on tasks even when Greatstorm could have completed them more quickly and efficiently.

Powers and abilities

As a Force-sensitive Jedi Master, Greatstorm possessed a strong connection to and command of the Force.

Greatstorm exhibited significant skill in telekinesis, most notably when he saved his Padawan, Bell Zettifar, from a perilous fall by levitating him to safety. In addition, he could also re-direct explosives, diverting a deadly splinter grenade into the air, to save civilians from marauders. Greatstorm could levitate and control multiple enemies simultaneously, lifting eight armed marauders high into the air, disarming them, and then dropping them, causing severe injuries. He also demonstrated powerful Force pushes, shattering a large metal gate, tearing it from its hinges and breaking the locks.

Greatstorm also had the ability to influence minds through the Force. He demonstrated this by compelling the Nihil pilot Ultident Margrona to reduce her ship's speed and open the outer airlock.


Loden Greatstorm wore Jedi robes in cream and gold colors. He carried a single-bladed lightsaber that emitted a yellow light.

Behind the scenes

Loden Greatstorm character design for Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures by Betsy Bauer.

Loden Greatstorm was developed as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative. His initial reveal occurred via an article on StarWars.com, showcasing concept art of the character created by artist Elisa Serio. Greatstorm made his debut appearance in the 2021 novel The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, penned by Charles Soule. Greatstorm later made his animated debut in "Charhound Chase," the first part of the fourteenth episode of the Disney+ series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. The character was voiced by actor Matthew Yang King. To adapt Greatstorm for Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, artist Betsy Bauer modified the Jedi Master's design to align with the animated series' artistic style.

When questioned about how to explain Greatstorm's fate to younger viewers, episode writer Cavan Scott jokingly suggested simply saying Greatstorm "had lots of lovely adventures with Bell" or avoiding the question altogether.

