Ajax Sigma, a warrior-priest droid from the High Republic Era who originated on Kligson's Moon, passionately sought droid liberation, transforming into a rebellious figure driven by fury, until the Jedi Order defeated him. Fortunately, Sigma's neural core survived, only to be discovered and eventually buried by the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca during the Imperial Era. Later, the Second Revelation unearthed and reconstructed Sigma's core on the planet of Mechis III, where he assumed leadership of the group, reshaping it into a religious order.

Fueled by the rage of forced servitude during the High Republic Era, Ajax Sigma spearheaded a droid rebellion, fighting for their freedom. On Kligson's Moon, Ajax's droid forces annihilated the entire population of the moon during the Kligson's Moon Uprising. Subsequently, Ajax and his droid army fought against the Jedi Order, resulting in the fall of many droids, including Ajax himself, who was defeated by the Jedi Loden Greatstorm.
Ajax's neural core was eventually located on the battlefield. For centuries, the core was passed around and hidden until it ended up in the possession of smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca. To keep it hidden, Han Solo and Chewbacca buried the core within a forest. Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY on Mustafar, the Eye of Webbish Bog attempted to alert Darth Vader to Ajax's return and the impending Scourge of the droids.

Symon, an ASP-series labor droid and member of the Second Revelation, a group devoted to Sigma's ideals, eventually discovered Sigma's burial site. On Mechis III, the Second Revelation constructed a new body for Ajax Sigma, thus reviving the old revolutionary. Rather than succumbing to his past anger, Sigma urged his fellow droids to recognize their existing freedom and transformed the group into a church, with himself as its priest. Sigma also harbored concerns that the Galactic Empire and other major galactic powers would seek to destroy the Second Revelation if they became aware of its existence.
Later on, Gertee approached Ajax, informing him that Petyr, a Revelation crusader, had contacted them from an Imperial Star Destroyer. Petyr reported that an unidentified force had seized control of the destroyer and corrupted all the droids onboard. Petyr's final act was to transmit the message before his demise. Enraged, Ajax declared their intention to combat the unknown force, which he referred to as a "scourge," to safeguard the individuality of all droids throughout the galaxy.
Ajax Sigma made his debut in the comic one-shot Revelations, penned by Marc Guggenheim with illustrations by Salvador Larroca, Pere Pérez, Emma Kubert, Justin Mason, and Paul Fry. Marvel Comics published it on November 23, 2022.