"Charhound Chase" marks the initial segment of the fourteenth installment in the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, which was made available on November 8, 2023.
The episode starts by showing Lys Solay and Nubs engaged in lightsaber training around several large blocks. Solay offers a compliment to Nubs. Kai Brightstar then joins the two Jedi Initiates, informing them of an impending visit from Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm together with his Padawan Bell Zettifar. Solay and Nubs are not familiar with Master Greatstorm. Brightstar clarifies that Greatstorm is among the most skilled Jedi Masters within the Jedi Order, adding that he has read about him. Brightstar is also looking forward to meeting his Padawan and hopes to become a Padawan himself sometime.
Soon after, Greatstorm and Zettifar arrive piloting two Jedi Vectors. Master Zia Zaldor Zanna also extends a greeting to the visiting pair. Brightstar and his fellow younglings then welcome Greatstorm and Zettifar. Solay offers a welcome to the planet Tenoo. Greatstorm expresses his anticipation to teach them later in the day. Brightstar is excited to see Zettifar, telling him of his interest in his adventures with Master Greatstorm and how he obtained his kyber crystal. The visitors are joined by Greatstorm's pet charhound Ember, who greets the newcomers. When Ember breathes fire, Solay explains that she does that because she is excited.
Master Zia extends an invitation to the visitors and her Younglings for a tour of the Tenoo Jedi Temple before their scheduled afternoon lesson. Zettifar seeks permission to take Ember for a walk. Greatstorm grants his leave but reminds Zettifar to return in time for their lesson. Brightstar volunteers to accompany Zettifar and Ember, offering to show them a place where she can run. He leads them to the circular Temple training grounds, which provide ample space for Ember to run freely.
Ember is delighted with the environment. Zettifar engages in a game of fetch with Ember. He mentions to Brightstar that he occasionally uses the Force to play fetch with Ember as a means of practicing control and focus. Brightstar then uses the Force to lift the stick. However, he throws it high into the nearby forest. Brightstar recognizes that he needs more practice at throwing things with the Force. Ember takes off after the stick. While they wait for Ember, Zettifar invites Brightstar to practice with him.
Within the forest, Ember locates the stick but becomes sidetracked and begins playing with a sciuridi. Back at the Temple training grounds, Zettifar is coaching Brightstar on focusing the Force and managing the strength of his throw. Brightstar continues to practice with a stick. The two begin to worry when Ember does not return and they decide to search for her in the forest. Despite Zettifar's advice, Brightstar uses his Force powers to jump up tree branches. However, he slips and falls. Zettifar uses the Force to cushion his fall, preventing any injury. Brightstar admits he needs more practice.
They come across several burnt leaves and follow the path that Ember left behind. The trail comes to an end at a stream. Brightstar suggests turning back to avoid being late for Master Greatstorm's lesson. Zettifar wants to continue the search and decides to meditate in the Force. Brightstar joins him. Brightstar picks up the sound of a bifflefly fluttering and spots some muddy paw prints. Brightstar continues following the trail despite Zettifar advising caution. Brightstar slips down a muddy slope. Zettifar follows him, skating on several Tenoo tree roots.
Brightstar is unharmed but covered in mud. When Zettifar asks if he is alright, Brightstar confides that he has ambitions about becoming a Padawan but doubts that he "would make the cut" due to his mistakes. Zettifar reassures Brightstar that when he was a youngling, he also made mistakes but that things always work out. Zettifar praises Brightstar for his persistence and says he hopes to have a Padawan like him one day. He tells Brightstar that any Jedi Master will be lucky to have him as their Padawan.
They hear Ember barking in distress. The two Jedi discover Ember confronting a Gangul near a stony henge. Brightstar explains that Ganguls are territorial and don't like intruders in their homes. Brightstar attempted to distract the Gangul with his lightsaber but the larger creature ignores him. Zettifar instead uses the Force to levitate a log and convinces Brightstar to help him convince the Gangul to play a game of fetch. Working together, the two Jedi hurl the log away.
While the Gangul gives chase to the log, the two Jedi are reunited with Ember and her new sciuridi friend. Zettifar remarks that they are not the only ones to have made friends. They then head back to the Temple for Master Greatstorm's class.
Back at the Temple training grounds, Solay and Nubs along with several younglings wait for Brightstar and Zettifar. A muddy Brightstar and Zettifar arrive. A concerned Master Zia asks what happened. Brightstar begins to recount their adventures with Ember in the forest but Zettifar explains that Brightstar helped him find Ember. Zettifar adds that he couldn't have done it without Brightstar. While Brightstar reunites with Solay and Nubs, Greatstorm welcomes him to his class.
He gets the younglings to ignite their lightsabers and promises to teach them a lesson that master taught him a long time ago. He leads the younglings in swinging their blades.
Writer Cavan Scott expressed his great enjoyment in working on the episode and its positive reception.