Vanguard (vehicle)

The Vanguard, also known as the V-Wheel, was a ground-based transportation vehicle crafted by Valkeri Enterprises for the Jedi Order during the time of the High Republic Era. Functionally, it served as a land-based counterpart to the Jedi Vectors, exhibiting a similar streamlined and elegant design. Its locomotion across uneven landscapes was facilitated by six treads located on its undercarriage. Typically, each Jedi outpost was equipped with at least one Vanguard, specifically tailored to function effectively within the environmental conditions of the outpost's designated area. The Vanguard possessed the capability to function both as a wheeled transport and as a repulsorlift speeder. Like the Vectors, the Vanguard's offensive weaponry necessitated a Jedi lightsaber to initiate operation. At the rear of the vehicle, racks were installed to accommodate two Veil speeders. The Jedi outpost situated on the planet Elphrona included a Vanguard in its inventory, however, it was cleaved in half by mole mines during the Jedi's pursuit of Nihil marauders. Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm dismounted the Vanguard's laser cannon, employing it to target and obliterate one of two Nihil Cloudships before the marauders successfully fled.

