
Chromants were a species of ant native to the Outer Rim planet of Elphrona, where they built nests housing as many as one hundred individuals. During the High Republic Era, the inhabitants of the planet commonly requested assistance from extermination units when these creatures became a problem.

In 232 BBY, a certain claim located on Elphrona encountered problems due to a chromant nest. Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm, who was based at the Jedi Order's Elphrona Outpost situated to the claim's south, planned to address the issue after he finished eating, even stating that he could defeat a hundred of them. Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes inquired if an extermination unit should be called instead, but he expressed his desire to engage the chromants himself. Greatstorm's Padawan, Bell Zettifar, also wished to assist, but he had other training obligations. Ultimately, the Jedi did not provide assistance to the claim regarding the chromant problem, as they were sent on a rescue endeavor that took them to another location on Elphrona.

Behind the scenes

The creatures known as Chromants were referenced within Light of the Jedi, a 2021 novel penned by Charles Soule. This novel was a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.

