Unidentified claim

A request for assistance originated from a claim situated on Elphrona, a planet in the Outer Rim during the High Republic Era; this claim was positioned to the north of the Jedi managed Elphrona Outpost. In 232 BBY, the claim faced problems related to chromant beings, and Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm expressed his willingness to provide aid. This was despite Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes's inquiry about the potential use of an extermination unit. Ultimately, Greatstorm, along with the other Jedi stationed on Elphrona, were summoned to address a raid unfolding in another location on the planet.

Behind the scenes

Charles Soule included a reference to the claim in his 2021 novel, Light of the Jedi. This novel is a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.

