Star Wars #13 represents the thirteenth installment of the official comic book series, titled Star Wars, within the canon universe. This issue was authored by Charles Soule, with illustrations provided by Ramon Rosanas and Rachelle Rosenberg. Marvel Comics released it to the public on May 12, 2021. The story it tells serves as a prelude called "The Hunt for Han Solo," acting as a lead-in to the expansive Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters crossover narrative.
WAR OF THE BOUNTY HUNTERS PRELUDE: "THE HUNT FOR HAN" CHEWBACCA has received word from a long-time acquaintance, offering information regarding the whereabouts of the infamous bounty hunter BOBA FETT, who is believed to be holding HAN SOLO. Accompanied by LUKE SKYWALKER, the devoted Wookiee embarks on a quest to locate his missing comrade, leading them to Nar Shadaa…[sic] the SMUGGLER'S MOON! However, will this undertaking hinder the resourceful astromech droid ARTOO DETOO from delivering a vital message to Luke, a message that could determine the destiny of the entire Jedi Order…?
Rachelle Rosenberg, the colorist, worked on coloring a page from Star Wars 13 during a live broadcast on her Twitch channel.
Within Star Wars 13, both C-3PO and Luke Skywalker assert that he discovered his yellow lightsaber on the planet known as Elphrona. Conversely, in issue 6, where Skywalker initially finds the lightsaber, the setting is the planet Tempes. Charles Soule, the writer, acknowledged on Twitter that this discrepancy was his error and that it would be corrected in subsequent print runs and collected editions.
- UPC 759606096008; May 12 , 2021 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1] 01311; Cover A; Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz & Rain Beredo 01321; Cover B; Chris Sprouse, Karl Story & Neeraj Menon 01331; Cover C; John Tyler Christopher 01341; Cover D; Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson 01351; Cover E; Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz & Rain Beredo