Star Wars #6 represents the sixth installment in the official canon series of comic books titled Star Wars. This issue was penned by Charles Soule, with illustrations crafted by Jesús Saiz, and its publication was handled by Marvel Comics on September 16, 2020. The narrative presented in this issue is titled "The Destiny Path: Part VI," and it follows Luke Skywalker as he is guided by Verla on a quest to locate a new lightsaber situated on Tempes.
IS IT JEDI WISDOM…OR A TRAP SET BY THE DARK SIDE? LUKE SKYWALKER is being led by THE FORCE to a person with great insight into the JEDI path…But this meeting will be a life-altering experience for Skywalker. Luke believed his battle with Darth Vader was the ultimate challenge. However, his trials are just beginning. The galaxy is in need of Luke Skywalker. And a Jedi must have a weapon! Meanwhile, Vader is still hunting for his son, and the REBEL ALLIANCE is on the brink of despair.
The events involving Luke Skywalker's visit to the outpost located on Tempes, including his confrontation with the Grand Inquisitor, were initially hinted at within the second issue of the 2019 miniseries, Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren, also authored by Charles Soule.
- The UPC is 759606096008; Released on September 16 , 2020; Published by Marvel Comics ; The first printing [1] is 00611; Cover A features art by R.B. Silva & Guru-eFX 00621; Cover B features art by Chris Sprouse, Karl Story & Neeraj Menon 00631; Cover C features art by John Tyler Christopher