Urine, a bodily waste product, was expelled by living beings. As an example, humans were able to urinate, usually getting rid of the fluid in designated areas known as refreshers, even though some would occasionally urinate outdoors. The Rebel Alliance pilot Wedge Antilles, a human, tried to urinate in 2 BBY, but the analyst droid AP-5 stopped him from doing so.
The voorpaks were another species known to produce urine; they excreted purple liquid, making house training these mammals particularly challenging. Furthermore, the charhounds had urine so hot that it could ignite other objects. A canine species known as the Corellian hound also possessed the ability to urinate; in 5 BBY, one of these animals relieved itself on the bright-red B2 groundmech salvage assist unit B2EMO during an incident at Rix Road on Ferrix. The droid, not wanting to be urinated on, used its electro-shock prod to chase the hound away.
The term "urine" was first used in the Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures episode "Voorpak," which was released on the StarWarsKids.com YouTube channel on October 21, 2021.