EB-3 functioned as a SP-4 analysis droid within the criminal organization known as Taborr's gang.
EB-3 was part of a group of pirates, specifically Taborr's gang, which was under the leadership of Taborr Val Dorn. Along with Val Dorn and Pord, a Gamorrean, the droid took part in multiple attacks on Hap's Sap Tap, a café located on the planet Tenoo. During one particular raid, the pirates were confronted by Jedi younglings named Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs, who demanded the return of the stolen items. Val Dorn instructed EB-3 and Pord to transport the cart containing the stolen goods to their starship; however, the Jedi quickly overwhelmed them. Val Dorn created a diversion, enabling the pirates to get away. Nevertheless, the Jedi, aided by Nash Durango and other local inhabitants, successfully recovered the stolen items, which forced the gang to retreat without any loot.
EB-3 made its initial appearance in the animated short titled "Nash's Firehawk Frenzy," the fifth of its kind. It was broadcast on April 17, 2023, preceding the debut of the first season of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, an animated series available on Disney+.