Sellaccc Orryak

Sellaccc Orryak, a Trandoshan character, was the ringleader of a biker outfit called the Ganguls, operating on Tenoo.



Orryak called the planet Tenoo, situated in the Outer Rim, her home. Sometime during the High Republic Era, she established a speeder bike gang known as The Ganguls, with herself at the helm, accompanied by the Anzellan mechanic Toda-Joh and the Quarren Jooro "Speeds" Jarrot as fellow members. Together, the trio stormed into a small settlement named Aklyrr Bend, successfully overthrowing the mayor and installing themselves as the ruling tyrants of the community. Occupying the mayor's former office, they began to seize whatever they desired from the townspeople, while enlisting the town's youth to carry out thefts from neighboring settlements. The pilfering of a speeder from the town of Kublop Springs by one such youth, a human known as Ori, who was personally known to Orryak, ultimately drew unwanted attention to the gang's activities.

The Ganguls

Orryak became aware of this situation when a group of younglings from the local Jedi Temple managed to bypass Speeds and enter the grounds of the former mayor's office. One of them loudly announced that Speeds and the others were indeed the Ganguls and possessed a stolen speeder. Amused by the younglings' audacity, Orryak emerged from the office. Speeds, immediately concerned for his own well-being, apologized for failing to keep them out. Ignoring his apology, she approached the younglings and attempted to intimidate them into leaving by brandishing her weapon.

The younglings stood firm and activated their training sabers. Orryak scoffed at the notion that the younglings believed they could actually stop the Ganguls. Toda-Joh disarmed the younglings, and Orryak instructed Speeds to ensnare them with an electric net. With the children captured, Orryak ordered Speeds to confine them to the town's holding cell until the gang could decide what to do with them. She also assigned Ori to guard duty, acknowledging the boy's demonstrated competence.

Before the Ganguls could take any action, the younglings and townsfolk had gathered in force outside the mayor's office. Venturing out to restore order, Orryak discovered that Ori had released the younglings from the cell. She reprimanded him, stating that he, of all people, should have known better. Toda-Joh suggested that the gang should flee due to being outnumbered, a sentiment echoed by Speeds. Orryak angrily declared to the town that if they wished to drive them out, so be it, but they would regret it. The town responded that they simply wanted their stolen goods returned and the Ganguls gone from Aklyrr Bend, to which Orryak retorted that they would get them back.

Subsequently, she closed the gate and, together with the others, loaded some of the stolen property onto a repulsorlift sled attached to the stolen speeder. She and the group broke down a section of the wall surrounding the mayor's office and attempted to escape down the river, but were pursued by the younglings and Ori. As they approached a waterfall, Toda-Joh pointed out a potential escape route through a cave. Orryak made a sharp turn with the speeder, but it proved too wide to fit through the cave entrance. Forced to abandon the stolen property and speeder, she vowed that the Ganguls would return and teach the town a lesson. The Ganguls managed to evade their pursuers, leaving behind the possessions they had acquired during their reign over Aklyrr Bend.

The Talon takeover

Not long after their expulsion from Aklyrr's Bend, the Ganguls came across information about an abandoned outpost on Denoo. Sellaccc had hopes of acquiring a ship there and profiting from the sale of its components. Rather than risk the wrath of the local Jedi or other authorities by acquiring a vessel honestly, Sellaccc and the Ganguls ambushed the local pirate, Taborr, to steal his ship, the Talon. The Ganguls accomplished this with relative ease, as Taborr was merely a youngling, and his two companions were inept at handling a smoke bomb directed their way. Having boarded the Talon, the Ganguls proceeded into the orbit of Tenoo. Once there, Sellaccc instructed Speeds to set a course for Denoo, only to intercept a transmission from the hall just behind the cockpit. In that transmission, Taborr was reprimanding his compatriots for contacting him during his attempt to reclaim the vessel. Upon hearing this, Sellaccc confidently opened the door and questioned Taborr's ability to regain control of the Talon. Speeds casually intervened, telling Sellaccc that he would handle it and disarming Taborr. Sellaccc then attempted to restrain Taborr, who evaded her. She signaled to Speeds for the weapon and was provided with it. Evading Taborr's repulsor blast, she found an opportunity and seized hold of him. The young pirate insisted that he was still the captain and the Talon still his ship, to which Sellaccc responded that it was no longer the case before locking him in a holding cell aboard the Talon. When Taborr's crewmates sent another communication, they found themselves face to face with Sellaccc, who informed them that Taborr had been captured and that they would also be captured if they attempted to rescue him.

As they approached Denoo, Sellaccc went down to the holding cell to check on Taborr, who was in the midst of attempting to breach the force barrier with his repulsor bracelets. Frustrated by his inability to do so, Taborr demanded to know Sellaccc's identity. Kneeling down to meet the young pirate eye to eye, she instead replied that those who had taken his ship were the Ganguls and that they had plans. She informed him that the Ganguls had outgrown Tenoo and had grand plans for the Talon—to use the ship to become the greatest pirates in the sector. When Taborr claimed to be the greatest in the sector, Sellaccc indifferently replied, "... whatever kid."

Upon landing on Denoo, Sellaccc ordered the other Ganguls to collect and load droid parts onto the Talon. While waiting in the cockpit for them to finish, she heard her captive shouting angrily and learned that the Jedi were present as Taborr berated his compatriots for bringing them. With a growl of agitation, Sellaccc left the cockpit to investigate the situation herself. Apologizing for interrupting, she demanded that Taborr's compatriots leave. She then leapt with Taborr's weapon in hand toward EB-3 and attempted to deliver a fatal blow to obtain more droid parts but failed. After witnessing the Gamorian Pord scuttle off and hide, Sellaccc began to adopt a less overtly aggressive and more playfully stalking demeanor. However, as the crew evaded her pursuit, she became increasingly agitated—eventually throwing all the loaded crates and parts out of the ship in an attempt to leave them with no place to hide. Even Taborr reached the point of telling his crewmates to give up, and Sellaccc echoed that sentiment. It was at that point that she fell into a trap and was captured in an empty crate by EB-3.

However, the weight of the droid who placed the crate over her was insufficient to restrain her. Sellaccc kicked both the droid and crate off her and became thrilled at having finally caught the two she had been hunting for. She pondered aloud what to do with them, only for Taborr to demand that she leave his friends alone. She demanded to know what he was going to do about it from the cell with his friends so helpless, but her delight was cut short when a scavenged droid reactivated by Taborr's crew tripped her. While she was recovering from the fall, the crewmates of Taborr freed him, and she found herself in a fight as the three tried to take her on. Sellaccc threw Pord against a crate and nearly lost an eye to Taborr's weapon before tumbling out of the Talon and onto the sands of Denoo. With the Jedi arriving, Sellaccc and the Ganguls got to their speeder bikes (presumably loaded onto the Talon when they took it and then unloaded upon arriving on Denoo) and left. The Jedi did not pursue.

Happy Trails Nubs

Having somehow escaped Denoo and returned to Tenoo, Sellaccc began searching for ways to acquire enough funds to purchase a starship for the Ganguls. In this pursuit, she learned of a group seeking to establish a new farm and that this group possessed a well-digging drill. Her source even informed her of where it would be stowed on the way to the new farm site. Rather than take work as escort for this group she opted to ambush them and take the well digging drill to resell, which would give the Ganguls enough funds to purchase their own ship and as she desired have the chance to become the best pirates in the sector. With the wagon train successfully halted the gang piloted their speeder bikes through the group towards the last wagon where the drill was stowed and hitched it to her speeder. The whole operation went off with out a snag- no resistance, no excessive force on their end either- in and out. She commented about the ease of it all while speeding away with the rest of her gang.

After a good distance away Speeds asked what they would do now. She informed him that they'd take the drill to their hideout, see if it works, and then sell it at the outpost north of their hideout as the folks there will not question where it came from. Shortly after explaining such she heard the hitch on her speedbike make a sound as if coming loose and looking back saw a blue furred youngling Jedi fiddling with it. She was, actually a little amused as she brought the speeder to a sudden halt causing the momentum to send the little one toppling into the path ahead. She pulled up with a drawn long axe as Speeds told the little one who had his training saber ignited that it was over. The little stowaway deignited the saber and with a sigh handed it over to Sellacc who kneeled down to be at eye level and rather sarcastically stated that he put up a good fight for a little furball. The youngling informed her that his name is Nubz and she told the gang to put him in binds so they could get going.

With Nubz in the passenger seat of her speeder she and the gang pulled into their hideout. She told the gang to check that the drill actually works and started to walk towards the cooking fire of the hideout to fix up a meal with Nubz following. She heard Speeds mention that the drill was heavier than it looked and while still looking away the sounds of it falling over. Turning around she saw Nubz had caught the drill before it could fall upon Speeds. Speeds thanked Nubz and she checked on the drill before commenting that he's stronger than he looks and knowing very well he wouldn't join them made a motion at the offer as a subtle nudge towards Speeds' consciousness. Naturally Nubz turned her down, as she expected, and she let him know she knew he wouldn't. Still, she told Nubz that as she's worked up an appetite they should get some food, stating that Nubz has earned some for himself after saving Speeds. The little youngling jumped rather excitedly about that.

Having prepared food for the two of them Sellaccc sat opposite of Nubz and kept up what little fun she was having trying to recruit him. It'd been a while since she'd gotten youths working for the gang- the last was back in Ackla's Bend. While doing so her gang's mechanic informed her that more Jedi where on the way, Nubz communicator which they had confiscated had gotten a transmission from the other Jedi. She informed the mechanic that she had a plan and told Nubz that they just got a warning that some dangerous creatures are on the way. She asked if he can use his strength to move a boulder to block the hideout's entrance to keep the creatures away. Nubz agrees to do so but while moving the boulder heard his friends on the way. Sellaccc notices that he has picked up a sound in the distance but not that he has identified it and urges him to hurry until she realized that her plan didn't work out as Nubz tosses the boulder to the side. She resorted to an alternative plan of using her long axe to collapse the entrance. It would have seemed as if the gang was trapped but she informed them that there is another entrance, she told them to follow her as they needed to sell the drill even with it untested.

With the wagon rehitched to her speederback and the gang out she sped towards the outpost thinking the Jedi far behind, possibly trying to dig into the collapsed tunnel but she is proven wrong when one of them makes their presence known. The young Jedi tries to reason with her, that the farmers need it to have freshwater at the farm site. She tells the youngling the farmers will be fine but cut herself off from explain why when she heard a pound against the wagon and saw another young Jedi clinging to it. Speeds swiftly tells the mechanic to fire the net cannon but was rammed by Nubz and sent off road. The wagon was unhitched and Sellaccc demanded the Jedi give it back to her as she brings her speeder bike to a stop. Seeing Nubz she tried to get him to hand it over, saying they are friends- but Nubz knows better and refuses. She got back on her speeder bike and told him that he'll regret having done so as she sped off towards where Speeds and the mechanic had landed when forced off road.

Heroes and Hot-Shots

Sellaccc and the Ganguls having saw an opportunity to take a ship for themselves took it from some friends who where no longer friends after the theft. She renamed the ship Raptor's Revenge and in addition to the ship acquired a droid pilot for the craft. While the Raptor's Revenge was an impressive vessel a pirate benefits from having smaller ships and after a village on a nearby world was hit by a storm she saw an opportunity to acquire a few starfighters. While Speeds and her mechanic attempted to slice into a starfighter she was approach from behind by a stranger in white and brown attire. The stranger introduced himself as a Jedi Padawan which prompted Sellaccc to sigh, as if the Jedi younglings where not a nuisance enough. Though before she could get herself composed the very younglings who'd been giving her trouble joined the Padawan.

Sellaccc took the opportunity to deviate focus from being promptly stopped by catching up. The younglings had new robes and she proudly displayed her new ship. The Padawan brought the focus back to stopping her by stating that the ships don't belong to her, which refocused the younglings. Sellaccc stated that such doesn't matter because pirates take what they want so bringing that up was not going make her stop. The Padawan rushed forward with his lightsaber and Sellaccc brought her staff to meet his blade. She found the battle more than she was use to, as her previous battles had been with younglings. When the Padawan complimented her staff she told him it was Beskar steel so no lightsaber could cut into it. Still even with the staff she could tell she was not ready to defeat a Padawan and ordered Speeds to net him. Once the Padawan was rendered no longer a threat she ordered her new droid, 88, to fire the claws in order to tow the starfighters aboard. 88 catches one starfighter but the other claw nearly hit Speeds prompting Sellaccc to momentarily forget about the younglings in order to reprimand her droid. She climbed onto the captured starfighter and ordered Speeds and her mechanic to dig out the other claw and attach it to the second starfighter. She took to the task of slicing into the fighter cockpit while Speeds and her mechanic did as ordered however the Padawan and Kai Brightstar arrive just as she had sliced in.

Declaring that the Jedi don't know when to quite she charged with her staff and the Padawan met her while ordering Kai to free the starfighter. Kai succeeds and Sellaccc is hit, by a levitating crate- the first time she had actually been hit at all in a fight with a Jedi. Knocked onto the ground she quickly got back up as the Padawan approaches. Enhancing her effort beyond what she'd had to in the past she managed to disarm the Padawan. While taunting him by asking where his smile was now, she got that same excited look she had when fighting the Talon crew on Denoo. The Padawan even called to the youngling Kai Brightstar for help which only amused her even more as she prepared to impale the Padawan with the sharp end of her staff only for Kai to knock crates between her and her prey. Loosing her focus she lashed out with her staff at Kai but her strikes where avoided and her staff became stuck in one of the crates. The Padawan used the force to knock barrels into her which roll over her. Fortunately for her the Padawan prioritized recovering the stolen starfighters over the capture of Sellaccc. Once recovered she ordered 88 to fly the Raptor's Revenge away. She contacted Speeds telling him that she was leaving and telling him to catch up. Speeds did not use the second starfighter because its cockpit was still sealed and while telling her to wait tried to run after the ship. Sellaccc did not wait and the ship flew into orbit while the rest of her gang ran out of town unpursued.

