The Ganguls, alternatively known as the Gangul gang, were a pirate syndicate that plagued the Outer Rim within the Bri'ahl sector during the High Republic Era. Originating as a biker crew on the planet Tenoo, the Ganguls escalated their operations with the objective of establishing themselves as the most feared pirates in the sector. This group frequently clashed with the Jedi younglings stationed on Tenoo, as well as Taborr's gang.
The Ganguls, who also went by the name Gangul gang, evolved from a biker group into full-fledged pirates, often instigating conflicts within the Bri'ahl sector.
Under the leadership of the Trandoshan Sellaccc Orryak, the Ganguls began their criminal career as a biker gang operating on the planet Tenoo. They adopted their name from the creature of the same name that terrorized the town of Aklyrr Bend, where they engaged in theft of the locals' possessions and disruptive behavior. This gang's activities were thwarted by a trio of Jedi younglings from the [Tenoo Jedi Temple](/article/tenoo_jedi_temple]: Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. This marked the beginning of numerous confrontations between the two groups.
Driven by the ambition to expand their influence beyond Tenoo, Orryak focused on acquiring a starship. Their initial attempt, which also marked their first of several encounters with Taborr's gang, involved the temporary successful hijacking of Taborr's vessel, the Iron Talon. On one occasion, while ambushing a caravan en route to Tenoo's frontiers, the Ganguls pilfered a pod-wagon containing a well-maker drill, hoping to sell it for enough credits to purchase a ship. Unbeknownst to the bikers, the young Pooba Nubs was also inside the wagon. Orryak tried to persuade the Jedi trainee to join her gang, but he and the drill were subsequently rescued by the other Jedi younglings.
Despite earlier failures, the Ganguls eventually managed to leave Tenoo, obtaining the Rathtar's Revenge from unspecified "friends" to serve as their new flagship. Orryak immediately directed the gang's efforts towards increasing the size of their fleet, initially attempting to seize starships from Deppani in the aftermath of a storm. However, this raid was prevented by the Tenoo younglings, who were accompanied by the Jedi Padawan Wes Vinik.
Commencing their operations in the Outer Rim, the Ganguls initiated a series of heists throughout the Bri'ahl sector, stealing items like rare diamonds and a pet Gotis from a senator. The stolen goods were then auctioned off at the Yarrum Tower marketplace. The Ganguls frequently bragged about their exploits, which, at one point, inspired Taborr Val-Dorn to try and tame a wild gangul. These boasts ultimately proved beneficial, as the promise of free starships attracted a significant number of pirates from Yarrum Tower to join the burgeoning gang. After capturing Vinik, Orryak led her new recruits on a raid of the Variax shipyard to acquire more ships. Vinik's escape was facilitated by the Tenoo younglings and the Abednedo Chigg, who acted as a double agent. During the conflict with the Jedi, the Rathtar's Revenge was knocked onto its side. Surrounded by Variax security, the Ganguls were compelled to retreat.
Despite the setback on Variax, the Ganguls' subsequent attempt to consolidate their power proved more successful. The gang's original members targeted Hap's Sap Tap, abducting the local band to use as a bargaining chip on Yarrum. Bulcha the Hutt, seeking entertainment, agreed to trade his security droids for the band. Although Hap and the younglings swiftly freed the band from Bulcha, the Ganguls successfully escaped with a new contingent of security droids.
During one Life Day celebration, Orryak, exploiting her species' historical animosity towards the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, led the gang in an attempt to steal food from the celebrating Wookiees and to cut down the Tree of Life as a display of dominance.
In their most ambitious power grab, the Ganguls orchestrated a hostile takeover of Yarrum Tower, transforming the previously independent tower into the gang's new headquarters and compelling all occupants to join their ranks. While seizing control of the ships parked outside, the original Gangul trio briefly clashed with Taborr and the Jedi. Although the Iron Talon evaded capture by the pirates, the Ganguls retained control of the tower.
During their time as a biker gang on Tenoo, the group's members included Jooro "Speeds" Jarrot, Toda-Joh, and the gang's leader, Sellaccc Orryak. The human Ori also briefly served as a member of the Ganguls. Orryak later permitted her nephew Daynaal to join the gang temporarily, hoping to persuade him to become a permanent member.
After venturing off-world, the gang acquired the Rathtar's Revenge from "friends," which subsequently became their flagship, piloted by the droid NX-88. Following the acquisition of their flagship, the gang made several unsuccessful attempts to expand their fleet with starfighters.
The gang's membership significantly increased after Orryak promised free starfighters to the pirates of Yarrum Tower. While the Rathtar's Revenge already had droid security, the Ganguls further augmented their ranks by trading the captive Feb Rozo and the Sap Tap Trio for heavy security droids from Bulcha the Hutt.