
title: Chigg

Chigg was a male pirate of the Abednedo species. In the year 232 BBY, he procured a jellyfruit from Taborr Val Dorn's pirate gang, who were selling their stolen goods in the Yarrum Tower marketplace. While consuming the fruit, he accidentally bumped into Nash Durango, a pilot disguised as a pirate, causing her to fall. After assisting her in getting up, she and three Jedi younglings eventually recovered the stolen jellyfruit for the Jellyfruit Festival on the planet Tenoo, an event Chigg attended thanks to Durango's invitation. Later, the Abednedo was present on Tenoo for Visitor's Day and also frequented the Hap's Sap Tap eatery on a couple of occasions.

Chigg and his crew abandoned their piratical ways and instead began a business selling unusual fruits from the Outer Rim. When their group's ship became mired in the mud on the world of Galjaero, they broadcast a distress signal, which was answered by Durango and the Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. Although their initial attempt was unsuccessful, Chigg aided Brightstar in attaching a tow cable to their ship, enabling Durango's vessel—the Crimson Firehawk—to successfully pull the craft to safety. Subsequently, Chigg and his former pirate crew visited the Starlight Beacon space station together with the younglings.


Jellyfruit Festival

Chigg was a male pirate of the Abednedo species who spent time around the Yarrum Tower marketplace on the planet Yarrum during the High Republic Era. In 232 BBY, he purchased a jellyfruit from the pirate Taborr Val Dorn and his gang. As he enjoyed the delicious fruit, Nash Durango, a pilot in pirate disguise, ran into the large Abednedo and fell. Chigg turned around, took a bite of the juicy fruit, greeted her, helped her up, and made sure she was okay. The Abednedo patted Durango on the head and apologized as he continued to munch on his jellyfruit. One of Durango's disguised companions, the Jedi youngling Kai Brightstar, asked in a gruff voice where he had gotten the jellyfruit.

Chigg makes sure Durango is all right.

Chigg, unaware of the delicacy's name, pointed to Val Dorn, stating that he had stolen a crate of them. Durango and the Jedi had come to Yarrum in search of the stolen goods, so another youngling, Lys Solay, thanked Chigg, though she initially forgot to imitate a pirate's deep voice. Chigg then departed. Later, when the Jedi and Durango had recovered the fruit, Solay revealed that Val Dorn had stolen from an old farmer, which Chigg and some other pirates found particularly unimpressive. The pirates laughed at Val Dorn's gang and then left. That night, Chigg and another pirate attended the Jellyfruit Festival on the planet Tenoo, to which Durango had invited them to include everyone, even pirates, in the festivities. Chigg enjoyed a jellyfruit and a beverage from the Hap's Sap Tap eatery. Afterward, due to the Jedi younglings' kindness, the Abednedo and his crew decided to abandon their piratical ways and instead gather and sell rare fruits from around the Outer Rim.

He was present on Tenoo again for Visitor's Day, which attracted visitors from all over the galaxy. The Abednedo later visited Hap's Sap Tap on Tenoo but eventually chose to leave alongside the establishment's other patrons when a Tikotiko creature spilled an orange-colored beverage on top of him. On another occasion, he and another patron sat at a table at Hap's Sap Tap and had their beverages spilled on them when a holo-dart—thrown by the Jedi youngling Nubs—collided with his drink.

Stuck on Galjaero

Chigg and Nash Durango recognized each other upon meeting on Galjaero.

Later that same year, Chigg and his crew of former pirates—including a Chagrian, a Kyuzo, a Twi'lek, and another individual—traveled to the planet Galjaero to acquire a rare type of fruit grown there. When their ship became stuck in the mud, they sent a distress signal. The Abednedo left the immediate area to gather fruit while his colleagues unloaded crates from their craft to make it lighter. While Durango was transporting Solay, Nubs, and Brightstar to the Starlight Beacon space station aboard her ship, the Crimson Firehawk, they responded to the call for help. However, they assumed Chigg's colleagues were holding the ship's legitimate owners inside to steal their cargo and attacked the group. Durango and Chigg quickly informed their colleagues of the situation, with the latter assuring his crew that their rescuers were trustworthy because they had shared their jellyfruit with him on Tenoo.

Working together, the Jedi younglings attempted to lift the ship out of the mud while Chigg and his crew used tools to pry it upward. However, the group's efforts accidentally pushed the vessel too far, causing a mudslide that sent it over a cliff and near the entrance to a creature's den. As the creature's tentacles moved to drag the ship closer, Brightstar and Chigg prepared to attach a tow cable to the crew's ship while it was distracted by their other friends throwing fruit at it. The Abednedo leaped onto the top of the pirate vessel and fastened the cable, allowing Durango to pull the starship free using the Firehawk.

Chigg (top left) visited Starlight Beacon with Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs.

As his crew loaded their ship, Chigg inquired what had brought the Jedi near Galjaero to answer their call. Brightstar—noticing the Abednedo's excitement when he mentioned their destination—invited the former pirate to join them on Starlight Beacon. After the crew finished loading their ship, they traveled through hyperspace with the Firehawk to the station. Once there, he explained to Jedi Master Estala Maru that the younglings had been late due to answering his crew's distress call. The Master was surprised by their presence but nonetheless invited them to tour the facility with the other Jedi.

Personality and traits

Despite his intimidating pirate appearance, Chigg helped Durango get up and apologized for their collision. He mocked Val Dorn's unimpressive piracy. Following the Jedi younglings' kindness at the Jellyfruit Festival, Chigg and his crew abandoned their pirating profession and instead chose to become traders of exotic Outer Rim fruits. The Abednedo was pleased to encounter Durango and the other younglings on Galjaero, working together with them to save his crew's ship. He also showed excitement at the opportunity to visit Starlight Beacon, having heard many things about it. Chigg had patterned brown skin, green eyes, and white sideburns.


Chigg wore a tattered green-and-white shirt and pocketed brown pants. He also donned brown shoes, fingerless gloves, and a brown belt with a lighter-colored buckle. His crew owned a starship, which they used to transport exotic fruits across the galaxy.

Behind the scenes

Chigg made his debut in "The Jellyfruit Pursuit," the opening segment of the fifth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. His voice was provided by Dee Bradley Baker, who also voices Jedi youngling Nubs in the series. The episode was released on May 4, 2023.

