The Jellyfruit Pursuit

"The Jellyfruit Pursuit"

This is the initial segment of the fifth episode from the animated show Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It became available for viewing on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.

Formal Synopsis

The Jedi secretly infiltrate the pirate's stronghold.

Detailed Storyline

The Pirate's Heist

The story begins with a youthful Rodian assisting his elder Weebo in gathering jellyfruit from a field located on the planet Tenoo. Suddenly, Taborr's gang appears aboard their ship, the Iron Talon. Taborr Val Dorn descends using a magnetic clamp and pilfers their entire crate of jellyfruit, all while ridiculing the Rodian farmers. When Weebo's grandson objects, mentioning their plan to share the fruit at the Jellyfruit Festival that evening, Val Dorn sarcastically retorts that he intends to sell the fruit to other pirates. The Rodian elder is devastated, realizing that Kublop Springs will be unable to host their Jellyfruit Festival.

Simultaneously, Nash Durango, RJ-83, and the Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay are assisting Hap in decorating for the impending Jellyfruit Festival. Hap expresses gratitude to Brightstar and his Jedi companions for their help. Durango eagerly anticipates sharing jellyfruit and proceeds to sing a jellyfruit-themed song with Hap. Their singing is interrupted by a holoprojector message from Weebo and her grandson, who report the theft of the jellyfruits by a band of pirates. The younglings and Hap are deeply saddened, understanding the significance of jellyfruit to the Jellyfruit Festival.

Maintaining composure, Solay requests Weebo to provide a description of the pirates. Weebo recalls their possession of a massive starship resembling a bird. She also remembers that the pirate was a short individual with a pirate. The younglings identify the pirate as Taborr. Durango assures Weebo and her grandson that her Jedi comrades will pursue the pirates. When Hap points out their lack of knowledge regarding the pirates' destination, Weebo's grandson recalls Val Dorn's statement about selling the jellyfruit to other pirates. Durango remembers their earlier encounter with pirates on Yarrum and decides to retrieve the stolen jellyfruit.

In Disguise at Yarrum Tower

Durango and the Jedi younglings journey to Yarrum aboard the Crimson Firehawk, a location Solay recognizes from a previous adventure. Brightstar also remembers that the adventure occurred at Yarrum Tower, a pirate haven popular among pirates from across the sector. Brightstar believes that Val Dorn has gone there to sell the stolen jellyfruit. While Brightstar is optimistic about their success, Durango cautions them that Jedi are not common visitors to Yarrum Tower and that appearing in their typical Jedi attire would alert Val Dorn. Durango instructs RJ-83 to take control of the console while she outlines their strategy. She advises the Jedi that they must disguise themselves as pirates.

After landing on Yarrum, Durango and the Jedi discuss their disguises, which she deems acceptable. She also emphasizes the need to act like pirates. Brightstar, Nubs, and Solay attempt to impersonate pirates, but Durango finds their efforts unconvincing. She assigns RJ-83 the task of guarding the Firehawk while they are away. The four younglings then board a turbolift to reach the Yarrum Tower marketplace. As they exit the lift, Durango reminds them to "act tough."

The four are promptly questioned by a female Twi'lek guard, who inquires about their intentions. Durango growls and attempts to intimidate the guard into allowing them entry. The Twi'lek relents, complaining about her inadequate pay in credits for her job. As they proceed into the marketplace, Durango reminds them to maintain stern expressions. Brightstar inadvertently breaks a ceramic item, irritating a Chagran pirate. Durango bumps into an Abednedo pirate named Chigg who assists her in getting up.

Durango expresses her gratitude to Chigg and is taken aback by the pirate's courteous behavior. Brightstar notices Chigg consuming jellyfruit and asks where he obtained them. The Abednedo replies that he was unaware of their name. Chigg informs the younglings that a "kid" near the balcony is selling an entire crate of jellyfruits. Val Dorn is indeed selling his fruit, promoting them as natural and fresh produce from the planet Tenoo. Durango and the Jedi younglings also recognize Val Dorn's accomplices Pord and EB-3. After expressing her frustration, Durango suggests that they stealthily seize the hover-cart carrying the jellyfruit crate.

Confrontation with Taborr's Crew

Brightstar complains about Val Dorn's low selling price for the jellyfruit. Val Dorn notices Brightstar but initially fails to recognize him due to his helmet. He throws Brightstar a sample jellyfruit. While attempting to catch the fruit, Brightstar stumbles, causing his helmet to fall off. Val Dorn then recognizes Brightstar and his Jedi companions. With their disguises compromised, Durango demands that Val Dorn return the stolen fruit. Val Dorn refuses and orders Pord and EB-3 to transport the crate back to their starship.

Taborr's crew flees through the marketplace, pursued closely by the Jedi younglings and Durango. Val Dorn throws several barrels in their path, but the Jedi climb over crates and continue their chase. Durango also climbs over the barrels. Solay utilizes her Force powers to leap over several stalls and tents. She accidentally damages a ceramic kettle being sold by the Chagrian pirate they encountered earlier. Solay mouths an apology before resuming her pursuit. Brightstar, Nubs, and Durango soon catch up.

Val Dorn and Pord mock the Jedi while EB-3 pushes their hover-cart. However, EB-3 inadvertently collides with two canisters, causing the cart to spin out of control and slide down a ramp toward a docking ring. Although Val Dorn and Pord manage to jump off the cart, the cart topples, sending the crate of jellyfruit down the docking ring. Durango is horrified and closes her eyes in despair. However, Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs use their Force powers to levitate the crate and return it to the docking ring. Durango is overjoyed and contacts RJ-83 to arrange a pickup.

Sharing and Making Amends

Val Dorn is angered that the Jedi foiled yet another of his plans. Solay explains that it's a consequence of stealing from an elderly farmer and her grandson. Upon learning the identity of Val Dorn's victims, the older pirates, including Chigg, regard Val Dorn with disapproval and ridicule. Val Dorn insists that he is a formidable pirate before departing with his associates. Shortly afterward, RJ-83 arrives with the Firehawk.

Durango feels sympathy for Val Dorn and his gang and invites them to share the jellyfruit with her friends. Durango adds that the festival is not only about sharing with friends but also about sharing with everyone, including pirates. Val Dorn expresses his gratitude to Durango. Pord asks if he can share, but Val Dorn refuses, asserting that it is his alone. He leaves with his colleagues. Durango and her companions return to Tenoo, where the locals celebrate the Jellyfruit Festival alongside several pirates, including Chigg and the Twi'lek guard they encountered.

Hap, Weebo, and her grandson thank the Jedi for saving the Jellyruit Festival and applaud them as heroes. Brightstar, Solay, and Durango devour jellyfruits before singing the "Jellyfruit Jingle" with Nubs. Brightstar invites the others for seconds.

