Weebo, a female Rodian agriculturist, cultivated jellyfruit on the world of Tenoo. In the year 232 BBY, her entire jellyfruit crop was pilfered by a group of buccaneers just prior to its intended use in the annual Jellyfruit Celebration. She notified Hap, the owner of Hap's Sap Tap restaurant, about the unfortunate event. Hap was in the company of Nash Durango, a skilled pilot, and a trio of Jedi initiates. By piecing together the descriptions provided by Weebo and her grandson, the Jedi correctly identified the marauders and their location, successfully retrieving the jellyfruit and ensuring the festival could proceed.
Weebo was an aged Rodian woman who worked as a jellyfruit grower on the planet Tenoo during the time of the High Republic. She maintained a farm dedicated to the cultivation of jellyfruit trees. In 232 BBY, she and her grandson had just completed the harvest and loading of the final jellyfruit, in preparation for the town of Kublop Springs' Jellyfruit Festival, when the freebooter known as Taborr Val Dorn made his appearance. Descending from his spaceship, he secured a clamp onto the crate filled with jellyfruit and mocked the Rodians about stealing their prized delicacies. With Weebo stepping forward to protect her grandson, Taborr ascended with the crate back to his ship, laughing and boasting about the profits he would earn. Weebo embraced her grandson, expressing her sadness that Kublop Springs would be unable to celebrate the Jellyfruit Festival.

The farmer then contacted Hap, the owner of the restaurant Hap's Sap Tap, the intended venue for the festival, to inform him of the unfortunate circumstances. Hap and the children assisting him—Nash Durango, the pilot, and Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs—expressed their dismay. Solay inquired about the pirates' physical characteristics, which Weebo provided, matching those of Val Dorn, whom the Jedi and Durango had previously encountered. Durango assured them that she and the younglings would retrieve the fruit, but Hap was skeptical as they had no idea where the pirates had fled. Weebo's grandson then interjected, mentioning that Val Dorn had revealed their intention to sell the stolen goods to other pirates. Durango deduced that he would be at the planet Yarrum, and she and the Jedi departed for the world aboard Durango's starship, the Crimson Firehawk. Their endeavor proved successful: they recovered the jellyfruit, allowing the festivities to proceed. Weebo raised a fruit in honor of the festival's heroes.
Weebo wore a white shirt with a blue garment over it, along with dark pants.
Weebo made her debut in "The Jellyfruit Pursuit," the opening segment of the fifth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, with Lainie Kazan providing her voice. The episode was released on May 4, 2023.