Anzellans constituted a small sentient species. Frequently, these diminutive beings filled technical roles, for instance, the droidsmith named Babu Frik and the slicer known as Ginntho. During the High Republic Era, an individual also served as a crewmember at the Solar Array 22-X station located within the Hetzal system. The engineer from the Anzellan species, Shug Drabor, was responsible for the design of the Halcyon during this period. During the New Republic era, a team of Anzellan droidsmiths were active on Nevarro. Their physical dimensions were similar to that of infants from other species. The eyes of Anzellans featured corneal micro-lenses that floated, enabling them to perceive minute details. Furthermore, Anzellans possessed blood that was purple in hue.
Originally, the concept for Babu Frik involved his species having a history of repairing Star Destroyers over numerous generations because of their compact stature. This history allowed them to identify a vulnerability in the First Order's technological systems, leading them to create a "sabotage brick" capable of deactivating the entire First Order's network throughout the galaxy.