Kanan #10 represents the tenth installment of the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Kanan. This particular issue was authored by Greg Weisman, with illustrations by Pepe Larraz, and it was released on January 27, 2016 through Marvel Comics.
At the Plateau City medcenter situated on the planet Kaller, the Spectres find themselves under assault and trapped by stormtroopers, who infiltrate the building through the roof and windows. Garazeb Orrelios engages the stormtroopers using his bo-rifle, while humorously remarking that his grandmother possessed superior combat skills. Despite their best efforts, Hera Syndulla acknowledges that they are outnumbered and lack sufficient space to maneuver. Meanwhile, Kanan Jarrus remains unconscious within the bacta tank, reliving memories of his past as the Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume.

During the era of the Clone Wars, Caleb Dume is awakened by Stance, who mentions that Clone Captain Styles has commented on his extended period of "lazing 'round in their long enough." Subsequently, Caleb engages in conversation with Stance, who informs him that he is tasked with overseeing the welfare of the Jedi Padawan. Caleb expresses his gratitude but requests that Stance refrain from referring to him as a "kid," emphasizing that he is older than the clone.
Caleb characterizes his first mission on Kardoa as a limited triumph. Despite sustaining a gunshot wound, he successfully established camaraderie with the Clone troopers serving under the command of Jedi Master Depa Billaba. Caleb accompanies his Master and her battalion to the war-ravaged planet of Mygeeto. They disembark from LAAT/i gunships with the objective of clearing the Southern Mesas of Separatist battle droids.
Clone Commander Grey informs General Billaba about his decision to deploy the majority of the squad, assigning Remo, Soot, Big-Mouth, Mixx, and Kaylon to lead individual squads. Commander Grey states that he will accompany the remaining troops, while Clone Captain Styles will remain with Master Billaba and the "kids." Caleb and Stance take offense to this, but Styles jokingly advises them to remain calm, citing the high cost of bacta.
Caleb, Master Billaba, and the Clone troopers participate in the Third Battle of Mygeeto, engaging in combat against Separatist B1-series battle droids and tank droids. The battle proves to be a challenging learning experience for Caleb, who also learns the importance of taking cover. Caleb utilizes his lightsaber to cut through the battle droids. Following the skirmish, Caleb expresses surprise at his Master's decision to "sacrifice" her Jedi robes. Master Billaba explains that they will encounter painful losses, but that such experiences should not deter them from taking risks or dedicating themselves to a greater cause.
Caleb experiences a brief Force vision depicting Master Billaba's death at the hands of Clone troopers. Caleb is visibly shaken, but his Master assures him that he will eventually understand. While traversing a stone bridge, explosives detonate, causing a significant portion of the bridge to collapse, leaving them, Styles, and Stance stranded atop a pillar. As battle droids ascend the pillar, Master Billaba contacts Commander Grey to request an evacuation, while the Clones fend off the advancing droids. Master Billaba employs the Force to hurl the droids downward, but they are overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies.
Fortunately for Caleb, the Jedi and clones receive assistance from the Mandalorian Protector Fenn Rau and his Skull Squadron, who conduct strafing runs against the battle droids. Master Billaba expresses her gratitude to Fenn Rau for his support. The warrior responds that he is pleased to demonstrate that not all Mandalorians have forgotten their sense of honor and duty. Fenn Rau's intervention enables Commander Grey to evacuate the four in his LAAT gunship. Caleb expresses his appreciation to Fenn Rau and marvels at their survival.
Aboard the gunship, Commander Grey and Master Billaba speculate that the Separatists had orchestrated an elaborate attack. Upon returning to the Republic base camp, they are ambushed by Separatist forces, who destroy their gunship. As Separatist battle droids advance, Stance instructs Caleb to seek cover and shields him from harm. However, the Clone trooper is fatally wounded and dies in Caleb's arms.
A Kage Warrior towers over Caleb, informing the Jedi that he is next. Master Billaba orders the Kage Warrior to leave her Padawan alone, but General Grievous retorts that she has her own challenges to contend with.
- UPC 759606081585; January 27 , 2016 ; Marvel Comics [1] 01011; Cover A; Mark Brooks