Journeyman Protector

The Protectors of Concord Dawn, also known as Journeyman Protectors or the Concord Dawn Protectors, were an age-old group of distinguished Mandalorian warriors dedicated to upholding equilibrium within their martial society. Once recognized as the Mandalorian Royal Guard or Mandalorian Protectors while serving as guardians of the ruler of their homeworld, Mandalore, these Protectors withdrew following the Galactic Empire's takeover of Mandalore, establishing a camp on the third moon of Concord Dawn under the leadership of Fenn Rau. Initially allied with the Empire, the Protectors' allegiance shifted against the Imperial forces after Rau's capture by rebels Kanan Jarrus and Sabine Wren, who demonstrated honorable combat. In 2 BBY, the Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon and his commandos annihilated the Protectors in a scheme to draw Rau out of hiding.


Protectors firing at rebels.

An ancient order of elite Mandalorian warriors, the Mandalorian Protectors, also called the Mandalorian Royal Guards or simply the Protectors, were tasked with safeguarding the Mandalorian leader, known by the title Mand'alor. They selected the most skilled fighters from Mandalore's various clans.

Renowned as some of the most exceptional pilots in the Mandalore sector, they piloted Fang fighters and sported diverse sets of equipment, including ceremonial attire, traditional combat armor, and complete pilot gear featuring blue jumpsuits, air packs, and helmets.

Acting as a militia of lawmen throughout the Mandalorian sector, the Concord Dawn Protectors were both feared and respected. Continuing to utilize Fang-class starfighter craft, flown by the sector's top pilots, the Journeyman Protectors made the Fang-class a frequent sight within the Concord Dawn system and across Mandalorian territories. While the majority of these impressive starfighters were sold to the Concord Dawn Protectorate, a select few that eluded the Protectors' control were acquired and resold by the Black Sun crime syndicate.


Clone Wars

CC-1138, a Galactic Republic Clone Marshal Commander who later adopted the name Bacara, stood out as one of the rare clone troopers trained by a former Journeyman, a factor that some attributed to his solitary reputation. Despite Mandalore's shift away from its warlike heritage during the Clone Wars, the Mandalorian Protectors remained a cherished tradition, entrusted with the protection of New Mandalorian leader, Duchess Satine Kryze. These guards donned unique armor and wielded non-lethal electrostaffs along with riot shields.

In the year 21 BBY, the Protectors lent assistance to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in gathering individuals present at or near the Death Watch bombing of the Memorial Shrine situated in Sundari's Peace Park. Subsequently, they escorted the Duchess, Master Kenobi, and the bomber's remains to Mandalore's moon of Concordia. Aboard the Coronet, the Mandalorian Protectors continued to safeguard the Duchess and her entourage, defending her and several senators against assassin probes. Upon Senator Tal Merrik of Kalevala revealing his treachery, the royal guards engaged in combat, destroying boarding B2-series super battle droids alongside Grand Army of the Republic clone troopers.

The Mandalorian Protectors with Duchess Satine Kryze

Duchess Satine later deployed the Protectors to spearhead a private investigation into a poisoning outbreak within Sundari. Satine's inquiry uncovered a broader black market conspiracy, leading the Protectors to assist her and Republic Senator Padmé Amidala in locating the black market's base of operations. While some Protectors ensured Satine's safety during the ensuing conflict, others collaborated with Amidala to subdue and apprehend the perpetrators. As the conspiracy unraveled further, it exposed Prime Minister Almec as the mastermind behind the black market on Mandalore. Almec, wielding authority over his own police force, dispatched them to abduct Duchess Satine from her residence. Tragically, several Protectors were slain, their bodies discovered by Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Satine's nephew, Korkie Kryze, who subsequently rescued the Duchess and arrested Almec.

The Journeymans collaborated directly with the Republic throughout the Clone Wars, training clone troopers under the leadership of Fenn Rau, who specifically instructed clone pilots. During the Third Battle of Mygeeto, the Protectors, under Rau's command as Skull Squadron, fought alongside the Grand Army of the Republic, rescuing Jedi General Depa Billaba and her Padawan, Caleb Dume.

Toward the Clone Wars' end, Death Watch returned to Mandalore, backed by a large criminal army, with the aim of overthrowing Satine's rule. Satine addressed the assembled crowds outside her palace, flanked by the Protectors. As Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla approached to confront Satine, the Protectors raised their weapons in her defense, though she directed them to lower their guard to engage in dialogue with Vizsla. Death Watch and their criminal allies overwhelmed the New Mandalorian forces, and Vizsla later entered the throne room to challenge Satine once more. The Protectors prepared for battle, but Satine instructed them to stand down, unwilling to incite violence from her or her forces. Consequently, the Duchess surrendered to Death Watch, leading to the arrest of herself, the New Mandalorian Mandalorian Government Council, and her Protectors, who were subsequently imprisoned in prison. Despite attempts by Satine's allies to liberate her, she was ultimately murdered by Maul, the new ruler who had defeated Vizsla in combat and seized his position.

Protectors of Concord Dawn

A Protector in his gear with a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol

Following the Imperial occupation of their homeworld Mandalore, the Protectors relocated, establishing a base on the third moon within the Concord Dawn system. Under the guidance of Fenn Rau, they entered into an agreement with the Empire. Nevertheless, the Protectors harbored deep-seated animosity towards Death Watch and its allied clans, including Clan Wren, whom they deemed traitors for their involvement in Mandalore's downfall.

In 3 BBY, the Spectres, Hera Syndulla, and Sabine Wren, accompanied by two Phoenix Cell pilots, were dispatched to Concord Dawn to negotiate access to their hyperspace routes. However, the Protectors, led by Rau, attacked the negotiators in orbit. Spectre leader Kanan Jarrus was then tasked with destroying their Fang fighters to prevent further conflict. In reality, Kanan aimed to complete Hera's mission of securing negotiation terms. Defying Kanan's orders, Sabine stowed away aboard the Phantom with the intention of eliminating Rau for grievously injuring Hera during the dogfight. Following the capture of their leader and the destruction of their Fang fighters, Rau was compelled to grant the rebels access to their hyperspace routes.


The Protectors were wiped out leaving only Rau.

In 2 BBY, Gar Saxon, the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, discovered that the Protectors were permitting rebel vessels to traverse the Concord Dawn system to evade Imperial sector patrols. In an attempt to draw Fenn Rau out of hiding, Saxon and his Imperial super commandos launched an assault on the Protectors' encampment on Concord Dawn's third moon, annihilating them. Upon Rau's return to Concord Dawn alongside Sabine, Ezra Bridger, and Chopper, they found that the Protectors had been decimated. After evading Saxon, Rau made the decision to join the rebellion.


Aran Tal owned a Royal Guard suit as an arena hunter.

In the wake of the Mandalorian Civil War's eruption following the skirmish on Krownest, and the deaths of Viceroy Gar Saxon and his brother Governor Tiber Saxon during a mission to Mandalore, numerous Mandalorian clans declared their support for Satine's sister, Bo-Katan Kryze, as their leader, with Rau also affirming the Protectors' allegiance to her. Simultaneously, the unified rebel cells of the Alliance to Restore the Republic persisted in their operations against the Empire throughout the Galactic Civil War. Recognizing its inability to maintain control over Mandalore, the Empire ultimately responded with the Great Purge of Mandalore, a genocidal onslaught on Mandalore that eradicated the majority of the Mandalorian population in the Galactic Civil War's final days. Despite this, the Galactic Civil War concluded with the fall of the Empire and the rise of the New Republic. The Mandalorian Aran Tal, a participant in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, sported armor inspired by the Mandalorian Royal Guard. His fellow hunter Imara Vex disapproved of the armor, believing that "guardian" was not the right term to complete the sentence "Aran's a royal something."

Behind the scenes

Satine's guards were inspired by a Sith design crafted by Iain McCaig for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Satine herself was also based on a McCaig concept for Queen Padmé Amidala.

The Protectors' emblem originates from concept art by Joe Johnston for Boba Fett. Matt Martin of the Lucasfilm Story Group verified on the Rebels Recon for the Star Wars Rebels episode "Twin Suns" that the Protectors were the same guard that served Satine during Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

