The bombing of the Memorial Shrine refers to an attack perpetrated by the Death Watch during the Clone Wars. The New Mandalorian Memorial Shrine, located in the center of Sundari, the capital city of Mandalore, was targeted.
A member of the Death Watch terrorist group detonated the bomb. This occurred while Duchess Satine Kryze and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi were taking a walk through the gardens of Peace Park in Sundari, Mandalore. The explosion resulted in numerous injuries.
Following the explosion, the Death Watch bomber left behind a hologram that displayed the symbol of the terrorist organization. Duchess Satine was escorted away from the devastation by Master Kenobi and the Mandalorian Protectors. Kenobi then instructed security forces to interrogate everyone who was present. The bomber then attempted to escape, but the Jedi cornered him on a balcony. The terrorist fired a blaster pistol at Kenobi until the Jedi Master managed to disarm him. To avoid being arrested and imprisoned, the bomber chose to jump from the balcony and commit suicide.