Kanan Issue #9 represents the ninth installment in the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Kanan. This particular issue was penned by Greg Weisman, with illustrations crafted by Pepe Larraz. Marvel Comics released it to the public on December 16, 2015.
On the planet Kaller, Imperial stormtroopers have encircled the Plateau City medcenter, where the Spectres are situated, tending to the injured Kanan Jarrus. Tápusk, the Kalleran informant, suggests eliminating the rebels. However, the Stormtrooper Commander advises Tápusk to leave the situation to the Empire's professionals for safety. Hera Syndulla and Ezra Bridger come to the realization that they are now cornered. Meanwhile, Kanan remains in an unconscious state within the bacta tank, experiencing flashbacks of his earlier life as Caleb Dume.
A young Caleb is shown training with Jedi Master Depa Billaba on Kardoa. This mission to Kardoa marks Dume's first mission as Master Billaba's Padawan, and it is also Billaba's first assignment following her recovery from a coma. Later that evening, Master Billaba and Caleb convene with Clone Commander Grey, Clone Captain Styles, Clone Sergeant Soot, and Clone Corporal Big-Mouth, who are the surviving members of Billaba's previous command. Grey assures Billaba that she should not hold herself responsible for the failure of their past mission.
Grey mentions that he has enlisted three seasoned veterans: Clone Lieutenant Remo and Corporals Mixx and Kaylon. He also notes that the rest of the unit consists of inexperienced recruits. Caleb shares a meiloorun fruit with Corporal Big-Mouth. In response to a question, Master Billaba informs the Clones that their mission is a reconnaissance operation to investigate a potential Separatist presence on Kardoa. Unbeknownst to them, a Separatist probe droid is observing their activities.
The Separatist commander, General Kleeve, is monitoring the Clone troopers from a distance. Colonel Coburn Sear insists that the Jedi Master must be eliminated. Kleeve cautions Sear that his obsession with the Jedi Order is a distraction, but Sear believes that the Jedi are fundamentally wrong. Kleeve dismisses Billaba as a significant threat, considering her a failed commander. Kleeve recalls that Colonel Sear inflicted heavy losses on Billaba's forces on Haruun Kal and nearly succeeded in killing her. Kleeve is hesitant to commit forces to battle on Kardoa, as he is primarily focused on preparations for the conquest of Kaller. However, Colonel Sear manages to persuade Kleeve to allow him to handle the Jedi threat on Kardoa.
As dawn breaks, Dume expresses his excitement for his first combat operation. They are greeted by CT-1157, whom Billaba encourages to remove his helmet in order to establish a better connection. CT-1157 informs Billaba and Dume that the battalion is prepared for combat. The battalion is divided into five squads, each led by Master Billaba, Grey, Styles, Remo, and Soot. These squads then proceed to scan the canyon. Caleb accompanies Master Billaba and playfully jokes with CT-1157 about Billaba's protectiveness. He also convinces CT-1157 to refrain from calling him a "kid."
Shortly thereafter, the unit is ambushed by several B1-series battle droids, who obstruct their escape route with debris. Master Billaba instructs CT-1157 to request reinforcements. Dume is thrilled by the combat and swiftly dispatches several battle droids, prompting Billaba to describe him as reckless. With their communications disrupted, Billaba tasks Corporal Big Mouth and Caleb with keeping the droids engaged while she seeks assistance.
Colonel Sear observes the unfolding battle from afar. Uncertain whether Billaba is retreating, he orders his battle droids to maintain their assault on the Clones and Padawan while he departs on a speeder bike to confront Billaba directly. CT-1157 warns Caleb that he is advancing too far and urges him to fall back. Caleb disregards this warning and is subsequently struck down by a barrage of blaster fire. Before the droids can deliver the final blow, CT-1157 eliminates them and rescues Caleb.
With the battle clearly lost, Colonel Sear makes his escape aboard a Neimoidian shuttle. Master Billaba intentionally allows him to escape, hoping to persuade the Separatists to abandon Kardoa. While Caleb recuperates inside a bacta tank, CT-1157 is recognized for his valor and receives the designation "Stance." Billaba's battalion is then reassigned to Mygeeto. On Mygeeto, Colonel Sear informs General Grievous that the Jedi survived their encounter. The cyborg general then vows to confront Billaba once again.
- UPC 759606081585; December 16 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00911; Cover A; Mark Brooks