Kanan 8

Kanan #8 represents the eighth installment of the canon comic book series entitled Star Wars: Kanan. Greg Weisman penned the script for this issue, while Pepe Larraz provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on November 18, 2015.

Publisher's synopsis

Caleb Dume, still a youngling, has yet to experience the realities of war... However, the Jedi Temple is now under siege! Is it possible for a Padawan to truly impact the situation?

Plot summary

The present timeline

Kanan Jarrus is in the process of healing within a bacta tank, as the Spectres remain in the medcenter room, awaiting his recovery. Sabine Wren inquires about the duration of his stay in the tank, and the 2-1B surgical droid answers that Kanan requires several weeks to regain consciousness. Removing him prematurely could jeopardize his survival. Suddenly, an announcement booms, demanding the Spectres exit with hands raised or face fatal consequences.

Kanan's recollections

The Separatist infiltrator's attack

At the Jedi Temple, Jedi Master Depa Billaba rescues Caleb Dume from the destructive force of mini-drone explosives. As they grapple with the attack on the Jedi Temple, the cloaked Separatist infiltrator, Rackham Sear, observes from the ventilation shafts. He proceeds to deploy more mini-drone explosives, triggering further blasts throughout the Jedi Temple.

In a flashback, Rackham Sear defends his planned assault on the Jedi Temple, asserting that the Jedi have betrayed liberty and justice. General Kleeve monitors Rackham's strategy to strike at the core of the Galactic Republic, while examining a holographic representation of the Jedi Temple. Rackham reveals that he contracted Cad Bane, a bounty hunter, to provide the schematics, and Bane indicated that the Jedi's security measures have seen minimal improvements.

General Kleeve expresses concerns about the mission's suicidal nature, but Captain Rackham affirms his willingness to sacrifice himself. Kleeve clarifies that his objective is to collapse the Temple Spire, demonstrating to both the Republic and the Separatists that the Jedi are not invincible. Meanwhile, Sammo Quid and Tai Uzuma supervise younglings, while a senior Jedi and Jedi Temple Guards utilize their lightsabers to neutralize the mini-drone explosives.

The Jedi instructs a Temple Guard to monitor the younglings and Padawans for additional mini-drone explosives. The Jedi informs Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu that the younglings are secure. Kenobi inquires about the origin of the attacks, but the Jedi admits they are unsure. Sammo Quid asks about Dume's whereabouts, but Tai Uzuma replies that she does not know, but suspects he is hiding.

Chase and confrontation

In the meantime, Caleb questions Master Billaba about seeking refuge. Billaba replies that they should remain where they are until they gather more information. Billaba thinks she might be a hindrance because she is not completely healed. Caleb deduces that the attacker is operating from the attack floor, deploying explosives to keep the majority of the Jedi Knights and Masters occupied. Ignoring his Master's warnings, Caleb ascends through the air ducts to confront the intruder on the roof.

Caleb encounters Rackham Sear. He tells the "kid" that the Jedi are the "bad guys" fighting against freedom and self determination. Rackham is unwilling to kill initiates and gives Caleb the chance to run. However, Caleb refuses to run and charges at Rackham, who hurls several mini-drone explosives at him. Caleb dodges the explosives but Rackham tells him that all he did was delay the explosives by a few seconds.

However, Master Billaba retorts that Caleb bought her enough time and tells him to back away from the boy. Rackham attempts to use Caleb as a hostage but Caleb manages to tell Billaba about Rackham's plan to topple the Jedi Spire and that he has not set the timer. Rackham attempts to set the timer with a drone explosive but Billaba uses the Force to prevent the liquids inside the explosives from exploding.

Rackham attempts to rush for the bomb but Caleb uses the Force to pull it away from the tower. The bomb explodes harmlessly in the air. Master Billaba offers Rackham mercy but he identifies himself as Rackham Sear of Quarzite, a Captain of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Rejecting the mercy of "tyrants", he hurls blades at Master Billaba and Caleb but Billaba deflects them with the Force.

Rackham then jumps to his death over the roof. Before falling, he unleashes several mini-drone explosives, causing an explosion below. Billaba and Caleb survive the explosion. Billaba confides that she is in desperate need of a Padawan to continue her journey. Caleb volunteers but Billaba thinks that he is too young. Still, she relents since the Republic needs him. Just then, Masters Kenobi and Windu arrive to provide aid.

Billaba's apprentice

Following Rackham's demise, Tai and Sammo are shocked and jealous that Billaba has picked Caleb as her new Padawan. A jealous Sammo tells Caleb that he is not safe with her while Tai taunts him that he is not ready to be a Padawan. Reflecting on his friends' jealousy, Master Billaba says that this is a lesson that none of them are perfect.

Over the next three weeks, Caleb travels with Master Billaba to get a kyber crystal for a new lightsaber. They travel aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer on a mission to the planet Kardoa to rendezvous with Depa Billaba's second battalion, which is led by Clone Commander Grey and Clone Captain Styles, whom Caleb thinks will make "great friends."



