
The Kallerans, a sentient species indigenous to the planet Kaller, were known for their considerable height.

Biological Traits and Physical Appearance

A Kalleran martial artist

Originating from a semi-aquatic species on Kaller, the Kallerans possessed a tall and lithe physique. Their hands and feet each featured three grasping digits, a characteristic that led them to generally forgo footwear. Most Kallerans exhibited green skin adorned with unique black stripes. Their bodies contained dense musculature, offering protection to their otherwise vulnerable forms.

Distinctive fin-like structures marked the Kalleran head, positioned on the upper and lateral aspects of their faces. These fins enhanced their auditory capabilities by reflecting sound waves towards the two antennae located atop their heads. These antennae functioned as sensory organs, serving as both olfactory and auditory receptors, and played a role in their language. Notably, this species lacked a nose.

While Kallerans possessed lungs capable of aerial respiration, they primarily respired through their skin, a trait inherited from their amphibious ancestry. Their skin could absorb oxygen from the atmosphere and expel carbon dioxide. This respiratory system necessitated a higher water intake compared to other species of similar size, ensuring their skin remained hydrated and pliable. The absence of a primary oral breathing mechanism resulted in the lack of nasal development in Kallerans.

Societal Structures and Cultural Norms

The Kalleran people placed a high value on individual achievement, prioritizing it over collective accomplishments. This emphasis on individualism prevented them from uniting into large societies or engaging in galactic-scale activities. Much of the cultural development observed on Kaller was the result of colonization efforts, both peaceful and aggressive, by various groups over the course of millennia.

Historical Overview

On their planet Kaller, the Kallerans established a working civilization. However, due to their cultural emphasis on individualism, they never ventured beyond their own world. During the era of the Galactic Republic, numerous off-world groups visited Kaller, establishing bases and colonies across the planet. These groups included the Mandalorians and the Pykes.

During the High Republic Era, Larep Reza, a Kalleran, held the esteemed position of Vice Chancellor within the Galactic Republic, serving under Chancellor Lina Soh.

Gamut Key was made Provisional Governor of Kaller by the Empire

During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Separatists gained control of Kaller and began to exert pressure on the villages for labor and resources. Separatist General Kleeve and his team were quartered on Kaller, at the expense of a Kalleran named Gamut Key. Republic forces eventually engaged the Separatists in battle for control of the Kallerans' homeworld. Under the leadership of Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her Padawan Caleb Dume, they successfully defeated the Separatist forces, causing Kleeve to retreat.

Following the battle, Billaba and some of her troops visited Key, assuring him that they need not worry about the Separatists anymore. However, Key and the other Kallerans remained skeptical, unsure if there was any real difference between the Republic and Separatist forces occupying their planet. Janus Kasmir, another Kalleran, voiced this concern to the Jedi. After Dume reacted angrily, Billaba assured the Kallerans that the Republic forces would camp in nearby fields to avoid burdening them.

Behind the Curtains

The Kallerans were first introduced in Kanan 1, a comic book penned by Greg Weisman, illustrated by Pepe Larraz, and released in 2015.

