Janus Kasmir, a Kalleran male, made his living as a rogue on the planet of Kaller during the era of Order 66.
Leading up to Order 66, Janus Kasmir was present when Separatist General Kleeve abandoned Kaller, ceding it to the Republic. Upon the arrival of Jedi General Depa Billaba and her Padawan Caleb Dume at his village, he voiced the Kallerans' indifference between generals, which provoked Dume and a pair of clone officers.
Several days after the implementation of Order 66, Kasmir located Dume, who was in hiding in Plateau City. He offered Dume a meiloorun fruit, which Dume consumed rapidly. Subsequently, Dume requested a place to sleep from Janus. Janus consented to let him stay the night on his ship, designated the Kasmiri. While on board, Dume received a message summoning him back to the Jedi Temple. Kasmir declined to take him there, as he would not travel beyond the Outer Rim. Eventually, Kasmir exited the Kasmiri to prevent clone troopers from inspecting his vessel. Recognizing an opening, Caleb commandeered the Kasmiri and set course for Coruscant.
Upon reaching the capital planet, Dume realized the beacon was a deception and returned to Kaller. After being reunited with his ship, Kasmir expelled the boy and threatened lethal force if he ever saw him again.
Some weeks later, Kasmir found himself in an alley, facing a group of criminals headed by a fellow Kalleran, Tápusk. Kasmir had swindled the group, and they were seeking retribution. He intended to bargain with them, while simultaneously defrauding them of additional funds. However, Tápusk and his followers were suddenly attacked by Caleb Dume, who had been wandering the streets since his last encounter with Kasmir. The Jedi and Kasmir overwhelmed the gang and allowed Tápusk to leave.

Dragging Dume back to the Kasmiri, Kasmir reprimanded him for disrupting his negotiations and losing a potential crew for his next operation. As recompense, Kasmir made Dume "volunteer" in their stead. With the Jedi Knights being the most sought-after individuals in the galaxy, Kasmir assisted Dume in altering his appearance and instructed him to abandon everything that defined him as a Jedi -- even his name.
The duo's initial joint venture involved stealing a cache of IG-RM droids from the estate of Gamut Key, a wealthy Kalleran who had previously met Kasmir shortly before Order 66. During the heist, Kasmir and Dume were discovered by Key and his men, one of whom was Tápusk. Attempting to talk his way out of the situation, Kasmir betrayed Dume, revealing him to be a Jedi. Striking a deal with Key, Kasmir allowed him and Tápusk to detain Dume and claim the bounty on the boy, in return for the IG-RM droids. Utilizing the droids, Kasmir later freed Dume from his confinement, and the two made their escape.
Over the following months, Kasmir and Dume proved to be a formidable team, traveling from planet to planet, executing jobs while also staying ahead of Commander Grey and Captain Styles, who had previously fought alongside Dume during the Clone Wars. During their time together, Kasmir and Dume developed a genuine friendship and even contemplated acquiring a second ship, enabling them to separate if one of them were captured.
Months after departing Kaller, Kasmir arranged a new job on the planet Lahn. The job was to be an exchange of stolen goods with Kasmir's contact, Jondo who, unknown to them, was the former Separatist General Kleeve, now also in hiding from the Empire. Kasmir would provide spice, and in return Kleeve would give him a ship called Farbrooke's Hope, that the Kalleran planned to rename the Kasmiri II. However, the duo had not yet stolen the spice that they would be trading. Kasmir dispatched Dume to meet with Kleeve to finalize the exchange, while he departed to secure their portion of the agreement. While loading the stolen cargo aboard the Kasmiri II, Kasmir was discovered by Commander Grey. Grey questioned him about Dume's location, but the Kalleran pretended to be unaware. Grey then placed him under arrest.
After Grey received confirmation from Styles that Dume had been apprehended, Kasmir sarcastically congratulated him for the successful murder of Dume. Grey responded that it was only about their duty to the Empire but slipped and almost said Republic. Kasmir castigated him about his ignorance for his cause and Grey countered that he only had to follow orders. He left Kasmir and rendezvoused back at the freighter. Later, Kasmir and Kleeve managed to escape and intercept the freighter in the Kasmiri and Farbrooke's Hope. Dume, who was still alive, managed to undo his bonds and eject himself out of an airlock, floating unconscious in space. Unsure of whether Dume was dead, Kasmir pulled him into his ship. Dume was alive, and Kleeve volunteered to run interference while he recovered. Low on shields and unable to outrun or outgun the freighter, Dume suggested a coordinated strike to create an opening for an escape. Meanwhile in the freighter, Grey was having doubts about Order 66 and the supposed treason of Jedi General Billaba. Styles berated him for even considering such a thought. Grey saw the trio turn back as he reached for a blaster and shot the freighter's control panel which disabled their shields, allowing the freighter to be destroyed. Kasmir and Kleeve, surprised at the effectiveness of their attack, were unaware of what just transpired.
They landed back on Kaller for repairs, where Dume suggested Kasmir establish a partnership with Kleeve as he had decided to discontinue theirs. Kasmir attempted to dissuade Dume and in the process called him "kid." Dume reacted violently, kneeing him the stomach and throwing him against some rocks. Grasping Dume's conviction, he conceded and watched Dume climb aboard the Farbrooke's Hope, which he had renamed the Escape, finally addressing him as Caleb Dume.
Fifteen years onward, Kasmir remained in partnership with Kleeve. While present on Lahn, he aided a child in evading stormtroopers, evoking memories of Dume. Unbeknownst to him, the child was Ezra Bridger, the apprentice of his former partner and friend Caleb Dume, now recognized as Kanan Jarrus. Kasmir returned to the Kasmiri, and departed Lahn with Kleeve.