The Lasat Garazeb Orrelios's grandmother belonged to the Lasat species. Her height reached two meters, a measurement deemed below the usual height range for members of her species. Eventually, she became a parent to a child, who would later become one of Garazeb Orrelios's parents. By the year 3272 LY, she had spent three hundred dust seasons on her homeworld of Lasan, enduring numerous trials, notably the genocide perpetrated against her people by the forces of the Galactic Empire. Orrelios once reflected that his grandmother possessed fighting skills that greatly surpassed those of the stormtroopers, the Galactic Empire's specialized shock [troops](/article/troop]. Despite this critical assessment, Orrelios held his grandmother in high regard.

Within Rise of the Rebels, Garazeb Orrelios speaks of his grandmother using the present tense, whereas in Kanan 10, his references to her are in the past tense.