A human female Mandalorian warrior, Ursa Wren held the title of Countess and led Clan Wren. She was married to Alrich Wren and was the mother of both Tristan and Sabine Wren. During the Clone Wars, she aligned herself with Death Watch, a splinter group of Mandalorians that took over Mandalore. In 19 BBY, Ursa served as a general in the Siege of Mandalore under Lady Bo-Katan Kryze of the Nite Owls. They were supported by the 332nd Division of the Galactic Republic, commanded by former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Clone Commander Rex. Following the capture of Maul, the Galactic Empire occupied Mandalore after the Clone Wars concluded. Sabine Wren subsequently enrolled in the Imperial Academy located on the planet, but her departure from the Academy brought dishonor to her family.
Other clans viewed Clan Wren with suspicion due to Sabine's actions. Viceroy Gar Saxon held Ursa's husband hostage to ensure the clan's cooperation, while her son Tristan was compelled to join the Imperial Super Commandos. Ursa refrained from seeking out Sabine to safeguard her. Publicly, Ursa sided with the Empire and Saxon, who served as the Emperor's Hand. In 2 BBY, Ursa encountered Sabine again at the Wren Stronghold on Krownest. Sabine, now a rebel, sought her family's assistance for the rebellion.
Initially, Ursa displayed a cold demeanor towards her daughter and the rebel emissaries, Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger, to avoid provoking Saxon. Sabine's idealism contrasted with Ursa's pragmatism. Ursa attempted to trade the rebels and the Darksaber to Saxon in exchange for Sabine's pardon, hoping to save her daughter's life. However, Saxon betrayed Ursa, rejected the offer, and ordered the extermination of Clan Wren for their perceived crimes against Mandalore and the Empire. Ursa and Clan Wren then united with the rebels and the Mandalorian Protector Fenn Rau, who infiltrated the compound and retrieved the rebels' weapons. They engaged Saxon's forces in a skirmish. After overpowering Saxon's forces, Sabine and Saxon engaged in a duel, with Sabine emerging victorious but choosing to spare his life. When Saxon attempted to kill Sabine, Ursa intervened, shooting and killing Saxon, ending the conflict. Saxon's death plunged Mandalore into another civil war, prompting Sabine to pledge to find Mandalore's rightful leader.
As Countess, Ursa led her clan's warriors against the forces of Clan Saxon and the Empire, facing overwhelming odds. When Ezra sought their assistance on Krownest, she initially refused due to her forces being stretched thin. However, after witnessing her daughter's determination to leave, she relented, allowing them to take any ships and warriors willing to help, citing her debt to the rebels for reuniting her family. Her clan's assistance allowed some rebels to escape total destruction at the Battle of Atollon, and some of them reciprocated by coming to Mandalore to help rescue her husband. Ursa and Tristan were nearly killed by Sabine's resurrected weapon, "the Duchess," but the Countess was reunited with her husband and provided technical support on a mission to destroy the weapon.
Near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Ursa, along with her husband and son, perished during the Night of a Thousand Tears, leaving Sabine as the sole surviving member of Clan Wren.

During the Clone Wars, Ursa Wren became a member of Death Watch, a group of Mandalorian warriors opposing the pacifist government of Mandalore. She headed Clan Wren and married Alrich. One year into the war, her daughter, Sabine Wren, was born. Later, Ursa had a son named Tristan. In 19 BBY, Maul, a Sith Lord, and his Shadow Collective aided Death Watch in taking over Mandalore. Maul slew Pre Vizsla, the leader of Death Watch, and controlled Mandalore for the rest of the Clone Wars. Ursa abandoned Death Watch and joined the Nite Owls, led by Bo-Katan Kryze, who resisted Maul's rule. While scouting Oba Diah, Wren encountered Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan and Pyke prisoner, along with the Martez sisters. Wren discussed Tano's presence with Kryze, and they decided to monitor her. The trio watched the Jedi, and when Tano, Rafa, and Trace returned to Trace Martez's repair shop on Coruscant, the Nite Owls followed them. Kryze invited Tano to join them against their common enemy, Maul, and they departed on their starship.

As the war neared its end, the Galactic Republic's 332nd Division, led by Tano, besieged Mandalore. The Republic and Mandalorian forces commenced their landing on Sundari. General Wren, sent ahead to Mandalore, tracked Maul but couldn't pinpoint his location and relayed this information to Kryze via hologram. When Tano arrived at the Sundari shipping docks, Wren and her forces emerged to support her against the Shadow Collective's super commandos. Tano later dispatched Clone Commander Rex to reinforce Wren at the docks to prevent Maul's escape. Meanwhile, their forces seized control of the upper city as Maul's forces retreated into the Undercity.
After Tano defeated and captured Maul, the renegade Sith Lord was imprisoned in a Mandalorian vault, a Force-proof capsule designed for Jedi imprisonment. Kryze and Wren escorted their captive to a Republic transport shuttle for transport back to Coruscant. Tano and some of her forces departed, but the Republic was soon transformed into the Galactic Empire following the execution of the Jedi and the end of the war. The new regime would occupy the planet.
During the Imperial Era, Sabine, Ursa's daughter, joined Mandalore's Imperial Academy, but she fled after the Empire forced her to create weapons used against the Mandalorian people. One such weapon was the Arc Pulse Generator, known as "the Duchess," which could react with the beskar alloy in Mandalorian armor, incinerating the wearers. When Sabine spoke out against the Empire, Ursa and her family sided with the Empire and denounced her.
Wren's desertion brought shame to her family, leading Ursa to align with the Empire. Governor Gar Saxon, the Viceroy of Mandalore and the Emperor's Hand, held Ursa's husband hostage. Her son Tristan was forced to join Saxon's Imperial Super Commando. Meanwhile, the young Wren worked as a bounty hunter for a time before joining a group of rebels fighting the Empire on Lothal, eventually becoming part of a larger rebel movement. Ursa refrained from searching for her daughter for years to protect her from Saxon, who sought to destroy Clan Wren.

Sabine, Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, and the Mandalorian Protector Fenn Rau embarked on a mission to Krownest to recruit Sabine's clan for a fight against the Empire, hoping to gather Mandalorian warriors for an attack on Lothal. However, as Sabine anticipated, her clan ambushed the rebels' ship, forcing it to crash-land on the planet's snowy surface. After meeting Sabine's brother Tristan, she and the others were brought before Ursa, who nearly imprisoned Sabine before noticing the darksaber. She demanded that the Jedi surrender their lightsabers before speaking with her daughter.
Ursa then informed Sabine about Clan Wren's alliance with the Empire, her husband's [imprisonment](/article/prison], and her opposition to joining the rebellion. Ursa also considered Fenn Reu and his Protectors as traitors who had met their deserved end. Despite their disagreements, both Ursa and Sabine desired to save Mandalore. Ursa was summoned by Viceroy Gar Saxon and informed him of her daughter's and the Jedi's presence, as well as the Darksaber. She offered to give him the two Jedi and the Darksaber in exchange for sparing her daughter. Saxon agreed and informed Ursa that he would arrive soon. When Saxon and his Imperial Super Commandos arrived, Ursa handed over the Jedi and the Darksaber. However, Saxon betrayed her and ordered the extermination of Clan Wren under the pretext of colluding with rebels. Ursa was furious at this treachery.
Tristan, an Imperial Super Commando, attempted to dissuade Saxon from the massacre, but Saxon offered him the choice of staying with him or perishing with his family. Tristan initially appeared to choose the former by holding his blaster on Sabine, causing Ursa sorrow, but then decided to remain loyal to his clan and prepared to die fighting. At that moment, Fenn Rau crashed through the compound's windows and returned the lightsabers to the Jedi. A skirmish broke out between Clan Wren, the rebels, and Fenn Rau against Gar Saxon and his forces, with Ursa herself shooting down one of his lackeys with her twin blasters. Saxon, wielding the Darksaber, saw an opportunity to kill Ursa by stabbing her from behind, but Sabine intercepted the blow with Bridger's lightsaber. After being knocked out of the compound, Sabine fought Saxon while Ursa and the others watched. Ezra attempted to help her, but Ursa stopped him, stating that Mandalorian custom forbade interference in single-combat duels. However, she was left speechless when Kanan questioned if she valued custom more than her daughter's life. After a brutal fight, Sabine disarmed Saxon and regained the darksaber, holding it and Bridger's lightsaber to his throat and demanding his surrender. Saxon stated that she would have to kill him to win, but Sabine spared his life, stating that it was no longer her way. As Sabine was leaving, Saxon drew his blaster and attempted to shoot her from behind, but Ursa outdrew him and killed him with a single shot through the heart. Reconciled with her daughter, Ursa agreed to help Sabine find a worthy leader for Mandalore.

Following Gar Saxon's death, Ursa's Clan Wren became embroiled in a civil war against Clan Saxon, which was supported by the Galactic Empire. Clan Wren's forces were stretched thin defending their limited territory. Due to the dire circumstances, Ursa was hesitant to send forces to aid Phoenix Cell and General Jan Dodonna's Massassi Group, which were being besieged on Atollon by Grand Admiral Thrawn's Seventh Fleet.
However, when her daughter Sabine insisted on following Ezra and the rebel droid Chopper back to Atollon, Ursa relented and allowed several volunteers and ships to accompany them. She stated that Clan Wren owed a debt of honor to the rebels for bringing back her daughter Sabine and that they would repay the favor. Fenn Rau and several Mandalorian warriors arrived with Fang fighters to Atollon and succeeded in destroying Thrawn's second Interdictor vessel, providing a small window for the rebel survivors to escape. Following the battle, Ursa expressed her condolences to Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla for her forces' losses on Atollon.

In 1 BBY, Ursa, her children, Fenn Rau, Clan Wren's forces, and several Spectres traveled to Mandalore to rescue her husband Alrich. Since Alrich was being held at a prison outpost, Ursa dispatched Sabine and a joint rebel and Mandalorian force to rescue Alrich. However, Ursa subsequently received intelligence that Alrich had already been transported to the capital Sundari for execution and that Governor Tiber Saxon had set a trap. Unable to contact Sabine due to Imperial jamming, Ursa sent Lady Bo-Katan Kryze and her Nite Owls to warn and aid Sabine's forces.
After Lady Bo-Katan aided Sabine's forces, Ursa and Tristan arrived and informed Sabine and her companions about Alrich's predicament. While Sabine's forces rescued Alrich from an Imperial convoy, Ursa and her son led Clan Wren forces in combat against Clan Saxon's Imperial Super Commandos. Clan Wren's forces gained the advantage over the Imperials. Sabine subsequently contacted her mother to inform her about the success in rescuing Alrich. Ursa was pleased with these two victories. However, Tristan then reported that the Empire had dispatched a modified AT-DP walker. This walker was equipped with a powerful energy weapon that Sabine had built during her Imperial Academy days known as "the Duchess." This weapon was capable of turning Mandalorian armor against their wearers by reacting with the beskar alloy, incinerating them and leaving charred armor behind. Unaware of the imminent danger, Ursa remarked on the laughable reinforcements before ordering it destroyed.
Before they were cut off, Sabine managed to warn Ursa and Tristan to take shelter. This proved timely as "the Duchess" wiped out Ursa's forces on the battlefield. Despite surviving the attack, the Countess was wounded. Ursa and Tristan were later rescued by Sabine's forces, who evacuated the battlefield aboard one of Lady Bo-Katan's ships. During the journey, Ursa and the others were present when Sabine discussed the mechanics of the Duchess. After arriving at Bo-Katan's camp, several of the Nite Owls denounced Sabine as a traitor. Ursa sprung to her daughter's defense and warned that attacking Sabine would bring down the wrath of Clan Wren on the perpetrators.

Ursa and her family were present during a meeting in which Sabine outlined a plan to infiltrate Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer and destroy the Duchess along with all associated data. Ursa volunteered to lead the team to destroy the weapon, eager for revenge, but Fenn Rau pointed out that she could barely hold a blaster. Though she confidently claimed herself just as good with her left hand, her husband Alrich and son Tristan held her back before she could argue further. Ursa and her husband stayed behind at Bo-Katan's camp while Sabine and Tristan accompanied the strike team to Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer, which was docking above Sundari. After Sabine's strike team destroyed the weapon and all data, the Wrens joined the other Mandalorian clans in pledging allegiance to Lady Bo-Katan, who inherited the Darksaber and the mantle of Mandalorian leadership.

As the Galactic Civil War drew to a close, the Empire perpetrated a massacre against the Mandalorian people during the Great Purge of Mandalore. Moff Gideon of the ISB orchestrated the Night of a Thousand Tears, bombing the planet and causing the deaths of Ursa and her family, along with the rest of Clan Wren. Sabine, who had been on Lothal since Thrawn's defeat five years prior, survived and had been training as a Jedi under the apprenticeship of Ahsoka Tano.
Following the loss of her family, Tano ended the training, fearing that Sabine's emotions over the loss of her family were the only driving force of her training. The decimation of Clan Wren was recalled by the fallen Jedi Knight Baylan Skoll during his confrontation with Sabine on the planet Seatos in 9 ABY, the former Jedi commenting that with the demise of her clan, Sabine saw the missing Ezra Bridger as her only remaining family. He used that sentiment to convince Ursa's daughter to surrender to him and the forces of Morgan Elsbeth, promising that she would be reunited with Ezra if she did so. The Purge and the loss of Clan Wren was recounted to Ezra Bridger on the extragalactic planet of Peridea by architect droid professor Huyang.

Ursa Wren, a human female standing at a height of 1.85 meters, which equates to approximately 6 feet and 1 inch, possessed a strong sense of leadership and a pragmatic approach, prioritizing the welfare of her clan above all else. She had black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. As Countess and leader of Clan Wren, Ursa frequently donned Mandalorian armor to fulfill her responsibilities. Driven by her commitment to safeguard her clan, Ursa reluctantly yielded to the authority of the Galactic Empire and their appointed figurehead, Viceroy Gar Saxon. Despite her personal reservations regarding the abuses perpetrated under Imperial rule, Ursa refrained from openly expressing her dissent in order to protect her family and clan. She felt both disappointment and anger towards her daughter Sabine's choice to abandon her training at the Imperial Academy of Mandalore, as it jeopardized the interests of Clan Wren and caused distress to her family. To ensure Clan Wren's cooperation, Ursa's husband was held captive by Gar Saxon, while her son Tristan was forcibly recruited into the Imperial Super Commandos. For many years, Ursa struggled to maintain the facade of Clan Wren's loyalty to Gar Saxon and his Imperial patrons. Despite aligning with the Empire to shield her clan, Ursa harbored a deep-seated hatred for them, which, along with the sentiments of many other Mandalorians, pushed her to extreme measures.
Despite her affection for her family, including Sabine, Ursa disapproved of her daughter's decision to join the rebellion. Ursa feared that aligning Clan Wren with the rebellion would provoke the wrath of the Galactic Empire and Gar Saxon. She viewed her daughter as a naive idealist whose perceived selfishness had endangered the interests of her family and clan. She also considered Fenn Rau and his Protectors as traitors for collaborating with the rebellion. Ursa's preoccupation with protecting Clan Wren led Sabine to accuse her of prioritizing politics and power over family. Driven by pragmatism and a desire to protect Sabine, Ursa attempted to trade the Darksaber and the Jedi Kanan and Ezra to Gar Saxon. However, after Saxon betrayed their agreement and ordered the destruction of Clan Wren, Ursa and her clan united with the rebels and Fenn Rau to defeat Saxon's Super Commandos. When Saxon attempted to kill Sabine, Ursa chose her daughter over the Empire, ultimately killing the Viceroy.
Ursa was of the opinion that Mandalore needed to experience a period of upheaval in order for a genuine leader to emerge in the aftermath of Saxon's death. Ursa consented to assist her daughter Sabine in identifying a suitable leader for Mandalore. While she developed a greater appreciation for Sabine's rebel comrades, Ursa believed that Clan Wren and the Mandalorians were not yet prepared to provide assistance to the rebellion.
Furthermore, Ursa possessed a strong sense of honor and held the Phoenix Squadron in high regard for facilitating her reunion with her daughter Sabine. Despite the strain on Clan Wren's forces, she permitted Sabine and Fenn Rau to depart with several volunteers to support the rebels during the Battle of Atollon. This small Mandalorian contingent played a crucial role in enabling the rebels to escape into space. Following the battle, Ursa expressed her condolences to Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla for the significant losses suffered by the rebels.
Ursa was a skilled and resolute commander who consistently led her troops to victory. She was also fiercely protective of Sabine, warning that anyone who harmed her daughter would face the full force of Clan Wren's wrath. Although Ursa initially desired to lead the strike team to destroy the Duchess, she ultimately relented due to her injuries and allowed Sabine to assume that responsibility. Ursa was also an ally of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze and joined the other Mandalorian clans in recognizing her leadership.

As the matriarch of Clan Wren, Ursa Wren demonstrated exceptional leadership capabilities. She possessed proficiency in operating twin WESTAR-35 blasters and understood the significance of the darksaber. Ursa was a highly skilled marksman, accurately using her blaster to shoot numerous Imperial Super Commandos, including Gar Saxon when he attempted to murder her daughter, Sabine.

The character of Ursa Wren was first mentioned in "The Protector of Concord Dawn," an episode from the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels, which revealed her affiliation with Death Watch. In the behind-the-scenes Rebels Recon video accompanying the episode, Dave Filoni, the series' executive producer, expressed his belief that Ursa was likely among the Death Watch members present in the Mandalorian throne room during the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Shades of Reason," when Maul killed Pre Vizsla. Her name was disclosed in an interview Filoni conducted with Amy Ratcliffe of Nerdist. Ursa Wren made her first on-screen appearance in "Legacy of Mandalore," voiced by Sharmila Devar. For her appearance in "Dangerous Debt" in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars seventh season, she was added to the episode as one of Kryze's lieutenants to create a link between the two series, rather than create a new Nite Owls character, according to Dave Filoni.