"Legacy of Mandalore" marks the sixteenth installment of the Star Wars Rebels animated television program's third season. This episode is the fifty-third in the entire series. It was broadcast on Disney XD on February 18, 2017.
The episode commences with the Phantom II entering the atmosphere of the planet Krownest. Sabine Wren, displaying apprehension, announces their arrival home, which leads Ezra Bridger to question the severity of the situation. Sabine explains that she hasn't returned to Krownest since her departure from the Imperial Academy on Mandalore. Despite Ezra's optimism about potential changes, Sabine emphasizes her family's unyielding nature. Fenn Rau offers a differing view, asserting that Sabine's mother, the leader of Clan Wren, holds true loyalty to Mandalore. He expresses confidence that her mother's allegiance would sway all of Mandalore to follow her and the Darksaber.
Subsequently, Sabine transmits a message in Mando'a to alert her family of their arrival, preventing them from being shot down. An unidentified male voice responds through the intercom, prompting Sabine to inform the crew that the Mandalorians are disrupting their signals. Outside, Chopper signals the approach of a flying formation of Imperial Super Commandos. The Super Commandos launch rockets from their jetpacks, which the Phantom II narrowly avoids. When Ezra inquires if Sabine had informed them of their identities, Sabine suggests that this might be the reason for the attack.
Chopper, positioned in the Phantom II's astromech socket, finds himself surrounded by two Super Commandos. One of the Commandos disables the ship's primary thrusters before departing. The struggling Phantom II descends through a snowy forest, eventually crash-landing on the snow. Following the landing, Rau remarks that recruiting Clan Wren proved more challenging than anticipated. Kanan Jarrus jokingly references Rau's own recruitment difficulties before advising him to remain hidden, as they might need him later.
Sabine, Ezra, and Kanan await outside the Phantom II as several Super Commandos from Clan Wren arrive to confront the intruders. Upon Ezra igniting his green lightsaber, one of the warriors identifies him as a Jedi and initiates fire. Kanan deflects the blaster bolts using his lightsaber, while Sabine employs her shield projector, both actions knocking the warriors to the ground. Sabine reprimands Ezra, who defends himself by stating that they fired first.
The leading Super Commando recognizes Sabine's voice and commands the Mandalorians to cease fire. The warrior and Sabine remove their helmets. Sabine identifies the man as her younger brother, Tristan Wren, who comments on her changed hairstyle. Sabine introduces the Jedi as her friends, and Tristan agrees to escort them to the Wren Stronghold. Tristan cautions Sabine that he cannot guarantee their mother's reception. Chopper observes from his socket as the other Spectres depart with Tristan and the Super Commandos. Chopper then alerts a waiting Fenn Rau.
Sabine and the others proceed through the snow. During the journey, Sabine questions Tristan about his decision to wear the armor of the Imperial Super Commandos. Tristan retorts that she should not have returned. Upon reaching the stronghold, Sabine and the others wait below the stairs as Sabine's mother, Ursa Wren, assesses the visitors. Witnessing Sabine alongside the Jedi rebels, Ursa declares "so it's true then" and orders her warriors to imprison Sabine.
Sabine insists on speaking with her mother and reveals the Darksaber. Ursa expresses astonishment at the sight of the weapon, and Sabine introduces Kanan and Ezra to her mother, the reigning Countess Ursa Wren. After Ezra struggles to find words, Ursa informs her estranged daughter that she is unwelcome. Sabine responds that she has joined the rebellion. Ursa agrees to tolerate the Jedi's presence at their ancestral home if they surrender their weapons. Sabine views the situation as progressing better than expected, but Ezra and Kanan are hesitant to relinquish their lightsabers. Kanan consents to surrender his weapon if it aids their war effort. Sabine assures them that their weapons will be safe.
Inside the Wren stronghold, Ursa tells Sabine that their rebel allies will bring the Empire's wrath upon her family and dismisses the Darksaber as a mere symbol. Sabine argues that the Darksaber historically united Mandalore and urges them to stand together. Ursa interrupts, stating that Sabine's defection has complicated her efforts to prevent other clans from destroying Clan Wren. Sabine counters that she left the Galactic Empire to stop them from using the weapon she built to subjugate her people. Ursa replies that the other clans now view Sabine as a traitor and reveals that Tristan now serves Gar Saxon to prove their loyalty and gain status.
When Sabine objects that Saxon is a killer, Tristan points out that Saxon is the Emperor's Hand. Sabine counters that Saxon's Super Commandos annihilated the Protectors. In response, Ursa reminds her daughter that the Protectors were executed for treason and vows to execute Fenn Rau, their former leader. Sabine argues that the Protectors were loyal to Mandalore and that the other clans betrayed them. Ursa, having heard enough, tells Sabine that she wants to preserve her clan and invites Sabine to walk with her.
After mother and daughter depart, Ezra attempts to converse with Tristan, mentioning that he was unaware Sabine had a brother. Kanan advises Ezra to allow him to handle the negotiations. On the balcony, Sabine questions her mother's decision to align Clan Wren with the Empire after all the Empire's actions. Ursa explains that she attempted to restrain the Empire's behavior but found it futile, as Mandalore was weakened after Saxon's takeover. Saxon offered Clan Wren the choice of siding with him or facing destruction. Ursa also reveals that Sabine's father is essentially a captive on Mandalore.
Sabine then inquires why her mother did not attempt to find her. Ursa responds that she was trying to protect her and adds that returning with the Darksaber has placed her in greater danger. When Ursa asks how Sabine acquired the Darksaber, Sabine replies that she obtained it from Maul without a duel. Ursa believes that Sabine is not the rightful owner because she did not seize it from Maul in combat. When Sabine mentions that Kanan taught her how to use the Darksaber, Ursa criticizes her daughter for her selfishness.
Sabine retorts that her mother prioritizes politics and power over her own family. Ursa counters that she did everything for her family, but Sabine insists it was about control. Ursa tells Sabine she resembles her father, who was a warrior. Ursa believes that Sabine did not turn out as she had hoped, but Sabine responds that she is still her daughter. She then informs her mother that the rebels are planning their first major strike against the Empire to demonstrate their vulnerability.
Ursa questions if the rebels consist of only one Jedi and a child. Sabine adds that the rebels are growing stronger daily and emphasizes her loyalty to Mandalore. She tells her mother that Mandalore needs a strong leader and asks her "to trust her like I trust you." Tristan then arrives to inform their mother that Gar Saxon has summoned her. In private, Tristan asks Sabine how things are progressing. Sabine says that their Mom has not changed. Tristan invites his sister to a sparring session, which she accepts. In the forest, Fenn Rau observes the events unfolding in the Clan Wren stronghold.
In private, Ursa communicates with Governor Gar Saxon via hologram. Fenn Rau uses his helmet's scanner to eavesdrop on the conversation. Ursa informs Saxon that her daughter Sabine has returned home. When Saxon inquires about Sabine's rebel friends, Ursa reveals that she arrived with two Jedi. Saxon expresses satisfaction and orders her to detain them until his arrival. Ursa attempts to vouch for her daughter, but Saxon assures her that Clan Wren will be "well taken care of."
Ursa proceeds to meet with the Jedi, while Fenn Rau infiltrates Ursa's chamber. After subduing a guard, he retrieves Kanan and Ezra's lightsabers. Back in the throne room, Ursa tells the Jedi she knows her daughter better than them and that Sabine is just a child. Kanan responds that Ursa is underestimating the woman that Sabine has become. Ezra then asks why Clan Wren is siding with the Empire. An angry Ursa tells Ezra that he has no idea what he is talking about. Ezra responds that Sabine was telling the truth about the Protectors and she fought Gar Saxon on the Concord Dawn. Ezra adds that Saxon was proud that he had wiped out the Protectors. Ursa is shocked to learn that her daughter fought the Governor. Ezra vouches for Sabine and Ursa says that what she has to do will be unfortunate.
Meanwhile, Tristan and Sabine engage in sparring with metal rods in the sparring room. Sabine compliments her brother for practicing with her. When Sabine asks if he thinks that she is a traitor, Tristan responds no but tells her that her defection caused the other clans to view their family as traitors. Tristan tells Sabine that her decision caused them to lose power in the capital of Sundari as well as their respect. Tristan vows to restore his family's name and to protect their father. Sabine argues that Saxon can't be trusted but Tristan tells her that Ursa has traded the Jedi for their safety.
Sabine rushes back to the throne room only to find her mother on the verge of handing Ezra and Kanan over to Gar Saxon and his Imperial Super Commandos. Sabine protests, but Saxon remarks that her mother is loyal, but not to her. A guard then hands the Darksaber over to Saxon. Sabine starts to protest but Tristan tells her it is for the best. Ursa tells Saxon that she has upheld her side of the bargain and pleads for the Governor to leave with the Jedi and the Darksaber and to let her daughter go.
Saxon mocks Ursa for betraying everything just for her own daughter. However, he adds that Ursa consorted with traitors. When Ursa asks what he is talking about Saxon responds that Clan Wren harbored traitors and that makes them a threat to the Empire. On these words, Saxon's entourage raise their weapons, clearly preparing to massacre the clan. Tristan pleads for his family but Saxon forces him to choose between him or dying with his family. As Sabine looks at Tristan and their mother, Tristan decides to choose his family and points his blaster at Saxon.
Before Saxon can order his Super Commandos to wipe out Clan Wren and the Jedi, Fenn Rau bursts into the throne room and hands Ezra and Kanan back their lightsabers. A gunfight erupts, with Sabine reminding Ezra to target only the "guys in white." Ursa shoots one of Saxon's Commandos with her blasters. Sabine shoots another one of Saxon's men. Amidst the skirmish, Ezra throws Sabine his lightsaber. Saxon tries to attack Ursa with the Darksaber but Sabine intercepts his blow with Ezra's lightsaber.
Saxon vows to destroy Clan Wren and the two Mandalorians ignite their jetpacks and fight. The two blast their way out of the fortress and land in the snow, with Sabine damaging her jetpack. Tristan shoots the last of Saxon's Commandos and calls out to his sister. Sabine and Saxon then spar on the ice with their blades. Sabine ducks Saxon's blows while her family, Rau, and the Jedi watch. Ezra tries to intervene but Ursa tells him that Mandalorian law and custom dictates that no one can intervene in a duel. Kanan then asks her if her rites and culture are more important than her own daughter.
As they continue sparring, Saxon ignites his jetpack and fires at Sabine. Sabine deflects his blows with her shield projector and fires her flamethrower at him. She manages to damage his jetpack, forcing him to land on the ice. Saxon tells her that he is impressed but taunts her that her skills will not save her. Sabine jokes that she was about to say the same thing to him. The two then charge for a final clash as the ice beneath them begins to crack. Sabine manages to knock the Darksaber out of Saxon's hand and holds both Ezra's lightsaber and the Darksaber around his neck.
Sabine tells Saxon to yield but he demands that she execute him per Mandalorian tradition. Sabine rejects his request and says that the Mandalorian way is not her way. Tristan and the others watch in shock. As Sabine walks back to her family, she fails to notice Saxon drawing his blaster and freezes in shock as a shot rings out. However, it was not Saxon who fired and he has enough time to glare at Ursa, who holds a smoking blaster, before crumpling to the ice, dead. Sabine is surprised but her mother responds that no one threatens her family. Fenn Rau adds that Saxon is guilty of treason against the throne, collaboration with the enemy, and the execution of his fellow Protectors. He adds that Saxon's death will cause chaos on Mandalore. Ursa responds that Mandalore needs chaos in order to rebuild and to find a worthy leader.
Later, Chopper arrives with the Phantom II. Ezra jokes that Chopper decided to show up when all the fighting was over. Kanan warns Ursa that the Empire will come after them and offers the rebellion's assistance. Ursa responds that this was the same rebellion that came to her for her people's help. Ursa responds that Mandalore must rise by itself and that her people must protect their own.
Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper are surprised to learn that Sabine will not be coming back with them. Sabine replies that she has had enough of running away. She vows to rescue her father before rejoining the rebellion. Sabine believes that she can do more good here with her family. Kanan tells Sabine that he is going to miss her and the two hug. Sabine thanks both Ezra and Kanan. Sabine, Fenn, and her family watch as the Phantom II departs. Rau tells Sabine that she did well today and that all of Clan Wren saw the woman she had become. Rau thinks that Sabine would make a good Mandalorian leader but Sabine says she does not want that role. Instead, she vows to find Mandalore's true leader.