"Trials of the Darksaber" marks the fifteenth installment of the Star Wars Rebels animated series' third season. As the fifty-second episode in the overall narrative, it was broadcast on Disney XD on January 21, 2017.
The episode commences with A-wing starfighters soaring above Chopper Base on the planet Atollon. The astromech droid known as Chopper is seen maneuvering various supplies past the rebel vessel, the Ghost. A brief exchange occurs between Sabine Wren and Chopper before she proceeds onward. The Mandalorian warrior Fenn Rau then boards the ship via its ramp. Kanan Jarrus has requested this meeting with Rau to present the Darksaber, which Sabine Wren had previously discovered on Dathomir. Rau immediately identifies the Darksaber as the emblem of leadership for House Vizsla, who later became the leaders of the group called Death Watch. Following this, Rau shares the historical significance of the Darksaber.
Legend states that Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to be accepted into the ranks of the Jedi Order, forged it a millennium prior. Upon his death, the Jedi safeguarded the Darksaber within the Temple until members of House Vizsla infiltrated the Temple and retrieved it. Subsequently, they wielded the Darksaber to unite the Mandalorian clans and suppress any opposition. House Vizsla, at one point, governed all of Mandalore while wielding the Darksaber. Rau emphasizes that the blade represents Mandalorian authority. Kanan informs Rau that Sabine entrusted it to him for protection, as she wished to avoid this responsibility. Rau believes it would be beneficial for Sabine to wield the Darksaber to reunite one of Mandalore's most influential houses. When Kanan questions Rau's intention to raise an army, Rau envisions Sabine leading it.
Sabine is in her quarters, admiring her artwork, when Chopper enters to inform her that the other Spectres and Rau have gathered for a discussion in the Ghost's common area. Sabine tells Rau and the Spectres that she refuses to wield the Darksaber, citing the chaos it brought to her and her family after Maul seized it. Rau counters that Maul utilized it to divide and conquer, suggesting she could use it to achieve the opposite. Sabine dismisses Rau's idea as madness, but Kanan urges her to consider Rau's words.
Kanan believes it is no coincidence that the Darksaber has come into her possession. Ezra Bridger expresses his concern that she might lack the necessary skills, given his own struggles with mastering the Force and the lightsaber. While Kanan acknowledges that Sabine may not become a Jedi-like fighter, he believes she can develop proficiency with the Darksaber. Sabine responds that she is adept at using various weapons but doubts her ability to master a lightsaber. Rau reminds her of the blade's importance.
Sabine hesitates to lead her clan due to her estrangement from her family. When Kanan suggests that this could change, Sabine retorts that he is unaware of the situation. Fenn intervenes, stating that he understands the significance of family to the Wrens and all Mandalorians. Sabine argues that the crew of the Ghost are her family and reiterates her rejection of her old family. Hera Syndulla points out that the rebellion needs her family's support to rally the Mandalorians to their cause. Hera acknowledges the potential pain associated with family history but emphasizes the strategic value of enlisting the Mandalorians for their assault on Lothal.
Kanan adds that she has the option to decline or embrace the challenge. After careful thought, Sabine reluctantly agrees to learn how to wield the Darksaber. He advises her that possessing the weapon will lead others to challenge her for it. Sabine says she will try, but Ezra corrects her, stating that there is no try, only doing. Sabine demands the sword to teach Ezra a lesson, but Kanan urges her to remain calm. Kanan reluctantly hands her the Darksaber.
Kanan and Ezra transport Sabine via landspeeder into Atollon's wilderness to avoid distractions at Chopper Base and, according to Ezra, to minimize potential damage. Sabine is hesitant about taking on this duty, and she warns Ezra that she will inflict damage on him if he continues to talk. Two krykna spiders can be seen moving in the distance. Eventually, they arrive at a cave where the rebels establish their camp. Sabine complains about the lack of sword fighting when Kanan initiates the training with sticks. Kanan explains that he wants to assess her technique. When Sabine asserts her fighting skills, Kanan replies that it should be easy for her then.
Ezra observes as Kanan and Sabine spar with sticks. Sabine advances on the blind Kanan, but the Jedi Knight uses the Force to perceive her movements and strikes her with his stick, causing her to fall. Kanan remarks that this approach might work against a stormtrooper but not against him. Sabine attacks Kanan again, but he defeats her and taps her neck with the stick. He warns her that each mistake could cost her a limb and advises her not to let her blade rest. Unimpressed by Sabine's melee combat skills, he instructs her to practice with Ezra despite her objections.
Ezra instructs her on the fundamental lightsaber fighting techniques using the sticks while Kanan observes. A few days later, Kanan receives a communication from Hera via comlink. He informs her that Ezra is teaching Sabine the basics of stick fighting. When Kanan tells Hera he is being cautious with Sabine, Hera reminds him that he did not make Ezra fight with a stick. Kanan reiterates that he is proceeding carefully. Hera argues that Kanan is underestimating Sabine's abilities because she cannot use the Force. Kanan clarifies that the Force is present in everything but that Sabine has not opened herself to it. He suggests that her mind is expressive but tightly wound, like a true Mandalorian. When Hera says she is sending supplies, Kanan replies that the only provisions they need are patience and understanding.
With Kanan watching, Sabine and Ezra continue to spar with their sticks. Kanan tells Sabine that her technique is ineffective. Ezra encourages her, saying she is doing well. Shortly after, Fenn Rau arrives on a speeder bike carrying supplies from Chopper Base. Ezra evades Sabine's attack with his stick and manages to knock her down. Rau observes that Sabine over-committed, but a frustrated Sabine is unwilling to listen to any advice. Kanan tells Sabine to take a break and instructs Ezra to retrieve the supplies.
Rau presents Sabine with a box that he partially recommended. Sabine discovers that Fenn has brought two Mandalorian vambraces. Sabine is surprised that Rau acquired these weapons. He explains that the vambraces are equipped with a grappling line, paralyzing darts, and a repulsor, all designed to counter Jedi abilities. He jokingly suggests that Sabine use them to humble Ezra.
Sabine and Ezra resume their training. When Ezra asks what she has, Sabine replies that she has more than he can handle. Ezra jokes about not holding back this time. The two spar with sticks, and Sabine uses her repulsor to disorient Ezra. After some back and forth, Sabine knocks Ezra down and points her stick at him. Ezra complains that the vambraces give her an unfair advantage and asks where she got them. Sabine replies "special delivery" as Rau chuckles in the background.
When Kanan asks Sabine if she is playing a game, she replies she is just outsmarting her opponent. Sabine then uses her grappling line to ensnare Kanan. Despite his blindness, Kanan uses his lightsaber to break free and knock Sabine down. Kanan gives Sabine a history lesson, reminding her that the Jedi won the war and that such tricks will not ensure her survival. He warns her that only training and discipline will keep her alive. An exasperated Sabine remarks that Ezra must be exceptionally gifted to learn from a "lousy" teacher like Kanan. She drops the stick and retreats into the cave to be alone.
While Sabine is reflecting, Ezra visits her to encourage her to persevere. He explains that Kanan may not be the easiest teacher but has good intentions. Sabine replies that she knows how to fight and reiterates her belief that she can learn to use that sword but does not want everything that comes with it. When Ezra asks her about her family, Sabine says that her family regards her as a traitor and disgrace. Ezra says that is not true but Sabine replies that he does not know her. Unable to reconcile with her family issues, Sabine believes she is unfit to lead her people. Ezra apologizes but tells her at least she has parents to return to unlike him. Sabine realizes that Ezra is right and starts to walk away. The Bendu then emerges as the rock where Ezra and Sabine had been talking as he looks at her with pondering look.
Back at the rebel camp, Hera reassures Kanan that teaching Ezra was not easy but that he did it well. Hera tells Kanan that he will find a away to get to Sabine. Kanan explains that Ezra was much more eager to learn. Hera then points out that he is still not allowing Sabine to train with the Darksaber. Kanan responds that Sabine still has not found balance within herself and that it would be too dangerous to let her wield an actual lightsaber.
Hera argues that limiting Sabine to sticks will hinder her commitment. Kanan fears that Sabine will be hurt, but Hera points out that she has already suffered far worse due to her family. Hera tells him that she knows what it is like for people who love you not to believe in you. She urges Kanan to give Sabine the Darksaber so that she can claim ownership and confront her demons. Kanan is reluctant, but Hera reminds him that it is not about him. Later that night, Ezra and Rau are sitting by the campfire. When Ezra asks when Sabine will return, Rau advises patience. Ezra says that Kanan is making Sabine learn everything at once and opines that she needs more time. Rau replies that time is a luxury that the galaxy seems to be running out of.
Sabine soon comes back to the camp and walks towards Kanan. Kanan admits that he owes her an apology and she admits the same. He gives her the Darksaber and tells her to take it because it is hers. Sabine ignites the blade and finds it surprisingly heavier than she thought it would be. Kanan explains that energy constantly flows through the crystal, generating its weight, and tells her that her thoughts and actions guide the blade's power. He adds that her thoughts flow through the crystal and become part of the blade. Kanan ignites his lightsaber and explains that the blades will be drawn to each other before telling her to block high.
As the blades intersect, they generate a reaction. Kanan tells that she is clinging to a heavy thought. As the two parry, Kanan tells Sabine to block low, hard, and the middle repetitively. The two continue training and Kanan reminds her to remember the forms that Ezra had taught her. Kanan and Sabine parry with blades and increase their tempo. Kanan manages to knock Sabine to the ground and tells her not to make it easy. The two continue parrying and Sabine is gradually able to strengthen her connection to the blade.
Kanan cautions her not to rely solely on the Darksaber and to use all her skills together. Kanan manages to disarm Sabine of the blade but she uses her grappling line to retrieve it. The two continue parrying and Kanan manages to knock her to the ground. Ezra tries to intervene but Rau holds him back. Kanan tells Sabine she is not fighting him but herself and that she has to lose herself. While training, Kanan goads Sabine about quitting and running from her people and family. As the two cross their blades, Sabine tells Kanan that she left to save everyone including her mother, her father, and her brother.
Sabine reiterates that she did everything she did for her family. Sabine tells Kanan that she helped the Empire to build weapons but that the Empire then used them on her friends and family. Sabine condemns herself for her role in helping the Empire to enslave her people as she continues to parry with Kanan. She explains that she spoke out to save everyone and manages to knock Kanan to the ground. When Sabine spoke out, her family did not stand with her but sided with the Empire. Sabine reveals that her family left her with no choice. The Empire wanted to destroy worlds and they have destroyed hers. Sabine then breaks down weeping.
A sympathetic Kanan tells her that the Empire rules through fear and that her family are living in a prison of their own making. He tells her she can free them. When Sabine asks why they would want to follow her, Fenn Rau and Ezra pledge to stand by her. Kanan reiterates that "this family" will follow her whatever she chooses.