Through Imperial Eyes

"Through Imperial Eyes" marks the seventeenth installment in the Star Wars Rebels animated television series' third season. As the series' fifty-fourth episode, it originally broadcast on Disney XD on February 25, 2017, followed by a Disney Channel airing on March 18, 2017.

Official Description

Ezra Bridger endeavors to extract Kallus and bring him to the Rebel base, amidst Thrawn's escalating efforts to locate the Rebel spy.

Plot Summary

The Stolen Shuttle

Agent Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau is startled awake in his private quarters by an alarm. Upon opening his quarters' entrance, Kallus observes stormtroopers rushing through the corridor. One of these stormtroopers halts to inform him of preparations for battle stations. He shuts the entrance, proceeds to his wash basin, activates the water flow, and gazes at his mirrored image. Soon after, Kallus makes his way onto the bridge of an Arquitens-class command cruiser in orbit above the planet Lothal.

Kallus inquires of Lieutenant Yogar Lyste whether they are under attack, but Lyste clarifies that they are poised to intercept a shuttle that has forcibly departed from the Lothal spaceport. Lieutenant Lyste commands the bridge personnel to ready the ship's tractor beam projector. The shuttle is revealed to be a Star Commuter 2000. TIE fighters inflict damage upon the shuttle's starboard stabilizer fin. Following the tractor beam's capture of the shuttle, Kallus declares his intention to lead the boarding party and sets off to address the matter.

In the landing bay, Kallus encounters the stormtrooper boarding contingent as they forcefully extract a helmeted bounty hunter, who, upon helmet removal, is identified as the rebel Ezra Bridger. Ezra displays defiance towards his captors, and upon noticing Kallus observing him, he shouts, "What're you looking at, Imperial scum?" Kallus directs his subordinates to escort Ezra to the detention block. Another stormtrooper guides two droids from the shuttle, identified as the disguised rebel astromech droid Chopper and the former Imperial RA-7 protocol droid AP-5, who asserts that the two droids were present during the shuttle's theft. A stormtrooper instructs them to await processing, to which AP-5 responds with affirmation, while gesturing towards a beeping Chopper.

An Unforeseen Reunion

Kallus escorts Ezra, accompanied by stormtroopers, towards the detention block. Subsequent to the stormtroopers confining Ezra within a cell, Kallus dismisses them, stating his intent to interrogate the prisoner in isolation. He employs his code cylinder to disable the cell's security cameras and admonishes Ezra for his capture, thereby jeopardizing their operation, to which Ezra retorts that most stormtroopers no longer recognize him. Kallus expresses hope that this is accurate, as he would face execution for treason should his collaboration with the rebels be exposed. Ezra informs Kallus that the rebels suspect the Empire monitored his most recent Fulcrum transmission. Kallus is taken aback by Ezra's capture solely to warn him, to which the youth responds that he arrived to facilitate his extraction. Kallus expresses displeasure at his predicament.

The pair agrees to a mutual trust, coinciding with Lieutenant Lyste's command for the guards to immediately unlock the cell. Ezra simulates being tortured by Kallus, claiming he will divulge any information. Lieutenant Lyste expresses admiration for Kallus's swift extraction of a confession from Ezra but informs him that the interrogation must be postponed due to the arrival of Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet. Lyste informs Kallus that Thrawn has requested their presence aboard his vessel and instructs the guards to bring the prisoner along. When Kallus questions the rationale, Lyste states that Thrawn wishes to observe his effectiveness in addressing the rebel threat.

Kallus maintains that the prisoner is merely a bounty hunter, to which Lyste counters that "He's from Lothal. That's enough." Ezra's helmet remains in the cell. As Kallus, Lyste, and Ezra proceed towards the cruiser's landing bay, they encounter AP-5 and Chopper. Upon Lyste's inquiry into their presence, AP-5 asserts that his counterpart possesses a recording of the shuttle theft, which Imperial protocol mandates they provide as testimony against the shuttle thief. Lyste permits the droids to accompany them.

Lieutenant Lyste, Agent Kallus, Ezra, and the droids travel aboard a Sentinel-class landing craft to Thrawn's flagship, the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. During the transit, Lyste recounts that he has not been summoned to a meeting with high-ranking officers since the incident involving the Princess from Alderaan, which he recalls as unpleasant. Lyste expresses hope for a more favorable impression this time, and Kallus assures him that he will.

Infiltration of the Chimaera

The flight controller instructs Shuttle TYA77 to transmit their clearance codes to the Chimaera, granting them docking permission in the Star Destroyer's hangar. Upon the shuttle's landing, Lyste informs Thrawn's orange-pauldroned stormtroopers that he has delivered a prisoner for the Grand Admiral. The Stormtroopers escort Ezra to Detention Block B7. AP-5 informs Chopper of the necessity to update their status to the retrieval team. Chopper responds with beeps.

Concurrently, the retrieval team, Kanan Jarrus and Rex, pilot a stolen shuttle through hyperspace when Chopper informs them that they are aboard Grand Admiral Thrawn's Star Destroyer. Upon Rex's inquiry into their purpose there, Kanan translates that Chopper is communicating that the Imperials transferred Ezra there following his capture. Rex expresses alarm, as they only obtained clearance codes for the light cruiser, not the Chimaera. Kanan instructs Chopper to acquire the correct clearance codes, to which he responds affirmatively with beeps.

Returning to the Chimaera, AP-5 informs Chopper that he cannot download the clearance codes from a standard terminal and that they must locate an officer's port. Meanwhile, Kallus and Lieutenant Lyste pass several Imperial officers, Captain Brunson, Commander Brom Titus, and Captain Slavin, en route to Thrawn's office. All maintain their hands behind their backs and are escorted by stormtroopers. Lyste recognizes the individuals as Sector Command personnel and inquires, "What are they doing here?" Kallus, suspecting Ezra's accuracy, replies that he can only speculate.

The two approach Grand Admiral Thrawn's office, and the stormtrooper on guard demands the submission of their code cylinders for verification. Lyste protests, citing his rank as lieutenant and therefore an officer. Undeterred, the sentry reiterates his demand, and Kallus explains Thrawn's reputation for thoroughness as he surrenders his code cylinder. Reluctantly, Lyste complies, and the sentry permits their entry into Thrawn's office after verifying the cylinders.

Thrawn and a Familiar Face

Within Thrawn's office, the two Imperial officers observe Thrawn sparring with two DT-series sentry droids. Upon noticing their presence, Thrawn issues the override code "Rukh," causing the two droids to enter hibernation mode. Admiral Kassius Konstantine informs Lyste and Kallus that "he" awaits them, before introducing the two visitors to the Head of the ISB, Colonel Wullf Yularen, Kallus's former instructor. Yularen expresses pleasure at seeing his former star pupil, whom he monitors. When Kallus inquires about his presence on Lothal, Thrawn enters and replies that his expertise is required: there is a Rebel spy in their ranks, codenamed "Fulcrum." Thrawn vows to uncover their true identity today. Kallus nods slowly in response, realizing Ezra's accuracy.

Upon returning to his desk, Thrawn elaborates to the trio that Fulcrum is a traitor within the Imperial ranks who provides information to the local Rebels, attributing recent Imperial failures and Rebel successes to this mole. Seizing the opportunity to prove himself, Lieutenant Lyste vows to exert every effort to locate this spy. Thrawn acknowledges Lyste's enthusiasm but cautions that no one is above suspicion and that Colonel Yularen will interrogate each of them.

Colonel Yularen instructs them to remain vigilant, closely observing their subordinates and even more closely their peers. Thrawn insists that their search must be expedited, as he is on the verge of locating the rebel base in the sector. When Konstantine inquires how Thrawn narrowed his search to 94 systems from thousands, Thrawn explains that he has calculated the possible locations of the rebel base based on their proximity to attacks on Imperial ships and facilities, and most importantly their proximity to Lothal. Thrawn then dismisses Kallus, Lyste, Konstantine, and Yularen.

As they depart, Colonel Yularen halts Kallus and asks his opinion on the traitor's identity, based on his multiple encounters with the Rebels. Kallus asserts that Fulcrum is undoubtedly an officer, given the high-level intelligence leak. When Yularen inquires about the spy's proficiency in transmitting to the Rebel Network without the Empire's knowledge, Kallus suggests that the traitor is within the Communications Division. However, Yularen deems this too obvious and speculates that the spy possesses a transmission system unknown to them. Kallus offers his assistance, and Yularen responds, "I'll let you know." Kallus departs, and Yularen reenters Thrawn's office.

Aiding the Enemy

After exiting Thrawn's office, Lieutenant Lyste informs Kallus that no traitor escapes Yularen's scrutiny for long. Kallus responds that they shall see. The two are then joined by Governor Arihnda Pryce, who questions Kallus about the shuttle theft. He attributes the credit to Lyste, and Pryce informs Lyste that he deserves commendation before departing. In private, Kallus disseminates disinformation by informing Lyste that the Imperial Security Bureau is monitoring her, leading Lyste to believe Governor Pryce is Fulcrum. While conversing with Lyste, Kallus exchanges Lyste's code cylinder for his own. Kallus then instructs the ambitious Lieutenant to monitor Pryce. After Lyste departs, Kallus smirks and proceeds to retrieve Ezra.

Meanwhile, Governor Pryce meets with Thrawn and Yularen. Upon inquiring about their progress, Thrawn informs her that he is certain the spy was present during their interviews and that they must now await their reaction, anticipating they will warn the Rebels about the potential discovery of their base. Yularen reports that a coded Rebel message was transmitted from the Chimaera after an offship prisoner was transported to Detention Block B7. Thrawn resolves to visit the prisoner personally.

Within the detention block, Kallus discovers AP-5 and Chopper arguing about whether to acquire the codes before releasing Bridger. Kallus disables the surveillance using Lyste's code cylinder and resolves the issue by leading them to Ezra's cell. Upon entering the cell and finding it seemingly empty, Kallus exasperatedly instructs Ezra to cease hiding on the ceiling, with the boy responding that it has proven effective previously. When Ezra insists on departing, AP-5 reports that they cannot leave the Chimaera without the appropriate clearance codes. Kallus frees Ezra and informs him that Thrawn is close to locating the Rebel base.

Kallus seeks the location of the Rebels' base to delete it from Thrawn's star chart. Distrustful of Kallus, Ezra insists on keeping it confidential. Kallus counters that doing so would enable Thrawn to locate their base and reiterates his ability to remove the planet from Thrawn's list. AP-5 interjects, suggesting that they can achieve both objectives – acquiring the clearance codes and altering Thrawn's database – by accessing Thrawn's office. Ezra concurs but notes that they are uncertain whether Thrawn will be present.

Kallus contacts Lieutenant Lyste, who reports that Pryce is en route to the detention block with Thrawn and Yularen. Kallus instructs Lyste to monitor Pryce and remain concealed. Kallus, Ezra, and the droids depart to procure an Imperial uniform for Ezra. When Thrawn enters the detention block with Pryce and Yularen, he discovers that the surveillance system has been deactivated, and Pryce notes that the guards are absent. Upon discovering the prisoner's disappearance, Yularen informs Thrawn and Pryce that the code records indicate that Lieutenant Lyste was the last individual to enter the detention block. This leads the trio to conclude that the shuttle thief is a Rebel and that Fulcrum freed him.

Breaching Thrawn's Office

Outside Thrawn's office, Ezra remarks that he preferred the bounty hunter attire, and Kallus responds that sacrifices are necessary. Ezra instructs AP-5 to await any sign of Thrawn in the corridor, which he sighs is a thankless task. Kallus prompts Ezra to employ a Jedi mind trick to convince the stormtrooper on guard that he is Lieutenant Lyste and that Admiral Thrawn anticipated their arrival. Ezra hands the guard Lyste's code cylinder, and the guard verifies it, permitting Ezra, Kallus, and Chopper to enter the office.

Upon seeing Hera's Kalikori on display, Ezra attempts to retrieve it, but Kallus cautions that their purpose is not art theft. Ezra counters that Chopper has already stolen the codes and instructs Chopper to transmit the clearance codes to Kanan and Rex. When Kallus states that the Empire will track the transmission, Ezra responds that all the Imperials will discern is that a rebel transmission originated from Thrawn's office. Kallus accepts Ezra's explanation. Chopper then transmits the codes to Kanan and Rex. Rex instructs the team to rendezvous with them in the Chimaera's hangar.

Examining Thrawn's star chart, they discover that Thrawn is close to locating Atollon, the site of the rebel base. Kallus instructs Chopper to erase Atollon and add another planet as a decoy. AP-5 then contacts Kallus to warn him of Thrawn's approach, and Ezra orders the protocol droid to stall the Grand Admiral. In response, AP-5 notes that it is too late, as Thrawn is already at the door. Kallus tells Ezra he'll handle it and exits the office. The stormtrooper sentry informs Thrawn that "Lieutenant Lyste" is inside. Believing Lyste to be the traitor, Thrawn instructs the sentry to ready his weapon and follow him and enters his office with his armed guards. Ezra orders Chopper to shut off the holomap and turns to inform Kallus of their need to depart, only to wonder about his whereabouts. They conceal themselves behind a piece of graffitied retaining wall on display just before Thrawn enters with his guards. While Thrawn examines his map, Kallus sneaks into Thrawn's gym and tampers with his droids.

After he switches the map off, the stormtroopers ask Thrawn if everything is all right. Thrawn replies in the affirmative, just as his training sentry droids enter, attacking and overpowering both guards. He issues the override code, but this has no effect on the droids. Thrawn is then forced to fight the droids, and catches sight of "Lyste" fleeing the room. Ezra compliments Kallus on his plan to set assassin droids on Thrawn, and they flee with AP-5 and Chopper in tow. Back in his office, Thrawn manages to shoot the droids with one of the stormtroopers' blasters. Thrawn then contacts Colonel Yularen via comlink and tells him to listen carefully.

Assisting the Rebels' Escape

Meanwhile, Rex and Kanan exit hyperspace above Lothal to discover Thrawn's Seventh Fleet orbiting the planet. When Kanan asks Rex to fill him in, Rex says there are a lot of ships. Kanan asks how many, and Rex tells him not to worry about it and to transmit the codes. A communications officer reports that Shuttle TY992 is cleared to land, and Colonel Yularen orders his men to contact Governor Pryce. A disguised Kanan and Rex land in the Chimaera's hangar bay, and Rex jokes about having lost weight.

Ezra, Kallus, and the droids reach the hangar only to find Governor Pryce greeting the disguised Kanan and Rex. Pryce orders them to remove their helmets because she is arresting them, having determined that the "stormtroopers" are disguised rebels. Kanan tries to mind trick Pryce, and she orders one of Thrawn's stormtroopers to stun him. Rex fires at the trooper and then fights Pryce in hand-to-hand combat. Lyste sees the fight and, thinking that Pryce is fighting real stormtroopers, concludes that she is the traitor.

Chopper seals the doors just before stormtrooper reinforcements arrive. Ezra and the droids run for the shuttle, but Kallus heads to the side of the hangar. Yularen, arriving, watches the fight from above. Pryce manages to get hold of a blaster, just as Kanan recovers. Before she can shoot Rex, Lyste stuns Pryce, stating that he's got the Rebel spy. Upon seeing this, Yularen is surprised, and he leaves his vantage point. Lyste turns to the "troopers" and "officer" and asks "Trooper, are you all right?", only to discover that the officer is the shuttle thief Ezra, who tells Lyste, "Bad choice." Kallus then tackles him to the ground and switches their code cylinders back. When Ezra reminds Kallus that they need to go, Kallus tells him that there has been a change of plans now that he has captured "Fulcrum", to which Ezra realizes that he's going to frame Lyste for being Fulcrum and that he planned to do this all along. Seeing this, Kallus explains that he believes that he can do more good for the Rebellion by remaining undercover.

The rebels flee on their shuttle just as Colonel Yularen and his stormtrooper reinforcements blast their way into the hangar. Kallus grabs Lyste and denounces him as the rebel spy and orders the Stormtroopers to seize Lyste. Yularen orders the stormtroopers to take Lyste away. Lyste protests his innocence and claims that Pryce is the Rebel spy, asking Kallus to vouch for him. Kallus remains impassive, as he intended to do this all along.

Thrawn's Post-Action Review

In Thrawn's office, Yularen informs the others that Lyste's code cylinder confirms his suspicion that Lyste was the rebel spy who used it to override security, release the prisoner, and contact the enemy. Pryce, rubbing her shoulder, adds that she has her own proof of Lyste's alleged treachery and thanks Agent Kallus for saving her life. Konstantine also congratulates the ISB agent. Kallus apologizes for failing to stop an assassination attempt on the Grand Admiral. Thrawn tells Kallus that no apology is needed because the attempt did not succeed, and that the Empire will make a note of his achievements. Thrawn then dismisses Agent Kallus, Governor Pryce, and Admiral Konstantine.

In private, Yularen remarks that things fell into place a little too perfectly for his liking. He also tells Thrawn that Lieutenant Lyste is too naïve and inexperienced to be capable of the treason he's been accused of. Thrawn agrees just as a stormtrooper brings in Ezra's helmet. When Thrawn asks Yularen to comment on the design, Yularen remarks that it is some kind of beast. Thrawn replies that it is a stylized expression of a loth-cat, a native creature of Lothal. Thrawn identifies the helmet as the work of the rebel Sabine Wren and surmises that Ezra Bridger is the owner of the helmet.

When Yularen asks why Kallus did not tell them that Ezra was the shuttle thief, Thrawn deduces that Kallus is the real Fulcrum and angrily explains to Yularen that Kallus used Lyste's code cylinder to implicate the Lieutenant, and that he also used the young Jedi's power to access his office and reprogram his droids. Thrawn adds that it was done very skillfully. A shocked Yularen laments that he never would have guessed that one of his best pupils would be capable of this betrayal. Thrawn tells Yularen that is why he and many others have been deceived, and opines that Kallus will be more useful to the Empire as Fulcrum than he ever was before.


During the conversation between Kallus and Ezra in the cell, Kallus removes Ezra's restraints, and the scene lingers on a shot of the discarded cuffs. Nevertheless, Ezra is visibly wearing restraints during the journey to the Chimaera's detention block, where Kallus once again removes them. There are no intervening scenes depicting him being re-cuffed.

Behind the Scenes

The deactivation code used by Thrawn for the sparring droids is "Ruhk". Within the Legends continuity, Ruhk was a Noghri Death Commando serving as the personal bodyguard and assassin for Thrawn. A version of the character was subsequently introduced in the fourth season of Rebels, featuring a significantly different character arc. Timothy Zahn, the original creator of the character, was not consulted regarding the animated character's development. However, in an interview with the French YouTube channel La Tribune de Coruscant on May 5, 2023, Zahn suggested the possibility that the Rukh depicted in his books may differ from the one in Rebels, raising the possibility of Rukh being a common name or title.


