The Noghri Death Commandos were a group of Noghri commando warriors who functioned as personal protectors for Leia Organa Solo and her family within both the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. They served as bodyguards.
Initially, they were established as special forces within the Imperial Army, made available to high-ranking figures in the Galactic Empire, such as Supreme Commander Darth Vader or Grand Admiral Thrawn. Their primary duties involved capturing or eliminating personnel from the Rebel Alliance, or rescuing Imperial officials who had been imprisoned.

The Noghri Death Commandos initially served under the command of the Imperial Military's Supreme Commander, Darth Vader, whom they revered as the one who saved their people. Their association with the apprentice of Palpatine quickly gave them a reputation as the Emperor's own Death Commandos.
Lord Vader also provided a unit of Noghri Death Commandos to Inquisitor Valin Draco as a gesture of gratitude for his assistance in interrogating Halagad Ventor. Draco's Noghri were subsequently killed by agents of the Alderaanian Resistance during a mission to the Almas Academy.
Following Thrawn's support of Darth Vader against Xizor's criminal organization, the Black Sun, the Dark Lord of the Sith rewarded the Grand Admiral by transferring command of the Noghri Death Commandos to him.
After Vader's demise, the Noghri Death Commandos, along with the rest of the Noghri population, continued their service to the Empire, specifically under Thrawn's command. When the Grand Admiral marked Leia Organa Solo for assassination, the Noghri Death Commandos participated in numerous attempts to end her life. However, when the Princess exposed the Empire's deceit, the enraged Noghri turned against their former superiors. Instead of trying to kill Leia, they became her dedicated protectors, remaining constantly by her side. Many of them perished while defending her and her family throughout the eras of the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
During their service, they utilized standard equipment such as the E-11 blaster rifle and the T-21 light repeating blaster, as well as slugthrower weaponry. Some also employed vibroblades, spray sticks, and knives to carry out their tasks. Rumors suggested that they used Nightstinger sporting blaster rifles during their time working with the Empire.